On the road again graduates

LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!! YAHOOO!!! welcome!!! I am so happy for you.

Thank you for checking in Cary, I think of you often. Staying positive is so hard sometimes... I admire you for being able to do so being faced with such difficult stuff.

I feel the same way anchor, when I get a huge bump (right now I have a slight one but its kinda in the stage where my clothes don't fit right at all but I don't look super pregnant yet) and feel movement, I feel like I might calm down some and not use the Doppler. Please let me know how your appointment goes, I am sure it will be beautiful!

Thanks RayRay...

Anchor, can't wait to hear how it goes tomorrow....
Everything's good, measurements are on track, blood work is fine, etc. It's crazy, there's part of me that still doesn't quite believe I'm pregnant...or it's like "pregnancy" is a weird physical state that's affecting the way I feel, but it doesn't seem real yet that there will be a baby at the end. He did a quick scan and I was like "there's actually a baby in there!"

And he thinks it's a GIRL...but we'll check back in a few weeks to be sure. I'm so excited!!!
anchor that is such fantastic news. I am sooo thrilled for you, hearing that news from you makes my day. Congratulations. Possibly a girl!!!! How exciting!!!!!!
Congrats Anchor... When my time comes I'm sure I will feel that way... You sound like you're in awe..... I'm so happy for you!
Anchor that is wonderful news :) and yes there is offically a baby in there :) isn't it wonderful xxxxx They are each little real life miracles :)
I had my appointment this morning. I was laughing the whole time.. The little one was kicking and moving and wiggling. It was the coolest thing I've ever seen. The hands.. The face the legs. It was insane. Delightful. I attached a photo... Any boy or girl predictions? Baby is measuring 13 weeks 1 day :cloud9:


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Oh my god RAY a little person ! He/ she is perfect . I soooo soooo hope I get to experience it and the wonder of seeing that little person for the very first time . I'm guessing team girl :) too pretty to be a boy ;)
Awwww thanks ladies!!! I kinda think girl too. I've had dreams about a girl too. But then in another thread other women are predicted boy by the skull theory... But I've always had a gut feeling based on my dreams that it's a girl. Ahhhhh I wanna know!!
That's amazing Rayray, so glad you had a good experience (especially seeing it move!). I also think girl, so funny that we all agree! Do you know when your next few appointments will be?
I have another one with my OB on June 28th...ill be 15 weeks and 4 days. Hoping the Down syndrome scan comes back okay. I'm 24 DH is 29.. None of that runs in our families so I'm
Staying positive. How is everyone?
Pssssst....you all are my insight into pregnancy. You must talk. :) What's goin on in the preggo world?
Hi red its quite on here isn't it lol....... Well I'm keeping the head down and going day to day still . I'm not thinking ahead in any way shape or form , and tbh have not let myself get excited about my BFP. I'm staying detached , sad I know but the only waive foundi can deal with the uncertainty right now without letting anxiety totally take over . I don't think about being pg at all ! Or try very hard not too. So far its kinda working , I'm functioning anyhow and I swear if I'd kept going how I was a ball of anxiety I was heading towards panic attacks !!! So now I wait , first waitis to get to Friday week the 12th of July . I get an early scan that morning .... All being well I should be 8 weeks3 days. At this point I'm not thinking beyond that .

Sounds like your a busy bee these days , hope it is helping to keep busy xxxxxxxx
Hi! Good to hear from all of you.

Left- so happy to hear you're holding up okay. Waiting for the appointment can be such a pain, but I have faith that you and your baby will check out wonderfully. At an 8 week appt the little bean will start to look like a baby too! I am always sending you love and support.

Red and Cary- lovely to hear from you, I'm also always thinking about the two of you and sending you love. Thank you for checking in. I may not chime in much on the other thread, but I'm watching and checking in on you often.

AFM- my genetic scan came back clear. That was wonderful to hear although it wouldn't have changed a thing other than the way I prepared for the baby's arrival. Had my appointment on Friday- we listened to the baby's heartbeat which was in the 150s. We will have the anatomy scan at the end of July... The same week as my birthday. I can't wait to find out. Still nervous something could go wrong, but really trying not to be. I really appreciate you ladies more than I can say. Thank you for the support.

How are you anchor?

Love to you all. Like I said, always thinking of you xoxoxo
Wow Ray almost 15 weeks already !!!!! I actually cannot believe that ! 5 weeks to half way !! Time seems to pass very quickly when you are on the outside looking in . Thank you so much for your well wishes and support , it really helps when other people offer reassurance xxxx only 11 days to scan day :) I'm so nervous and excited too :)
Hi ladies, it really felt like endless days for a while but the last few weeks have gone by quickly -- I just celebrated halfway! Next week Monday I have a regular OB appointment, so hopefully can confirm that it's a girl (found out at my 17-week appointment)...I'm talking to her and buying a few girly things anyway in the meantime. After weeks of very slight movements I'm starting to feel some stronger kicks, which is lots of fun. Everything's good...I just hope I start showing some time soon! I think that's why I'm having a lot of heartburn and digestive discomfort -- she's growing up instead of out! No complaints though. Glad to hear the rest of you are doing well. Left, I'm counting down with you until that scan, it is so hard!

Cary and Red, I'm also still following on the other thread. My computer crashed and I lost track of it for a while but eventually found my way back and got caught up. I'll post there too. Thanks for sticking with us on this journey!
Omg! Anchor! A GIRL?! Gosh it really is happening isn't it? Are the kicks wonderully weird? I always thought it would be something like having an alien living in you. You're at that stage that I always dream about when I think about being pregnant.

RayRay I suspect it's starting to feel a bit more real for you too. I'm so happy that you guys have made it this far and that gives me hope that I can get there too some day.
Thank you Left- time is surprisingly going pretty dang fast for me too. I can't wait to hear about your scan, I have faith everything will be as it should. How are you doing as far as symptoms go?

anchor- WOW! Halfway point!! Yippppiiieeeee!!!!! That must feel so amazing. That's a huge milestone. I can't WAIT until I can feel the baby move. Right now, I feel some stuff down there sometimes but I bet it's just gas.. just little flutters here and there. I can't wait until I feel it for sure. How incredibly special. I am so happy for you.

Red- I really do believe you will get your rainbow. I really, really do. I know that isn't necessarily helpful to hear right now because it might feel so far away, but I just know it. That baby is going to come, and when it does, it will be that much more incredible.

It is starting to feel more real, I am really trying to believe I can relax and start to enjoy getting a bump and being pregnant. I don't take a single feeling or symptom for granted, and I definitely don't complain, but it is hard sometimes to truly let go of my fears of something bad happening. I am so lucky tho, to have made it this far, and I repeat that to myself on a regular basis. Everytime I've thrown up I've been grateful! I know that sounds weird but it's true hahaha. We have our anatomy scan on August 1st, I can't wait to find out if it's a boy or girl. That will be so exciting. Thank you again, all of you lovely women for the support. I am thinking of you and sending love.

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