Oh my goodness, all these little angels in March

I'm so sorry button. How are you now?
It's been two weeks today since my main bleed when I lost our baby. It's amazing how different I feel, I still feel so empty inside but I'm finally starting to cope a lot better. I'm still bleeding, so AF have continued for 3 days now.
Button have you had a negative test yet? I am still waiting for my pregnancy tests to return to negative. They are very faint but not quite negative just yet. That is on the Ics, I daren't use my FRER. Need to wait until pay day before I buy a tesco cheapie.
Wow, that is some change from taking the bikes out Hun lol, although baking with Harvey does sound like a good idea for next Sunday now
Day was nice, mum invited Harvey and I to lunch at harvester and hubby went down the allotment and planted the last of the seedlings that we have been growing in conservatory. I think the last ones were the aubergines. Harvey decided he was getting very restless and bored thought and kept playing up, I don't blame him. When I was younger and went out for dinner all I wanted to do was go and play!
When we got home, I got Sunday dinner ready and we watched Frozen. I have been desperate to watch it for ages and I wasn't disappointed! I loved it and Harvey was mesmerised by all the singing and dancing. Really lovely film