Had my 30 week follow up today with high risk on and mfm. Bp was around 140s/90, labs are looking pretty good. Still really tired from taking the beta blockers. Will have level 2 us later today. Next week is my last slow week of appts. I will begin my nst and bpp. Will get my plan next week and labs biweekly. For now we've bought ourselves more time in utero. Very grateful. Hoping to make it another 46 days. They are refusing to schedule my induction at 37 weeks. The mfm said it's too soon, we don't know that you'll make it to that point. My grounds for induction are:
1. Baby starts to decline on nst, shows signs of not tolerating in utero environment, or signs of iugr.
2. Uncontrolled bp(either over 160/105 that won't decrease, or constant high bp like I have been having)
3. Labs that show sudden drop/signs of organ failure.
So I'm just coasting. I get frustrated with people because they don't get that I'm literally walking a tightrope trying to juggle giving the baby time to develop as much as she can(37 weeks at the most) without essentially killing me. There are days I feel so down like I failed. I finally stay pregnant and my body is having an immune response to the placenta. My heart is broken because I don't think I'll try again as I feel so traumatized over what we are enduring as well as every time I go to the ob I have to be packed and ready to be admitted/induced. I'm still grateful but it's hard.