One tube, on clomid


Mom to 2 boys
Jun 15, 2009
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Hi. I have one blocked tube and one now open. I just finished my last pill of clomid. This is my first cycle on it. I REALLY hope it makes the good side ovulate.... I just can't take it seeing all of my girlfriends gettng pregnant all around me. It's upsetting but I try not to show it. :cry: Anyone going through this too? Any success stories to share?
Hi wish2bmama. we've crossed paths in TTC success after lap. Yip, same as that, one useless, good for nothing tube that is dead set on spoiling my happiness forever. Two best friends pregnant (and I AM genuinely delighted for them!) Had an early miscarriage in November and generally don;t know whether I'm coming or going. About the ask my gyno about Clomid see if he can get both ovaries going fo a few months.
I spoke to my gynae's secretary yesterday to discuss my HSG results etc - I have 1 blocked tube. She told me that the good tube can pick up eggs from both ovaries! I don't know how common that is but that is what she told me!

Hi Sprat, my gyno told me that after the lap too. I was still very sorry and a bit drowsy which is why I'm realy anxious to see him soon but we're siupposed to wait for DH to have a :spermy: analysis. The doc seemed very positive about the whole thing. I had a friend who lost one of her tubes to an ectopic pregnancy, she got pregnant quite easily after with just the one. I'm just afraid to think it will be that easy, I reckon if in my mind I only expect to get pregnant on the good tube cycle, I won't be so disappointed the other cycle ( which is crap cause I was gutted this cycle when got :bfn: but I tell myself these things!).
Welcome Sprat! I have heard that too actually. I do hope it is true. I was on 100mg of clomid this cycle and got 2 follicles, one in each ovary. I would love twins. :)

I agree with you Noja, I just can't bring myself to believe it could happen for me. I have my hopes so high for this cycle... I really should bring them down, but's so hard. There is always that what if. Well, I can only say that there is always next cycle.
My sister had one ovary, and conceived without Clomid almost right away. Is the Clomid just to hopefully make you ovulate from both sides???
Yes, so I have a better shot at getting pregnant. Also, my open tube was just opened this month and has a chance of closing, so the more follicles I get.. the better. Hope it never closes!
My doc said the same thing about the tube being able to pick up from either side I just lost my R tube after 2 ectopics years apart. We are really hoping that that tube was trying to grab up everything and now that it gone the other one will get all the eggs because she confirmed that it is clear. 1st try since removal so keeping my fx!!!
Hi puppymom, good to meet you, lets hope our good tubes do their stuff this month!!
Wish2bmoma, how are you? I hope everything going ok for you this month, fingers crossed for those little eggies.
Back in form after this month's BFN. I'm counting down to 0 again.
:hug: to all.
I'm doing okay. My doc said my progesterone was high and I am looking good. My regular doc says my test was pos. So they say I would be due 11 march 2010. I also have a UTI, so I could either not be pregnant later or something. So I'm hoping this is it! A :bfp: and a sticky bean! I'm praying really hard.

Sorry to hear about your bfn Noja. Hope this month is your month for a :bfp: !!!!
Wow wish2bmama, did I miss out a bit? Did you get a BFP this month? COOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooL! Have your docs been monitoring you all this month? Please tell me evrything, I want to know every little detail! Oh, I hope it's a sticky bean! :happydance:
Hi Noja! Yea, I did the clomid and the hcg trigger shots on cd17 and cd 19. They took blood to make sure I ovulated and told me I had 2 follicles this cycle. On 8 dpo, I went in for a progesterone test with my RE and the result was that it was high for 8 dpo, so I could be pregnant. Then today, 9 dpo, I went into the my regular clinic to test for a UTI and they told me I had a :bfp: and a UTI. I wasn't sure because it's only been 7 days since my last trigger shot... So it could be a false :bfp: and the progesterone just high because I took clomid this month... so I just don't know anything really.. it's more like a 3 week wait this cycle. :cry: My bbs hurt and and I have tons of CM, but it could be in my head I guess. I go back in on friday for anther test to see if my levels are still high at 12 dpo. OMG I really hope its real and sticky. I'm freaking out. sigh.

How are you doing Noja?
Oh you poor thing wish2bmama, the 2WW is bad enough without all that extra emotional rollercoasting!* I hope it's the real thing for you too. Hang in there, stay strong.
Thanks noja and wish,
Keeping fingers X for all of us.
I'm coming round to 0, always get pains really early on, all on the left side so far-yippeee, go good tube :happydance:
I know all of mine were on the left side this month I am so happy would have felt discouraged if they were on the other side.
hi....i had an ovary removed when i was a baby as there was a cyst on it. I conceived very quickly with my daughter...only took 6 mths :) unfortunately things arent the same this time round :( we have been trying for a year now, recenly been diagnosed with polycysts on my only ovary which left me heartbroken to say the least! Im feeling so confused as my gp says that i am ovulating even with the polycysts....i worry that i ovulated when i did the bloodtest but havent since...should i go on clomid anyway?? im booked in to have my fallopian tube checked this mth & sooo worried as thats my only tube so if its blocked or damaged thats basically the end of the road for us :( my husband sperm is low count & motility too so he is on fertile aid for men, hoping this helps. x
Hi Dancingkaty1, sorry to hear about the cysts and hubby's :sperm: After a year of ttc with no success, I would definatly get your tubes checked and then go on Clomid or whatever your FS says you should do. Are you getting a lap and dye or an HSG? I am in the same boat as you with the tube. I had a lap and dye and they unblocked my tube and put me on clomid and got pregnant, but I mmc last month. Now I am sooo scared my one good tube is plugged up again.

Have you been using the ovulation test kits? To see if you are ovulating? Or temping?
hi just to let you know I had an ovary removed when i was a baby so i only have the 1 tube & ovary. I conceived my daughter after only 6 mths :) she is now nearly 4 so you should be absolutely fine. We have been trying to conceive baby number 2 for a year, no luck so far:( but we have other fertility issues now...i have been diagnosed with polycysts on my only ovary...doc said not to worry as apparently it appears that i am ovulating still (had bloodwork done & did opk's for 6 mths). Also husband has been told he has low sperm count & motility which really crushed him :( He is now eating beetter, doing more exercise, wearing no boxers at night, no hot baths, & taking fertile aid 4 men...fingers crossed will help!!! Would love to know how long his sperm his been like this & how long ive had the polycysts for.....I wonder if i had the polycysts when i conceived my daughter or not??

Im sure we will all get there in the end but I know how heartbreaking it is every mth...

Baby dust to you all xxxxxxxxxxx Katy xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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