What I find strange is she chooses to FF her baby but BF her pet cat & dog!?! x
What I find strange is she chooses to FF her baby but BF her pet cat & dog!?! x
Ok...that is a bit weird
Actually maybe her baby couldn't latch on? I'll give her the benefit of the doubt!
This is mindboggling! I feel like I'm in some kind of insomnia-induced hallucination...any minute now there's gonna be a picture of a GOAT on a booby
Not being funny but my cat licks her bum. Not a chance I'd let her pooey chops anywhere near my nipples.
This is mindboggling! I feel like I'm in some kind of insomnia-induced hallucination...any minute now there's gonna be a picture of a GOAT on a booby
Not being funny but my cat licks her bum. Not a chance I'd let her pooey chops anywhere near my nipples.
Same thing as a human drinking cows milk IMO. Just cutting out the middle man of 'expressing' the milk.
Still the wrong species!
Is that really all that matters?I suppose she's not hurting the cat or dog, so can't see it as hideous...
Is that really all that matters?I suppose she's not hurting the cat or dog, so can't see it as hideous...
And you would do that, straight from the cow would you?
This definitely creeps me out. If you're that keen to feed it to your animals (which I have no problem with) then express it. There are certain boundaries that humans should have with animals and this definitely crosses those.