Thanku so much!! I honestly didnt think it would work ive heard they dont pick up hgc very well!!!! Ive defo not got my ov dates wrong, do u think the test is rite!! Lol look at me rambling im in shock shaking like a leaf xxxWow congratulations! Thats a great result for 11 dpo xx
Congratulations to u to hun xxxCONGRATS WOOHOOO i just got a pos too on cb - they had no digi's left must be a good month for BFP's lol
Lol i still cant belive it i keep going back to look at it just to make sure i didnt imagine it xxxcongratulations hunni theres no mistaking it nw u have seen the words
Fainter lol i cant even get my ics to show up in a photo but i can defo see ures!! Congrats im pretty sure thats a xxxyaye, congrats! Did it look like this at all, or was it fainter/darker? That was mine last night at 10dpo...I never 'usually' get evaps, but been having lines like this the past few days!
Thankyou!! Ive got my fx for uCongrats Emsy, I'm getting faint lines on my onestep ICs so hope I'm in the same boat as you! x