Awwww what a little cutie pie she is!
Here is my birth story!
My waters started to go around midnight, only a tiny bit, followed by dull period type cramps in my tummy & back. I lay there for a while in I was 36+4, I was convinced this must be a false alarm! The cramping wasn't going away so I woke my OH, and ran a bath to see if that would help. The bath was good for a little bit, however the pain intensified quite quickly, coming and going in waves, so after a call to the antenatal dept. of the hospital, we went in.
On our arrival the pain was quickly getting worse and at this point the only thing I could think of was 'if this is a false alarm...i'm screwed for the real deal' haha! The midwife also kept telling me that 'I might not even be in labour yet' to which I really REALLY wanted to punch her clean on the nose. When the doctor got to me to check me at around 1am(ish) He told me I was 6cm dilated! I was so relieved, but also bricking it as I knew this was going to be it, and also because it was a lot earlier than i'd imagined.
Once I was in the delivery room they got me on the G&A which was heavenly, and in all honesty, amid the contractions the next 6-7 hours flew one point I looked up and I was like...'It's light outside?!' lol.
I did ask if there was anything more I could have for the pain as I started feeling the urge to push, but the midwives said there wasn't much point as it wouldn't be much longer. I also kept telling my OH and the midwife that I really REALLY needed a poo. *cringe*
At around 7am I started pushing, which felt great, almost like a relief... at first. However she kept sort of moving back and forward in my pelvis with every push, and I felt like I was getting nowhere fast. The pain of pushing was getting really unbearable, like nothing I'd ever felt, and they'd taken the G&A away at this point, which was horrendous. When a more senior midwife checked me at around 8.30am, they finally established that Sophia was back to back.
Soooo...they agreed that I'd need a bit of help getting her out, either assisted with forceps or c-section. I signed a bit of paper put under my nose from the doctor and they whipped me down to theatre where they numbed me from the waist down with a spinal block. I agree with you Misscyn, that part is totally awful, especially when the doctor was putting the needle in my back he kept warning me to stay really really still...even through my contractions/pushes. Easier said than done matey!! They gave me the G&A back (thank god) to get me through until the spinal kicked in. And when it did, oh wow. It was heavenly!!
The doctor told me that if she didn't come out vaginally then they would do a c-section. Throughout my pregnancy the thought of a c-section had terrified me...but I was at a point now where I thought as long as she arrived safely, I really didn't mind how.
Luckily, two pushes and she was out with the aid of forceps and an episiotomy!
The only way I can describe my experience is the most horrendous, but the most amazing thing i've ever been through. I'd definitely do it again. Haha