On 5th round of Clomid-CD 5-anyone want to be my buddy?


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2012
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Hi ladies! I'm new to posting, I usually just read others stories but I've been a little down and thought maybe a buddy would be good to cheer me on:happydance:

Anyone in a similar cycle? Ive been TTC for about 1 1/2 years. Nothing yet but drs say nothing looks wrong ...
Hello there. I too am also a silent follower, but feeling anxious and down today for some reason. I have a blocked right tube and on first round of clomid (finished on Monday). Im feeling anxious and scared. TTC for over a year now. What has your doctor said?? Any certain diagnosis or just all around that everything is fine. Looking forward to chatting and "venting" with you. xo C.L
Hey CL! Now that you're done with the clomid here comes the fun part! For us, I've had blood tests and ultrasounds but nothing came up a problem... I had slightly low thyroid so I'm on meds for that now. I worry that the problem is my hubby-I love him to death but he's off and on in the bedroom. He had 2 sperm tests, the first was really low but the 2nd was normal. He also seems to get stressed about doing every day or every other (I would be happy to have it every day! Haha). He's on cialis now to try and see if that helps. How did you find out about the blocked tube? Was that a different procedure? I think there is more testing that should be done but my Dr is going slow since I'm only 29 ....
Hey there! If it helps my sister had a thyroid problem. She has an amazing three year old that was conceived her first month of trying. With that being said, are you frustrated with your dr?? We had a dr who was less than easy to work with. I did my research and found someone through the Internet who I immediately knew was right. Met with her. Two days later had my HsG and hubby tested same day. Noticed blocked tube and put me on clomid when we didn't conceive naturally that month. I encourage you to find a proactive dr if you can! AND if it helps, it's rough on my DH too. I have to remeber he has feelings too and make it less about a baby and more about the experience (which is sooo hard). So glad to chat. How have you felt during clomid? Any major side effects?? I know it's frustrating. Here for you "friend" :) I'm 29 as well. Let's keep in touch. Sending you lots of positive thoughts and baby dust!! C.l
I've gotten a little more used to the clomid, but definitely had side effects! I've been much more weepy and a lot more cramping when I did get my period. The pills also moved my cycle back like 2 days, I used to ovulate on CD 11 but now it's on CD 13 usually which is better :) I also had some blurry vision and a lot of discharge the first couple months, but now not do much.

What about you? Any side effects with your first month?

As far as my dr, she came highly recommended but yea, I am a bit frustrated with how she likes to try everything for 3-6 months before going to the next step. Hopefully it happens this month but if not I will be going back and if she's not moving towards IUI I will be out of there and to a new doctor!
My major side effects were hot flashes. They have since ceased but they were TERRIBLE. Other than that, nothing awful. How did the weekend go? I still have not gotten a positive on my OPK kits. We were unable to BD friday and saturday (two crucial days) due to my work schedule. Im so scared and frustrated!!! I usually have a positive OPK by now. Not sure whats going on....:(
I'm sorry your work has been getting in the way of your BD time :(. I hope you can relax tonight and enjoy! It sounds like the clomid might be moving your ovulation back too. Mine moved back 2 days from usual so hopefully you get the positive OPK tomorrow! Also, do you test first thing in the morning? I read that your LH surge is more likely to come at noon or something, so even if you got a neg this morning it's possible that'll change later today?

My weekend was good except for a little depressed Saturday (everyone I know seems to be sending me pregnancy announcements, blah), today is CD 10 so I'm still early but will try and romance the DH tonight just in case :)
I have read that its common for the clomid to delay ovulation so thats keeping me "hopeful". Im really nervous that those two days were "the days" and we missed it. HOPING FOR A POSITIVE OPK SOON!

I know what you mean about being "depressed" Every single one of my girlfriends is expecting. Whether it be their first or second. With each pregnancy announcment it gets harder and harder to be happy. And its not that you arent happy for them....its because you are sad for yourself. Im ready to move forward from these feelings of nervous, sadness, etc and share in this wonderful journey with them. sigh.

Im hoping for a relaxing night as well! Mondays are stressful as it is without this unwanted stress!! :wacko:
Hey there...I got a positive read on my OPK yesterday afternoon!!!!!!!!!! DH and I BD and hoping for the next several days. Work has us both so stressed and tired! Hope you have a great day!!!!
Yay! That's great! So you didn't miss your window, now hopefully everything can calm down for you :) are you using pre-seed or mucinex? I've been trying both since the clomid seems to affect the mucus (eww, I don't like that word haha).

What kind of work are you in? I'm sort of in an assistant position at my job, but I just got word that I have an interview for a manager position! I'm torn because there would probably be more stress as a manager but I could definitely use the money!

I forgot to do the OPK this morning, but it's only CD 11 so I don't think it will be today anyway.

Have a good evening!
Thanks, girl!! Im so relieved! I use both Pre-Seed and Conceive plus. Ive heard great things about both! Hahah I hate that word too! I feel gross just even typing it out! Im feeling VERY crampy today but its worth it. Keep me posted on your OPK!! Its nice to have people to chat with about this. All my girlfriends are pregnant. Sigh.

I work in precious metals refining...customer relations. Lots of math, trading stocks, science...I often wonder how I even got here. Im also a licensed makeup artist. Very very random!! ;) What kind of work are you in??? Good luck on your interview!!!!

Have a great evening and chat soon! :)
That is definitely an interesting work combo- you can say you have brains and beauty ;)

I work at Express Scripts, it's a pharmacy benefit. It's a great job but they don't cover any fertility meds or procedures... But thats common.

Hope you had a good couple of days! I haven't gotten my positive OPK yet but will be testing after work tonight!
Hey there! When do you hear about your "promotion" I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you!! I know how you feel...its starting to get expensive! HOPING it will be worth it!

Hope you have a great weekend....keep me posted on your OPK!! Have you had any symptoms? My husband had to work late last night and we werent able to BD...of course crucial time. Sigh. Im still keeping the faith!!! Again, keep me posted!! Sending you lots of positive thoughts!!
Thank you for the good wishes! Well at work I have a phone interview next week, but they will probably do 2-3 rounds of interviews so it might be a few weeks, but I'm excited! I like phone interviews better as I'm a little fidgety when I'm nervous so this way I won't have to worry about it! Haha

So my OPK was sooo weird this month. I usually use these daily ones from Target, but instead I just bought a different pack from target that had less. I never did get a positive test on those (and yesterday was CD 15) so I bought the others last night, took one this morning and it was positive.

Sooo frustrating, so I'm wondering if the 2 tests check for different hormones or if I really only ovulated today? Who knows! But so far we have been able to BD on CDs 8, 10, 14, 15. So hopefully that's good, we'll just have to keep it up for a while!

I haven't ever used conceive plus, I'll have to go google that! Ugh, and for side effects yes! I had what I think was ovary pain on Thursday night. Then for the past few days I've felt bloated and constipated (sorry if that's TMI!) but I read that is normal with a hormone rush so I'm just trying to deal!

What about you? Things going well? Are you in your TWW now? That is my least favorite part haha. I feel like everyone I know is trying to buy me drinks during that time and I have to have creative ways to turn them down!
I used to work for Estee Lauder and they do intense phone interviews. Everyone I know HATED them, but I actually dont mind them for the same reason!!

Well the good news is that you got a positive result right????!!!! And even better you were able to BD. Keep me posted! When does your 2WW begin? The earlierst I can test is Friday. I dont know why but for some reason I just dont think its our month. We did everything accordingly, but I just feel like it didnt work out. Im trying SO HARD to be positive....but lately its hard! Im not even sure I want to test on Friday just because Im scared of the disappointment it will bring. I had blood work drawn today to see if my body was responding to the clomid the way it should. I should have the results tomorrow. Im dreading going through Clomid and the horrible hot flashes and mood swings yet again (especially when we will be on vacation during my next round) but hoping it will be worth it.

Keep me posted when your 2WW starts. Hope you have a good week!
Ok, so the phone interview is now scheduled for 8/21 and that would also be CD 24 for me ...so I'm hoping for a BFP that morning and then to ace the interview haha. Just kidding, I don't think I'll test till day 28 since its not as likely to be positive early. I don't want early disappointment.

I know it's hard to be positive, I totally hear you! I had a really bad day yesterday because a friend of mine was being insensitive I thought. I'm just tired of friends giving me crackpot advice (just relax and it'll happen or eat more sweet potatoes, etc). I finally said to her right now im just taking advice from my doctor only, what I need from my friends is just a hug and a kind word! Hopefully she gets it now.

But I am usually really good luck for other people, all my friends who TTC get pregnant, so I am sending my good luck your way! We definitely need one or two BFPs this month :)
Im sending you positive vibes for your CD 24! Im with you...I can test as early as the 17th but I don't want the early disappointment. I think I will wait until I actually miss AF (hoping!). My doctor called yesterday and didn't give me the best of news. Said my progesterone level wasnt as high as she would have liked. I'm starting to wonder..did I even ovulate? The two lines were much darker and very identical, but in my head maybe im thinking I over exaggerated the results? Sigh.

It sounds like you handled the incident with your friend very maturely. Sometimes it takes all that I have not to tell someone to just SHUT. UP. when they start saying that. You hit the nail on the head....in situations like this, the best thing a friend can do is just lend an ear and let us vent. Even if they say nothing at all, knowing they are listening and sympathizing the best way they can helps.

Haha! You are like the Good Luck Chuck of pregnancies!? We may have found the best in each other because I feel that way too! All of my friends with the exception of three are pregnant (and the exceptions are not trying nor married, go figure). Hope you are having a good week. Talk to you soon!
Let me know if you end up testing Friday-but remember, it's early so a BFN can sometimes turn into a BFP!
Thanks Friend! With all signs pointing to a BFN I am going to wait and see if my AF is late before testing. We are supposed to have a great weekend here in Dallas and I dont want to get discouraged. Thanks for all the encouragement! Have a great weekend
I ended up testing Friday. And of course got my BFN. I don't know why I'm disappointed. I knew it would happen. Just bummed. Mentally preparing for clomid round two next week. :(

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