Yes it is an OPK. I took two the day before and they were slightly lighter. This is my first time testing so I have no idea when I O. The last couple of months I have been on a 33 day cycle. I took a HPT yesterday afternoon that was BFN but it was a blue line equate on mid day urine which I hear is not ideal. I am not TTC but not preventing either. I have been feeling off the past couple of weeks and I am just trying to figure out what is going on. I had a very light spotting for a day and a half last weekend. Usually my periods are so heavy I have to sleep on a towel. Sorry for TMI.
I am 35 my bf is 47. We are not trying and I am ok with never having children. He has a 20 year old. I have been pregnant twice before but last one was about 10 years ago. We don't use any protection because we just figure with our age its unlikely although we know its possible. I don't want to take a blood test yet just in case my mind is playing tricks on me.
I feel hung over daily without drinking, cramps, hot and cold flashes, burping but no heartburn. I had major lower back pain for over a week but that has gone away and I have been crying every other day. IDk maybe its just stress.