One Tubers

Hi can i join you ladies? :thumbup:

My name is Shelley, im 27 and i had a ectopic in 2002 which ruptured and lost my left fellopean tube, i have had 3 m/c's also, but been very lucky to go on and have my two wonderful boys in 2005 and 2008 :flower:

We are now starting to try for number 3, but despite having two healthy normal pregnancy's since my ectopic i cannot help but worry about another one re-occuring!! my 1st child took nearly 2 years to concieve my 2nd child on our 2nd cycle of trying!

I seem to be very 'intune' with my body and know what side im ovulating etc and this month im currently in the 2WW and sat here 5-6dpo with constant pains in my right side, i know i ovulated from the right this month however whenever that pain tends to linger i worry straight away! lol.... i am prone to getting ovarian cysts too, with my second son i was rushed to theatre with suspected ectopic yet it turned out it wasnt (thank god) but just huge cysts i get from ovulation, and this pain is so hard to determind if its that or ectopic if that makes sense?

Anyway im sorry im writing a essay lol... im not expecting a bfp this month despite gettin some promising symptoms so far but its only our first month so i wont be to disheartened if im not. Looking foward to getting to know you all, so great to find this thread!

Shell xx
Welcome Shelley. I have only just joined this thread also. GL hope it doesn't take long to get your BFP.
Thank you Olivia, are you ttc too?...

Im very excited yet scared we got married last month finally made a honest woman of me lol and now just feels right to go for our final child :happydance:
Shelley I can't wait to ttc. I had been for 12months when I had my ectopic pregnancy and tube removed in September. Dr said to wait 3months before ttc again. Now I am just waiting on surgery in 3.5weeks to check my other tube and hopefully we will be ttc again with a better outcome.
oh good luck hun i hope it happens for you, hope my possitive story gives u hope ive gone on to have 2 babies since and my other tube they said wasnt great either so ive been exceptionally lucky!! xx
Shell's Angels I love your story. I hope I fall pregnant soon and have a baby and then another. We always wanted a big family but after the past year and all the heartache if/when I have my third child I don't know if I can risk going through what I have been through again if that makes sense. I guess it depends on how much longer this ttc journal is. The worst about the ectopic for me was the loosing some of my fertility and finding out why we have been having so much trouble and the knowledge that my remaining tube isn't very healthy. Hopefully we will know soon and can start ttc again. Either way (naturally or IVF) the wait is almost over which makes me pleased.
i always wanted a big family too well 4 children was my dream! however we may well stop at 3 as well its been a tough tough year finacially and my husbands job is up and down so we dunno where we are gonna be at so i think have a 3rd (hopefully) and see what situation we are in after that!!....

I truely have my fingers crossed for you hunni and hope we both get our bfps soon!

I have been worrying tonight, since ovulation ive had horrible twinging in my right side i did a seperate post about it and i dunno if its just the after effects of ovulation (im 6dpo) or a cyst or thinking the worse... god i feel like im always worrying bout it but you just cant help it when you have been thro what we have can you?? xx
No I worry too. I have pain in my left (the side with the tube) and have had it for the past 10months. I hate it and it makes me think that that tube (the only tube I have) must be really sick. I don't know why I have pain in my left side even when I ovulate on my right side. I just wish I had answers as to why it occurs. Its always around O time until I get AF so it lasts 2weeks before I get relief from it for 2weeks before it occurs again. Its too the point where I have to take something for it and have been to ED before with it. Hopefully my surgery will provide some light into what it is and if it means my remaining tube is sick.
As for your pain has it only occured now or have you had it in the past? I know ovulationg pain can occur for over a week after you O or before and if you have only just come of BCP maybe thats why it suddenly worse. The cycles I have been pregnant (but m/c or EP) the pain in my left has been worse then normal.
Yeah I wanted at least 4 kids if not 5-6. But yes definately not going to happen now I don't think. It does really depend on if I fall pregnant spontaneously within the next 6-12months.
I havent been on the BCP for a year, we have just been using other forms of contreception. It has happened once like this Jan this year when i had a chemical pregnancy but not since, its defo worse this month i could well be pregnant but i am trying not to get any hopes up.

when preg with ds2 i was in agony with a cyst it was terrible and like you yes i do get some pains when i ovulate on my 'good side' till af shows but this is defo worse than what i normally feel.

Oh well im only 6dpo so still got a while till i can test anyway!!!

Hun when i had my ectopic they did the dye test on my other tube which they said was fine, then the year after i had a inflamatry disease (im sorry i cant think of the name of it) and they told me that will have damaged my remaining tube and well i still had my 2 boys so try and keep a PMA hun i know its easier said than done xxx
Not sure what the pain is. Hopefully its the corpeous luteum growing to provide progesterone to your growing bean.
hey ladies sorry I had a really busy weekend and wasnt able to get on.

Welcome JosieJo- always looking for new members so sorry for your situation and you having to join us but hope you get your BFP reals soon.

Shell's welcome your story definetly is inspiration that it can happen. Good Luck to you and hope you get your BFP real soon. Sorry about the pain FXXX its a good pain.

Olivia- How are you? I am only on CD 4 today. Gearing up for O and another chance. Sorry you are Oing and cant try hope the next month flys by for you.

Funny I too only now since my tube has been removed can tell which side I am Ovulating on last cycle was my bad side I'm pretty sure so hopefully this time will be my good side.
Hi Poppysmum thanks for your welcome!! yes it most defo is possible hun i hope it happens soon for you xx

thanks Olivia too, i hope it is good pain however ive just had one of them days today where im starting to think... ive been constantly bloated this cycle and soooo moody and today nausious i was starting to get my hopes up, then silly me read up about ovarian cysts and guess what? same symptoms as ive just put up can actually apply to ovarian cysts too so my PMA has just been knocked and im not so sure, its really unfair tho that your body gives you this hope and if i find out im not i will be angry lol..

Ah well a few more days and i can test just seems to be draggin but ive lost alot of hope now :-(
Hey ladies! It seems alot of us had mc's before having the ectopic, I had 3, i'm hoping that was the reason for my mc's and that i'm done with that now that the tube is gone. The only thing that sucks now is like Dancingkaty1 i'm not convinced that i'm ovulating on the side with the tube. Thinking about following up with the Dr. about that. But I think I need a new Dr as i'm sure you know dr's are special, and my present one his ego is waaay to big, big than my concerns.

Blue112- How do you or they know you have a high chance of ectopics?

Olivia2- When is your surgery? and you can try right away? I had to wait 6 months...atleast thats what he said but I sure didn't wait that long:)

Jossiejo- I've definitly been there with the ruptured tube, and that was a crazy experience for me as well, I almost lost my life because I had no idea it ruptured as the hcg levels were going down and my freaking doctor didn't follow up on the pain I told her about. It was sooooo wild. And the recovery was crazy, it still feels funky now 5 months later, but I have my life and I still have a chance and I met you guys!

Shell'sAngels- Your story definitly lets me know I have a chance. Congrats on the 2 boys, what a blessing. But the first took 2 years?! Gracious!
hey ladies sorry I had a really busy weekend and wasnt able to get on.

Welcome JosieJo- always looking for new members so sorry for your situation and you having to join us but hope you get your BFP reals soon.

Shell's welcome your story definetly is inspiration that it can happen. Good Luck to you and hope you get your BFP real soon. Sorry about the pain FXXX its a good pain.

Olivia- How are you? I am only on CD 4 today. Gearing up for O and another chance. Sorry you are Oing and cant try hope the next month flys by for you.

Funny I too only now since my tube has been removed can tell which side I am Ovulating on last cycle was my bad side I'm pretty sure so hopefully this time will be my good side.

Thanks for the welcome. I think I ovulated last Wednesday (ish), had lots of EWCM and pain on right side. I know that I'm not really supposed to try so soon after having my tube removed but BD loads anyway. What will be will be right? Already having encouraging signs though. Boobs veiny already and feel painful ..... perhaps wishful thinking but trying to have lots of PMA. Will be testing early next week, don't think I can wait any longer than that. Just want to be pregnant again xx
Morning all (although might be night for you)

bklove my surgery is 19 November so 23days away. I am nervous about it as last surgery was for the ectopic pregnancy and tube removal and I had huge complications from the anethetic. Poor anethetist won't be happy to see me back again. I was told strickly to wait for 3 periods or 3months post EP surgery before ttc again. Its been 2months now and almost a month until my surgery which is why it was squeduled for then. It will be almost 3 calender months but 13weeks since my EP surgery. The Gyno who is doing it said I have the best chance of getting pregnant straight after my surgery as the dye will help flush the tube out. The worst case will be its completely blocked but I am hoping not. Either way it should give us an indication as to weather we start IVF in the new year or try naturally for a period of time. Either way if I am not UTD in 6months post surgery we will go down the IVF road. Dr has recommended this. He told us to pick a time frame we are happy with when we said 6months he said he thought that was very reasonable considering my history. Ill be on CD10 when I have the surgery and should O on CD17-19. He is also doing a vaginal repair (have some damage from my first birth which causes pain and sometimes bleeding from DTD) I just hope I can DTD at least once to try catch the egg. I don't know if a week will be long enough for my vag to heal. But he did say try straight away as thats when I am most likely to conceive. I bet I am not healed well enough down there.

puppymom32 I am going well. I hate ignoring O but I need this surgery. They are doing 4things at the one time and another month isn't long in the sceme of things. I think I O on the side I lost my tube so with any luck next month the tube side will O. I know they can cross over and get the egg anyway but the chances of that happening are less the the chance if its on tubey side.

Shell'sAngels yeah for been able to test in a few days. How exciting. I was POAS for over a year and now its been 2months since I have POAS. I am having serious withdrawals from it. I hope you get two strong lines.

Josiejo I agree what will be will be. How long did they tell you to wait?

Tomorrow I am off for a party so Ill be off line for 4-5days. Going to miss posting and I have only just joined this thread.
Hey ladies, great thread!

I lost my left tube due to ectopic (first pg) last week. I am still recovering from the surgery and will have to wait 3 months to ttc again as had the methotrexate shot (obv didn't work for me!!)
Morning all (although might be night for you)

bklove my surgery is 19 November so 23days away. I am nervous about it as last surgery was for the ectopic pregnancy and tube removal and I had huge complications from the anethetic. Poor anethetist won't be happy to see me back again. I was told strickly to wait for 3 periods or 3months post EP surgery before ttc again. Its been 2months now and almost a month until my surgery which is why it was squeduled for then. It will be almost 3 calender months but 13weeks since my EP surgery. The Gyno who is doing it said I have the best chance of getting pregnant straight after my surgery as the dye will help flush the tube out. The worst case will be its completely blocked but I am hoping not. Either way it should give us an indication as to weather we start IVF in the new year or try naturally for a period of time. Either way if I am not UTD in 6months post surgery we will go down the IVF road. Dr has recommended this. He told us to pick a time frame we are happy with when we said 6months he said he thought that was very reasonable considering my history. Ill be on CD10 when I have the surgery and should O on CD17-19. He is also doing a vaginal repair (have some damage from my first birth which causes pain and sometimes bleeding from DTD) I just hope I can DTD at least once to try catch the egg. I don't know if a week will be long enough for my vag to heal. But he did say try straight away as thats when I am most likely to conceive. I bet I am not healed well enough down there.

puppymom32 I am going well. I hate ignoring O but I need this surgery. They are doing 4things at the one time and another month isn't long in the sceme of things. I think I O on the side I lost my tube so with any luck next month the tube side will O. I know they can cross over and get the egg anyway but the chances of that happening are less the the chance if its on tubey side.

Shell'sAngels yeah for been able to test in a few days. How exciting. I was POAS for over a year and now its been 2months since I have POAS. I am having serious withdrawals from it. I hope you get two strong lines.

Josiejo I agree what will be will be. How long did they tell you to wait?

Tomorrow I am off for a party so Ill be off line for 4-5days. Going to miss posting and I have only just joined this thread.

Hmmmmmm .... they did say 3 months but I've heard from many people who most have said 4 - 6 weeks
Josiejo if all was well with me I wouldn't have waited the 3months either. I couldn't DTD the month after the surgery as I had the worst case of thrush from been on so many antibiotics to rid me of an infection from the surgery and EP. Then I got AF 2weeks ago and then nearing O when I felt I could sneak one in IYKWIM I had my post op review and booked in for surgery. My post op review the Dr also said my tube was in worse condition then I was told after the surgery. Maybe they didn't think I could handle the truth so soon after the surgery. Well now I am booked in for surgery I definately have to wait and if I did get UTD again which is unlikely the chances of another ectopic would be high as I do have adhesions around it and had an infection (don't know if its cleared up or not) so when I have the surgery it will be 13weeks. I was told mainly to wait as if I did get pregnant emotionally if something went wrong then I wouldn't handle it as well as if I had waited. Gee its going to be hard if that happens weather its now or in 12months time. It so hard hearing everyone announce their pregnancies, showing of baby bumps etc and been the odd one out. Thats what kills more then anything as its a constant reminder of what I have lost and now don't have.

Welcome KimmyB. So sorry to hear about your ectopic and tube removal and the methotrexate given. If you don't mind me asking how long ago did you have the methotrexate? Hope your physically recovering quickly. I know emotionally thats a different story. You have come to a great thread. Lots of newbies in the last few days (me one of them) and we are all in similar boats.
Quick question. Just wondering if anyone else has had to put up with this question.
When my mother told everyone imaginable I had an ectopic pregnancy and was in hospital people were calling and visitors all asked straight away "oh did you loose your tube". I also work as a midwife and literally everyone at work when they saw me asked "oh did you loose your tube". Even now 2months on everyone seems to want to know my tube status and weather I have two or if they only took out part of my tube etc. Its really pee'ing me off. I have one tube and my whole tube was removed. It feels like they are weighing up my fertility and likelyness of getting pregannt again and more for gossip then concern. Am I the only one that has been asked this numerous times? Am I also the only one who doesn't want to discuss my tube status except for certain people and those on forums?
I don't know anyone that has had an ectopic pregnancy except on these forums.

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