I'm still BFing Charlie & he has 3 teeth now. When he got his first 2 teeth at the bottom (more or less at the same time) he bit me a few times. He did hurt me but I think it was more shock than anything.
I screamed out so loud the first time it scared the shit out of him, me & OH. I was so upset, I passed him to my OH to inspect my nipple.
Everytime he bit me after that I screamed out & immediately passed him to OH or put him down. He soon realised that when he bites he comes off the boob & goes to dad.
He got his top tooth through 2 weeks ago & I was dreading him biting with top & bottom teeth! He has bitten me tonight for the first time in 10 weeks. Wasn't as bad as I imagined. I think he was just pushing his luck. Plus he's not well too.. I went back to the routine of scream, off the boob & given to dad.
I'm not going to lie that yes he has hurt me but it wasn't extremely painful & it wouldn't put me off feeding him or any other babies to come.
Happy BFing