
So she says you're "blasphemous and disgusting" and has this holier than thou attitude about god and religion, but sent you a DVD about gay men? Freak.

I picked up on that too... I was going to say shes obviously a religious nut - then realised about the gay relationship. Shes still a nutter tho

She's a sodding hypocrite. Religious nut when it suits her, it seems.
I'm a Christian and have no issues whatsoever with homosexuality, however by the way that woman was preaching I'm surprised she sent over a DVD like that.

Sounds like she has some serious issues. Like you say sparks, to send that after 4 months of no contact.

Someone who is as spiteful and twisted as that actually gives Christians a bad name IMO.
Thats awful! how someone can write things like that, OK people are entitled to their own opinion but there is such a thing as keeping your mouth shut which she seems unable to do.
I would send her one last email saying that you do not wish to hear from her again, and that you have more caring and understanding people that you can talk to, without being jugded.
Fair enough if you are religious but not to beat it down on every one else.

She sounds like a lonely lady.... wonder why!
wish to hear from her again, and that you have more caring and understanding people that you can talk to, without being jugded.

...and add that you expected more understanding and compassion from someone who calls themselves a Christian.

Then block her ass!
Thats awful! how someone can write things like that, OK people are entitled to their own opinion but there is such a thing as keeping your mouth shut which she seems unable to do.
I would send her one last email saying that you do not wish to hear from her again, and that you have more caring and understanding people that you can talk to, without being jugded.
Fair enough if you are religious but not to beat it down on every one else.

She sounds like a lonely lady.... wonder why!

Tis like, if you cannot say anything nice why say it at all? She had held her silence since the end of August so why break it now? Ra. I am beginning to see the funny side, now. It really fucking hurt me at first because how dare she tell me I am not meant to have children? But, what she really is is a strange fifty four year old woman who has six cats, a very downtrodden husband and a need to preach. She also stalks minor celebrities which should have set off alarm bells really, shouldn't it?

I just attract weirdos for online friends, it seems.

I sent her one back telling her that I do not need her and I do not need her preaching and to never, ever email me again. And then I put her email address on my blocked list. Ha.

PS thanks for listening to me ranting. Sorry. Just had to get it all out, arrrghhhh.
:rofl: :rofl: @ 'dawsons creek boy' :rofl: I rather like him :blush: but may be that's for his looks rather than acting skills?!?!
Hehehe very true ... we are on episode 8 and its getting better.

Totally agree about the Dexter books ... Odd how the TV series is better ... heyho 1st for everything!

Re .. mad batty women .. sounds like you did the best thing, just cut her out and remember not all online peeps are weirdos!!! Well most of us aren't:rofl:
Wow...I am sorry you got that e-mail. You did not deserve that, and it sounds like she has some issues. The things she said are unforgivable, and completely cross the line. It sounded like she was going for blood in that e-mail. She needs some serious psychiatric attention. I actually feel sorry for her. May she rot in hell.
:hug: Seriously, that woman has lost the plot. She needs a visit from the men in white coats. xxx
OMG...I am seeing red at the things she said to you :x

She has no fucking idea what its like.

I will NOT tolerate people telling me that this is Gods will/plan because frankly if it is, God (if there is such a thing) can get fucked. I had kept faith through many bad chapters in my life...but having gone through this I have lost all faith...

She has shown her true colours and you're better off without having someone that poisonous in your life.
Gawd youre SO much better without her hun:hugs:

Im so sorry you had to deal with reading such horrifically cruel, spiteful, ignorant and nasty comments. She is obviously either an incredibly messed up or unhappy person...or both

Do not take a single thing to heart, what a nutter

God some people are so beyond belief!

FJL that is one thing that I take issue with as well. "It is God's will that you are not pregnant." "You are not MEANT to have a child."

I'm not? Well, if I'm not meant to have a child then why is my body capable of getting pregnant? Surely if I was not MEANT to have a child I'd have been born with no ovaries.

I honestly have no idea what gave her the thought that saying these things was a good idea. Her ONLY motive could have been to make me feel shit and when she knows I am already stuck in some kind of depressive funk then it was hardly the actions of a Child of God, was it?
Thats right CS. And what I say to those that dare tell me that goes something along the lines of:

"what kind of sick and twisted God doesn't want me to have a baby when I would love, nurture and care for my baby in every single way...our baby would want for nothing...BUT he DOES will for crack whores, druggos, and unloving, selfish people to have children? Some babies that are subjected to violence, physical and sexual abuse and drug addiction...???"

So far, no one has ever given me an answer to that response!
You know what her answer to that is, along with her answer to why my ten year old brother, along with his friend, was killed by a man with no insurance and no driving license?

"God gave us free will. He cannot be blamed for what we choose to do with the life he gives us."
That's so upsetting :(

It really grinds my gut when people give their two cents about stuff they have no clue about. And until that self-righteous religious nut job walks even an inch in your shoes, she should keep her opinions to herself and thank her 'god' with whatever sad sheltered existense he's given her.

Always makes me laugh(or vomit) when people like her have to justify their words with approval from 'god' because of their own sick spiteful minds. There's one thing having faith and using it to better yourself. But it's another whenever it's used as an excuse to hurt other people.

Boggles my mind.

Hope you feel a little better today chica x
Feel a bit better because she IS a nut job and she ISNT worthy of my time. It just saddens me that a so-called friend can be such a freak.
just to chip in and reiterate what everyone else has said! That must have been an awful thing for you to have to read from someone you once trusted. She sounds like an absolute freak .... people who use 'god' in that way have absolutely no idea what it should represent. i'm not christian myself but have a strong belief in divine, compassion, universal love, which is represented in the Christian God, which she clearly missed the point of totally! Anyway, you have done the right thing to cut her off, i'm sorry you had to have that experience! very best of luck with your ivf - may it be a complete success and bring you every happiness :):baby:
See that just doesn't make sense - that silly cow completely contradicts herself.

"Its gods will but at the same time we have free will??" Its one or the bloody other!!!

Stupid bitch, i'd love to have it out with her.
hun she is not friend she sounds like a raving nut job cut her out of ur life what a complete Bitch

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