Our eventful night and morning...Advice would be very much apprieciated!


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2008
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Leigha was a dmeon yesterday night, she went to bed fine, but she wanted to read so i said she could for a little while.
She read for about 15 minutes then she came down and started creating...in the end she was in a full blown hissy fit! She woke Tom up which made it more stressful. Then she was kicking, screaming and shes just lost it!! I take her to bed and she rans at me, punching out and then i put her back in bed and then she just starts SCREAMING like she was possessed or something.
In the end she snapped out of it. But it took nearly 2 hours.
This morning she woke up in a bad mood and yet again ive had her in a paddy attack for an hour and a half...i put her teddy in the "bin" really its at the top of my cupboard and all coz she refused to put her bowl in the kitchen.
She is refusing to get dressed to go to school because today isnt wednesday!
I dont know....shes calm now, but shes not going to school as shes already late and coz ive had to deal with her none of us are ready.
Im getting sick and tired of this and its draining!! Im tired out now and im starting to get a cold.
If i fight back, she gets worse, if i leave her to it she gets worse..if i just completely ignore the fact shes stropping and tlk to her nicely, it doesnt work, and if i put her for time out shes a danger to herself and it makes her worse. If daddy is here and he tries everything above it doesnt work either.
Im running out of ideas!!
There was something like this i think on Supernanny the other night, i only caught the tale end, but the daughter was 8 and was screaming in her bed room then she came down stairs and started punching and kicking, the parents just had to ignore her and give no reaction what so ever and she eventually calmed down.
I'd still take her to school late or not, or she may learn that if she screams enough she doesnt have to go to school.
I know its easy for me to say as i'm not in your shoes, but it must be so hard, especially when it is affecting your other child too.
sorry to hear you've had such a rough night/morning. I can totally sympathise... My 6 year old Elliott is fantastic but he definately has an exorcist style demon side when he wants to.

As tough as it is I try my best to not react to him when he gets like it and usually he ends up sitting in his room alone till he's ready to snap out of it... no matter how long it takes.

pretty sure that wouldn't work for every kid though... Just try and handle it the best you can.. They will grow out of it eventually (Fingers crossed :) )

hope things get better :hugs:
if shes a danger when u put her in time out, then hold her in time out, put her on your lap and hold her hands down so she doesnt smack you, i know this sounds like u are restraining her but i personally dont believe its wrong, i believe that if she hurts herself or you that is behavior that must be stopped. shell probably hate it in the beginning but shell learn that if she wants out she has to calm down. its really hard in the moment coz all u want to do is end the tantrum asap but if ure consistent shell get the message, try do the same thing each time, like always go to time out after you have asked her nicely twice and warned her she will go into time out.
good luck hun
Im getting this too hun off a bloody 2yr old!! Her fave word is NO at the minute and bedtimes shit! She gets up twice in the night now and takes ages to go to sleep its all started the last couple of months i know how u feel it is stressful but all we can do is be tough and keep putting them back to bed and ignoring the bad and praising the good!! Hope she starts behaving for u soon!
Thanks girls.
I just get upset coz my daughter isnt naughty, shes just got one hell of a temper. And the thing is, the smallest thing can set it off.
if shes a danger when u put her in time out, then hold her in time out, put her on your lap and hold her hands down so she doesnt smack you,

Im not saying dont do this or anything, buttt
I did this to my cousin Ben when i was looking after him and he was really worked up like how you described Leigha and he reacted by head butting me with the back of his head :cry:

If you have her off school i wouldnt let her have a 'nice' day, like dont let her watch tv or play with her toys, i know that sounds really cruel but youdont want her to start thinking that she can get a day of playing instead of going to school if she kicks off and agitates you enough.

Hope she's better for you soon,
Yeah i know what you mean about the day at home instead of school. I wouldve still taken her but it would have taken a good 45 minutes to get everything ready and i fel so tired and drained from it all, which isnt really an excuse but..ugh!
There was something like this i think on Supernanny the other night, i only caught the tale end, but the daughter was 8 and was screaming in her bed room then she came down stairs and started punching and kicking, the parents just had to ignore her and give no reaction what so ever and she eventually calmed down.
I'd still take her to school late or not, or she may learn that if she screams enough she doesnt have to go to school.
I know its easy for me to say as i'm not in your shoes, but it must be so hard, especially when it is affecting your other child too.

yer it was the one that was on this week.

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