ovulation bleeding?


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2006
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just wondering if anybody else experiences this so called "ovulation bleeding"?
I've never had it... a friend of mine used to get it randomly.
Not every month though.

I had something earlier in the week which i thought could've been it but temps and stuff would suggest otherwise...still might not have the pill out my system altogether i suppose...will wait and see if temps go up over next few days
Yeah could still be linked to withdrawl bleed whilst your body is regulating itself.
If I was you I wouldn't be suprised if your first couple of months you have "anovulatory" months where you don't ovulate just cos the pill ha been used to stop ovulation for awhile

Good Luck stephsnugglebuggle xx
yeah im not going to panick too much if i dont ovulate for a while...my temps last month were a mess, but this month they've been more steady so i am hoping to see a rise :)
Steph, whats happend with you since?

Im getting really wierd bleeding right now, spotted for a morning, then it stopped and had nothing till the next morning, then nothing again untill today when i had a bit more, thought it was AF kicking in but its gone again!!!

really frustrating coz i have no idea whats going on, never had this before.

Nothing...i've still not ovulated...i took my temp too early and thought it was the "dip" but my cervix seems to be low again and im not as EWCM any more but no rise...i dunno whats going on...been a very bizarre month

could yours be implantation bleeding?

no idea what mine is, its completely gone for now...guess i will just have to wait.

took my temp yesterday and it was 36.1, took it today and its 36.3 so i will take it again tomorrow to see if its risen again.

When i first started spotting i had a very sharpe pain on my right hand side, and i read on google last night that ovulation bleeding can happen and you often get a sharpe pain on your right or left side. it said the bleeding lasts a couple of days, which mine did on and off, and it hasnt been heavy enough for me to wear a pad or anything.

The only other thing i can think of is that this is the first month an egg has been realsed since my misscarriage in july, which would explain the pain (which i never have when ovulating) and the bleeding, but thats just a guess really?

Not that I know Layla, but it makes sens I spose...... :? Just hope it does something so you know whats going on.....xx
It's a possibility i suppose...this is hopefully the first month i've ovulated since coming off the pill so you never know....

2 things that should come with a manual...babies and womens cycles!!! grr
stephsnugglebuggle said:
It's a possibility i suppose...this is hopefully the first month i've ovulated since coming off the pill so you never know....

2 things that should come with a manual...babies and womens cycles!!! grr


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