One Tubers

Sorry one last question for the day. Does any one else suffer from pain in their tube side? I have this almost constant dull ache in my tube side from the time I O tilll the time AF arrives. It makes me so concerned that my only tube is sick. Just wish it was in my tubeless side then I wouldn't worry as much. I have had this pain since December last yr. It was actually this pain that sent me to and from the Drs with the EP.
Olivia, YES and YES in answer to your questions...... EVERYONE asked me if i lost my tube and you always got them looks like 'oh she prob will not get pregnant for a long time' it drove me crazy!!

And yes with the pain i get it whenever i ovulate on my good side (still got it now 8dpo) calmed down abit now and its horrible cuse like you i wonder if i have a poorly tube...

Welcome Kimmyb hope you get your bfp soon...

My tests ive ordered in the post have come today i really wish they hadnt cuse now i was POAS and i know its too early!!! argggh
Josiejo if all was well with me I wouldn't have waited the 3months either. I couldn't DTD the month after the surgery as I had the worst case of thrush from been on so many antibiotics to rid me of an infection from the surgery and EP. Then I got AF 2weeks ago and then nearing O when I felt I could sneak one in IYKWIM I had my post op review and booked in for surgery. My post op review the Dr also said my tube was in worse condition then I was told after the surgery. Maybe they didn't think I could handle the truth so soon after the surgery. Well now I am booked in for surgery I definately have to wait and if I did get UTD again which is unlikely the chances of another ectopic would be high as I do have adhesions around it and had an infection (don't know if its cleared up or not) so when I have the surgery it will be 13weeks. I was told mainly to wait as if I did get pregnant emotionally if something went wrong then I wouldn't handle it as well as if I had waited. Gee its going to be hard if that happens weather its now or in 12months time. It so hard hearing everyone announce their pregnancies, showing of baby bumps etc and been the odd one out. Thats what kills more then anything as its a constant reminder of what I have lost and now don't have.

Welcome KimmyB. So sorry to hear about your ectopic and tube removal and the methotrexate given. If you don't mind me asking how long ago did you have the methotrexate? Hope your physically recovering quickly. I know emotionally thats a different story. You have come to a great thread. Lots of newbies in the last few days (me one of them) and we are all in similar boats.

OMG you have quite a sad story. So sorry. When do you go in for surgery? I can see that it is a great thread, thanks to everyone who has welcomed me xx
My surgery is 19th November. I put my booking papers in and they said they will post me out instructions of what to do and the expected time of my surgery. I just want it over with so we can ttc again or start the IVF process if need be.
I have heard some Drs prescribe clomid to increase the likelyhood of producing more eggs and getting pregnant quicker. Can anyone clarify this for me (sorry another question for the day) I know I O every month so I wouldn't think they would prescribe it for me but on another forum sounds like its almost routine to give a one tuber Clomid to increase the chances. Anyone know or have any opinions to add?
Hi Olivia2, thankyou for the welcome and so sorry for what you have been and are going through. I had the methotrexate on 8th Oct and suffered side effects right up until my left tube ruptured on 18th Oct. It has been a very difficult time but I just want to get better now. Still have my bad days emotionally, feeling angry and upset etc. But everyone on this site has been so good to me, giving me good advice and listening.

Thought I would mention my mum had an ectopic pregnancy around 16 years ago and also lost her left tube, its so random.

Morning all (although might be night for you)

bklove my surgery is 19 November so 23days away. I am nervous about it as last surgery was for the ectopic pregnancy and tube removal and I had huge complications from the anethetic. Poor anethetist won't be happy to see me back again. I was told strickly to wait for 3 periods or 3months post EP surgery before ttc again. Its been 2months now and almost a month until my surgery which is why it was squeduled for then. It will be almost 3 calender months but 13weeks since my EP surgery. The Gyno who is doing it said I have the best chance of getting pregnant straight after my surgery as the dye will help flush the tube out. The worst case will be its completely blocked but I am hoping not. Either way it should give us an indication as to weather we start IVF in the new year or try naturally for a period of time. Either way if I am not UTD in 6months post surgery we will go down the IVF road. Dr has recommended this. He told us to pick a time frame we are happy with when we said 6months he said he thought that was very reasonable considering my history. Ill be on CD10 when I have the surgery and should O on CD17-19. He is also doing a vaginal repair (have some damage from my first birth which causes pain and sometimes bleeding from DTD) I just hope I can DTD at least once to try catch the egg. I don't know if a week will be long enough for my vag to heal. But he did say try straight away as thats when I am most likely to conceive. I bet I am not healed well enough down there.

puppymom32 I am going well. I hate ignoring O but I need this surgery. They are doing 4things at the one time and another month isn't long in the sceme of things. I think I O on the side I lost my tube so with any luck next month the tube side will O. I know they can cross over and get the egg anyway but the chances of that happening are less the the chance if its on tubey side.

Shell'sAngels yeah for been able to test in a few days. How exciting. I was POAS for over a year and now its been 2months since I have POAS. I am having serious withdrawals from it. I hope you get two strong lines.

Josiejo I agree what will be will be. How long did they tell you to wait?

Tomorrow I am off for a party so Ill be off line for 4-5days. Going to miss posting and I have only just joined this thread.

Sounds like everything will be timed out perfectly hope your vag surgery heals really fast so you can get to BDing right away.
Hey ladies, great thread!

I lost my left tube due to ectopic (first pg) last week. I am still recovering from the surgery and will have to wait 3 months to ttc again as had the methotrexate shot (obv didn't work for me!!)

welcome so sorry for your loss. Sorry the shot did not work as well. There are a lot of great people on here going throught the same thing. Hope the 3 months go by really fast and you get that BFP.
Quick question. Just wondering if anyone else has had to put up with this question.
When my mother told everyone imaginable I had an ectopic pregnancy and was in hospital people were calling and visitors all asked straight away "oh did you loose your tube". I also work as a midwife and literally everyone at work when they saw me asked "oh did you loose your tube". Even now 2months on everyone seems to want to know my tube status and weather I have two or if they only took out part of my tube etc. Its really pee'ing me off. I have one tube and my whole tube was removed. It feels like they are weighing up my fertility and likelyness of getting pregannt again and more for gossip then concern. Am I the only one that has been asked this numerous times? Am I also the only one who doesn't want to discuss my tube status except for certain people and those on forums?
I don't know anyone that has had an ectopic pregnancy except on these forums.

I am so with you seems like the whole world just wants to know so they can feel sorry for me or something like hello either way its devestating. But now that I only have one tube they are like awww poor dear. it drives me mad. I too also feel pain on my good tube and it scares me to death that it is gonna be another ectopic on the only remaining side. I dont know if it has always been there or if I am much more sensative to it or what. I know after my first ectopic any little pain I was at the dr getting a scan because I didnt want to go through that pain again. The first time they were able to save the tube but I still dont ever thing it was right. We will miss you come back soon.
hey ladies sorry I had a really busy weekend and wasnt able to get on.

Welcome JosieJo- always looking for new members so sorry for your situation and you having to join us but hope you get your BFP reals soon.

Shell's welcome your story definetly is inspiration that it can happen. Good Luck to you and hope you get your BFP real soon. Sorry about the pain FXXX its a good pain.

Olivia- How are you? I am only on CD 4 today. Gearing up for O and another chance. Sorry you are Oing and cant try hope the next month flys by for you.

Funny I too only now since my tube has been removed can tell which side I am Ovulating on last cycle was my bad side I'm pretty sure so hopefully this time will be my good side.

Thanks for the welcome. I think I ovulated last Wednesday (ish), had lots of EWCM and pain on right side. I know that I'm not really supposed to try so soon after having my tube removed but BD loads anyway. What will be will be right? Already having encouraging signs though. Boobs veiny already and feel painful ..... perhaps wishful thinking but trying to have lots of PMA. Will be testing early next week, don't think I can wait any longer than that. Just want to be pregnant again xx

Sounds live very good symptoms lots of baby dust to you Josie you have to keep us posted on how you get along.
Hi Olivia2, thankyou for the welcome and so sorry for what you have been and are going through. I had the methotrexate on 8th Oct and suffered side effects right up until my left tube ruptured on 18th Oct. It has been a very difficult time but I just want to get better now. Still have my bad days emotionally, feeling angry and upset etc. But everyone on this site has been so good to me, giving me good advice and listening.

Thought I would mention my mum had an ectopic pregnancy around 16 years ago and also lost her left tube, its so random.


That is crazy. I wonder if maybe it is something that is hereditary. I thought having my ectopic surgerys 6 to the day were pretty ironic too.

That is crazy. I wonder if maybe it is something that is hereditary. I thought having my ectopic surgerys 6 to the day were pretty ironic too.[/QUOTE]

I have no idea, it's probably just a really crap coincidence! She then had a miscarriage at 13 weeks with her pregnancy after the ectopic. But after that she went on to have my brother. So there is hope for us all.

Having the surgery 6 yrs to the day apart is ironic, I agree. Thoughts with you xxx
That is crazy the coincidence. I have one too but not as impressive as yours. The day I officially found out my pregnancy was ectopic (although I expected it for over 2weeks before hand) was my and DH 5yr anniversary of meeting each other and then the day of the actually surgery (the next day) was the anniversary of finding out I was expecting my DD 3yrs earlier. I was on the pill with her and my period was really late so I was already 6-7weeks when I found out. At the time I found out I was pregnant with DD I bawled my eyes out I was so upset as me and my now DH didn't live together. We had been together 2yrs and 1day but wasn't really serious (exclusive but 300kms apart) so I freaked out that he would hate me. Anyhow of course now she is the best thing that has happened to us but at the time I was devastated (only for a day before I was happy to be expecting) so I spent both days miserable cause of pregnancy just 3yrs apart. Now I would so love an unexpected pregnancy. Funny thing is both my girls have been surprises and now no3 the one we planned since before DD came along doesn't want to join us yet. But sad really.
Thanks for all your answers ladies. The pain really bugs me. Its been there for ages lomng before the EP. I just wish I knew it wasn't related to my tube but I know it is as I only get it at times during my cycle and every month is the same. Somedays I feel like having it removed and start IVF.
Hey gals.

KimmyB- The shot didn't work for me either, the first one or the 2nd one. But again i'm crossing everything and hoping all my issues left with that tube.

Oliviab- I did get some tube questions but I don't mind answering it. I figure its a chance to educate someone, shoot I didn't know till I was told how possible it still is to get pregnant again. I do have pain from o to AF but on the side where I lost the tube, its been decreasing in intensity since the surgery though, but it was pretty intense at times. I read a couple ppl who had similar experiences so I just took it as normal.

How many of you trying any drugs now to help with ovulation or getting pregnant since loosing the tube??

Im trying to get pregnant but im not using any drugs or anything to help ovulation i seem to ovulate well according to my progestorone check and managed to get pregnant and have 2 healthy boys since my ectopic now going for number 3 hoping we are 3rd time lucky!!

Hope you all get your babies sometime soon think possitive it happened for me xxx
I was taking Metformin because I have a mild case of PCOS not long cycles like others but instead of creating nice big follicles I have a bunch of small ones and they said the Met would help with that. I was on Clomid 6 months before the ectopic but quite because it wasnt working. I currently am only taking EPO because I have no CM and prenatals. I was taking baby asprin and B Vit complex for my LP but since I have decided to relax I stopped all of that. Gonna give it a few more month and then if still nothing talk to my dr about going back on the Clomid or something similar my office also uses Femara for women that Clomid did not work for. Kinda think using that will increase my odds of Ov on my good side but then again maybe noth.
Hi girls
Just jumped on my MILs computer whilst she is out she doesn't like me on it (thinks I spend to much time on it).
So in 3weeks today hopefully I will know if natural conception is possible for me. The wait is driving me bonkers although I know 3weeks isn't long. I so can't wait to ttc again and will be praying we get a BFP before I see a FS.

Shell'sAngels have you tested yet? I have always been a POAS addick but next time I will not POAS if I can till AF is due. Last time (EP) I got a BFP at 10DPO. Will be trying my best to get to 13 or 14DPO. I have like 20HPT at home so will be hard not peeing on them.

Hope you are all well
Hi Olivia, Yeh i tested this morning at 11dpo and BFN...

I always get my bfp's before now with all 6 of my pregnancy;s and i used a super early 10mi test so im sure im out now for this month plus...

Spot breakout, sore boobs and heavy feeling pms symptoms on its way!...nevermind only 1st cycle onto next month :)

Hope everyone else is well?? xx
Sorry Shell's but you know what they say it aint over until she gets you.
thanks hun

Its always in my head tho if i get a later pregnancy test as possitive that it would be ectopic again cuse of the hcg not doubleing!! so im actually wanting my period now lol like i say i got early tests with all of mine except the ectopic for the reasons above, i only have short cycles too 23-25 days so least i aint gotta wait too long till the next ovulation normally happens day 9-10 :)

Good luck to you this month xxx

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