Honeslty Ive lost a lot of faith in OPKs. Last cycle I had one on the day I got my period. And the day before. It could have been a chemical pregnancy, but preg tests showed negative, so its a mystery
In my experience they do show ovulation...but false positives in other parts of the cycle are quite common, which is a bit worrying
well this is my issue with the wierdo opks, we know i am not pg cause i took a ton of hpt, and we know i do not have pcos since i just had my ovaries u/s like a month ago. so the option that i ovulated seems to be so rare and crazy on day 4 (i bd anyway) so i feel like there is no explanation for a pos that early. it has gotten lighter and lighter since? and i just stopped bleeding yesterday. tons of wetness and a little stringy mucous but its hard to tell if any is ewcm cause we have been bd every other day. as far as i can tell the cervix isnt favorable but??? since its my first time to even check it. sooo>>>????ahhhh