Spudtastic, Congrats, and welcome here, I don't have much advice for you because I do the same even though I tell myself, there is nothing I can do will change the outcome but I still do it but the worry never stops specially with our history.
Mrs Reineke Congrats on your scan, what a cute picture. Regarding having my son so early, it was not easy but I am glad he made it through, we spent 7 months in neonatal, and every baby is different, there were two girls born at 24 weeks the same week with us both left on their due date with no major issue.
We end back in hospital 3 weeks later, and we have been in and out latest was in March this year. Every baby is different but generally girls do better, and the longer the baby is inside you the better. You see 25 weekers or 26 do miles better. Considering all this, I am so glad he made it, he still require mimum oxygen which we think he will come off it in a month time but he is active healthy boy, and his smile every day means the world to me, and we are lucky to have him.
Hope congrats on your scan, and good luck for your next scan. XX
I considered myself out this month because I keep getting BNF but AF didnt turn up yesterday, I thought to wait until tomorrow, and do a test again! The wait is killing me.