I don't mind the length of ur reply at all. Thank you for that. I pray that we get our easter eggs too. I've been so scared thinking I have endometriosis, and am still not sure. I am afraid to find out too. This is my first TTC cycle. And I'm getting married in July, so if this cycle doesn't work we will try after the wedding. Do you check cp, and cm? That is really the only thing I have gone by , that and O calendar. Based on my cm, cp and O pain Im very positive that we DTD a the right time(s). Lol. And TTC you think "I'll be able to relax when tww comes" but then there r a whole slew of new and more prying questions that arise. I think forums like this are great we all have questions and can support each other when needed! God is amazing and I talk to him daily. And I will thank him in advance for our bfp's!!