Hello ladies,
Sorry I literally haven't been on in a week. To make a long story short, my Boxer dog Butch had to have a tooth removed on Monday. Woke up and the left side of his face was all swollen. This happened back in August to the opposite side of his face and it was an abessed tooth. He's 9. So he had to have that taken care of and we also found out he has a heart murmur and he may have a tumor because they checked his blood calcium levels and they were elevated which most often means a tumor. I've had him since he was 8 weeks old, he's my baby. I'm terrified of it being cancer. So I'm hoping and praying either it comes back looking ok because they said sometimes the level will be elevated due to excitement, stress or something they ate. Or if it's still elevated that it's nothing bad. A benign tumor if it is one. They did do a chest xray and it had his upper intestines in the picture and they didn't see anything, so that doesn't leave many spots it could be considering he doesn't have any lumps or bumps I can find. I'm really scared of losing him. He's 9, but I was hoping he'd have another couple years. He's acting happy and silly like normal which is good, but still terrifying.
I think I'm all caught up...
DSemcho, I'm so sorry it is looking like baby is going to come sooner than hoped. But you're in great hands and what they can do today for premature babies is amazing. I hope and pray it will stay in there longer than 2 weeks for you.
mowat, congrats on the twins arrival!! Each weighing over 7lbs is amazing!!! Great job!!! I'm sorry your delivery didn't go quite as you would have liked, but all that matters in the end is that you and babies are doing great, which is sounds like you are.
blueblue, congrats on hitting your 2nd trimester!! Also congrats on your NT test coming back low risk. I get breathless a lot too. Not if I'm just relaxing, but if I'm doing things I get out of breath quicker than normal. I think it's the extra blood flow and our uterus pushing up against our lungs.
IVV, I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am that you lost your little one. Take care of yourself and I know you'll be back on here soon.
Ummi2boyz, congrats on your little one showing up!!! I'm so glad you finally got to meet her and you're both doing well.
dairy, my anatomy scan is May 4th. I'm glad you're hanging in there. Keep taking care of yourself.
Hope, I'm glad you're still doing well. Almost to the 2nd trimester!!!