On the road again graduates

Skye that is happy news :) so pleased for you oh is in a good place :) so what was your answer to his question ????? Lol...

What are you renovating ? Any pics ?
Ahhhh Skye!!! Such good news on all counts!!! And I second Left -- pictures and what did you say??
:) :) :) i'll send you the pics when it is all done via private message, OH forbids disclosing private pics online (of kids as well, so i already know i will have to share our future LO's pics through a common private message to all of you girls!!)

We are painting the whole place over as previous owners were heavy smokers so it REALLY needed a makeover as none of us smokes and we're pretty sensitive to that smell. we are also building our own furniture (well, at least a part of it).

i've scrubbed so much stuff of the floors these days that i feel like a professional cleaning lady, a heavy duty one that get called to clean the flats up after someone has passed away in it for a while. i'm not an OCD when it comes to cleaning at all but here... this flat needed a total disinfection due to smoke and the way the kitchen was kept :/

I told to OH i want to wait one cycle after the move just to make sure not to have our egg affected by the paints and cleaning products we are breathing in daily, and lifting heavy stuff. i KNOW i am paranoid but i lost my first LO 2 weeks after renovating (with my ex) and the second LO 2 days after the move :/
So if i consult our calendar, i think it will be the beginning of october <3 my AF is due before we are done with building and painting the furniture, so it leaves the august/september cycle out, but oh well... pregnancy after a loss is enough of a torture by itself that i want to eliminate at least SOME of the worry factors.
Also got a OB/GYN appointment booked for the first week of septmeber, a general check up so... :)

now to YOU girls!!

Red: Career change is a VERY brave move, especially when it involves a years long schooling program. i think nursing is also a mission and not only a job, as you are in such close touch with people and well... we all know here how much nurses with a bit of empathy can change your life in hard moments.

Topanga: SO glad to hear that this pregnancy is running faster than the one with Lauren... at least i get an impression you are also less anxious this time around. Maybe it has to do also with the fact that this one is a boy so all your hormones are
different as well?

as far as the small age gaps are concerned:
1) you ALL are REALLY brave women!!
2) your LO's are lucky to have a sibling close in age to fave fun/fight with :)
3) like this, all big changes and phases in life (kindergarten, school, high school, college, etc) kinda come together and your kids grow independent together

our initial plan was to have three kids with small age gaps but now we decided to go only for one - unless we get surprised by twins, which is not out of question as we got them running on both sides of the family, we're over 30 and tall... so all those extra factors are in for us...
girls, just to let you know that we are now all set in our new love nest. it was an insane amount of work and we most definitely need another vacation after this to recover from all the work. i could barely stand on my feet by the end of the day for three weeks in a row, and can't imagine doing it all if i were pregnant.

also on the good side, my GP wanted to run a general blood test exactly in this period of complete exhaustion and also under these circumstances it all came back perfect which is great to know as we both haven't been sleeping much or eating well as we usually do (we mostly ate poorly just sth quick to keep us going while renovating, as opposed to healthy home made meals we are both into usually).

still don't know when we're back to ntnp/ttc, as i feel my body needs a week of SPA right now, i think every bone inside of me hurts and dtd on top of all right now would be a chore. oh well. a week or two and we'll be fine.

how are all of you doing? Topanga and Left, how are your bumps? Any news Carey?

miss your feedback girls :)
I'm glad that you're all settled in now and that your blood tests came back perfect amidst all the chaos of moving and setting up house. :thumbup: Give yourself a little bit to relax and then hop onto the TTC train. :haha:

Things are kind of same old, same old over here. I can't believe it's the last day of August though. Where did the summer go??? Trying not to think that this is the last full year before my son goes off to kindergarten. What am I doing to do without my baby with me all day? :cry: But I have to think about it because I need to apply for special needs funding and individual education plan. Stressing a bit because autism often gets denied (even when support is needed) and my son is fairly high functioning. I'm hoping that issues like his bolting/running away and language issues will improve a lot in the next year.

DD is slowly but surely walking more and more. My son was a late walker (21 months) but once he started he just up and went with is. With my daughter, however, she took her first solo steps months ago but is still not quite running around yet. Two weeks ago she decided she was finally ready to truly give it a go but is still crawling a lot too. It's getting more and more though. She's also talking a lot too. The words aren't very clear but she asks for things and will point out things that are interesting. I'm starting to be hopeful that she does not have autism.

And I'm loving life with my new kitties. I have one of them curled up on my lap right now. :cloud9: The kittens like DH and I the best but they do like the kids and are quite tolerant of them. They have had tails, ears, fur and even skin pulled and have never once fought back. They will even play with the kids sometimes. My son lugs them around and will shake them up and down and they still come back for more. I am really trying to teach my kids to be gentle but it's slow going! I'm just so thankful for gentle kittens. Our last cat was so hostile to them that I spent so much time afraid. We had to eventually put her down because of it. I still miss her though. She was "my" cat and she was actually very loving with me and was so silly. She was a good cat for us when we were a childless couple. But even our friends were scared of her. She hissed at anyone who wasn't myself or my husband.
just a little update... been to the ob/gyn and all is clear, she said my ovaries looked great and all and gave us her blessing to ttc... relieved to hear that all is good. still deciding when to go back on that train.

i realized how stressy this summer was for me with the move and all, and i think i may wanna wait for another few weeks/month before trying. i came to the point of exhaustion being my state of art and i forgot how it felt to be "normal" again, and i think i want to enjoy that feeling for a little bit before going into the ttc.

i think being stress-free for a bit can only be helpful - at least that is what my body is telling me and i decided to listen to it better.
Hi ladies, sorry for being MIA, but glad to hear that everyone is doing well. Starry, so glad that you guys are enjoying the kittens. I bet they are adorable!

Skye- take your time re: TTC! As you know, it can be stressful anyway, so if you're still stressed from the move, definitely don't feel as though you need to rush it. Take your time and start again when your body feels relaxed!! I have a good feeling for you!! Are you guys still liking the new place??

Afm, a little over 25 weeks now. I definitely have a bit of a bump. We did some professional pictures with Lauren a couple of weeks ago. As soon as we get those back, I'll try to remember to post one or two on here. Life has been really busy here recently. LO had a cold this week and I caught it from her. Thankfully it's very mild, but 25 weeks pregnant + head cold + not sleeping + INSANELY busy at work + toddler who's starting to throw constant temper tantrums = one tired Momma! I finally just really crashed today. I can't take time off because work is too busy at the moment, but I'm really dragging. I know I just need to get through the next couple of weeks and then things will slow down and I can take a day or two off, if I need to. I wouldn't trade it for the world though, so that does make the difficult days bearable.

Left- how are you feeling???? any updates??

How is everyone else?
Hi Topanga life sounds as hectic as mine !!!!! I'm still feeling uck to add to the mix !!!! But the pure exhaustion is going thank god . I was starting to seriously worry how was I going to manage 2 !!!! Lol

Skye excited for to follow you ttc again :) I still want pics of the house ;)

Cary I think of you often xxxx
I'm excited to see bump photos, ladies. :winkwink:

skye - take all the time you need. TTC is stressful enough as it is when we are on board 100%. Having reservations wouldn't help. Just enjoy your new home and life with OH right now.

left - sorry you're still feeling icky. With my DD the ickiness didn't leave until a little after 20 weeks. I am glad the exhaustion is going. And don't worry, you adapt to two eventually. I couldn't imagine it any other way now.

afm - still sometimes have secret wishes for a third but I think it's more missing the excitement and anticipation of being pregnant (rose-coloured glasses, anyone???) and watching my little girl growing up and not wanting to be done with the baby phase yet. I am so darn sentimental! :blush: But I know deep down I don't really want another. I keep hounding my dH to book his vasectomy because this back and forth in my head is torture. I just want it to be finalized!

DD is FINALLY walking more than she is crawling/knee-walking. Her first steps were nearly 5 months ago but she really has taken her time taking to walking. She has gotten so fast with her knee walk that I guess she felt it was better to do that. But as she has gotten more confident in her walking she's finally realizing that walking on her feet is easier and ultimately faster. She is chasing after her older brother loads now. I love her bow-legged tottering around. :haha:
Starry ill be coming after you for tips ;) lol it took Sean a full 5 months too after his first steps to walk fully !!!
Hi ladies!

Still not too much new here, other than the usual craziness. This pregnancy is still flying by and LO is growing like a weed. We got some teasers back from our photography session, so I figured I would share some of those, as well as a picture I saw on Facebook tonight that really touched me.

Me, DH, and LO:

Bump! (And growing more every day...) (Not my favorite picture of myself, but it's the only one I have of my bump right now!)

This picture of LO melts my heart EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.


And finally, an absolutely breathtaking picture I saw on Facebook tonight. This woman and her husband have had 5 miscarriages and they wanted to have a photo that captured their entire family, so they asked the photographer to photoshop in shadows of the 5 children they lost. It's one of the most moving, touching things I've seen. I thought you ladies would also find it touching.


How is everyone else doing????
wow Topanga!!! what a LOVELY update!! you and your family look amazing and i LOVE the bump picture!!! can't believe how the time has flown by!! and Lauren is end-cute on that pic!! melts my heart to see her that big too!

and as for the last picture... wow. really really touching and brave. October is the month of the pregnancy loss and I am still thinking how to honor it this year. That picture tells so much...

afm, on my AF now and never been so happy to see it come as this time around - just because of some dentist appointments that included x-ray imaging, and of course they ask you if you're pregnant and don't do any x-ray imaging if you are. I knew the chances were slim, but then... i was relieved. I think i would have gotten nuts with worry if it would have happened on this cycle.

otherwise it is all fine here, OH is super cuddly lately and i am very much enjoying it.

..also, i managed to throw a baby shower for my SIL without feeling like crap, i actually enjoyed it and it is the first baby shower that I have attended without thinking not for ONCE that i am still childless, i still can't believe it has happened. we threw her a surprise party, she wasn't suspecting anything and cried her eyes out ;) ok ok, i know it doesn't take much to get a pregnant lady to cry, but still... i consider it a milestone for me.
SIL knows about my losses and she is one of the most supportive people i have in my life, she also didn't have it easy with having children and she's one of those people who take care not to moan about pregnancy issues or kids in front of people who are still TTC or had losses, and i adore her for that.

oh well! Left, how is your pregnancy going?? any updates?

Starry, Cary, Red...? Rayray, if you ever get back on bnb, would be great to hear your news <3 <3 <3

miss you ladies! xxx
..also, i managed to throw a baby shower for my SIL without feeling like crap, i actually enjoyed it and it is the first baby shower that I have attended without thinking not for ONCE that i am still childless, i still can't believe it has happened. we threw her a surprise party, she wasn't suspecting anything and cried her eyes out ;) ok ok, i know it doesn't take much to get a pregnant lady to cry, but still... i consider it a milestone for me.

I'm so happy for you!!! That IS a major milestone!! Definitely one I was never able to meet. I am so, so impressed!!! :thumbup:

Yes, Left, how are you doing?? How are along are you now anyway? Any ultrasounds yet??
Hi ladies , I'm heading to 18 weeks almost half way !!!! One us at 11 weeks and nothing since , next one on the 6 the novmember . Have been feeling baby move for the last 2 weeks or so like popping popcorn :)

Skye your SIL is lucky to have you , hope she returns the favour one day soon ;)
Topanga you look amazing !! And as for that amazing daughter of yours soooo cute :)
regarding the baby shower thing: i still have NO idea how i have reached this point, but it did happen and i'm endlessly grateful for it!:flower:

and my SIL really deserved a present like this, she's one of the people who supported us the most over the last few years. and yes, i hope she returns the favor one day, not because i think she won't but because that would mean i'd be having a baby :))))))))))))))))))) :happydance::happydance:
Hi everyone! Topanga I love the pics!

Hi Skye...

Hi left... Thanks for your thoughts.. I've really been able to heal from the last miscarriage and while it just sucks I know that I'm in a good place...

So happy for you both... No news on my end. Just lots of work and little rest...
Cary! so good to hear from you :hugs: :hugs:

i wish i could hug you now for real :hugs: glad to hear you were able to heal from the last loss, even just a bit. i'm thinking of you often...

...yesterday for october 15th i was really surprised that some of my friends remembered to put a candle (and set me pics as well), without me needing to remind them of the date and occasion. was really really touching for me.

all in all this time of year, with october as a remembrance month and the third anniversary of my EDD approaching, it kind of gets me moody a bit, but hey... i'm managing it way better than before.

also got the news that two of my friends are expecting, one of them is my dearest friend from college times, and it is as if one of my closest family members were expecting. took them over 2 years to conceive so i couldn't be happier for her.
the other is an acquaintance and i don't have such a close connection to her, and while i ain't jealous, i did have a moment of "fuck, everybody around us is having babies and my arms are still empty and i really want one." maybe because she's one of the people i didn't picture with a family in the next few years due to her demanding career, and she always kind of focused on that more (unlike my other friend who i knew was TTC without success - and also without any apparent fertility issue). oh well. rant over!

thanks for being there ladies <3
Cary- so good to hear from you!!! I'm so glad you're doing well. I think about you a lot. You are, as always, a much stronger person than I will ever be. I admire you.

Skye- so happy that your friends remembered! That's so touching!!!! But I am sorry about the newest announcements. That is so difficult. It's completely natural to feel the way you are, as you know. But you and Cary are both so strong. I know you'll handle this with grace. Any idea when you're going to get back on the TTC train?

Left- omg! I can't believe you're that far along already!!!! It feels like just yesterday you told us. Then again, I can't believe I'm almost 30 weeks. Seriously. I literally do not believe it.
I don't know!!! I will be 30 weeks on Wednesday. I honestly can't believe it. This pregnancy has flown by. I still don't really believe were about to have another kid (DH doesn't either!). I don't feel as mentally prepared this time. Crazy to think that soon we'll have to pack our hospital bags and put the newborn swings, etc out again.

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