Quick update as I'm on magnesium and it's doing a number on me. I went to the dr for my gtt, rhogam, growth scan, and appt. bp was high twice (150/100). Then protein if 2+ was found in my urine. I was sent straight to l&d triage for further work up. Liver and kidney levels all look good but protein still in urine so I was admitted. Started on labatelol (beta blocker) to lower bp. It's around 127-137/72-84. A whole lot better. Was given steroids to help develop baby's lung. Thought I was going home today. Given second steroid today and magnesium as a preventative measure to help if baby is early will lower chance of cerebral palsy. The mag is really taking a toll on me. Headaches, vision changes, nausea, exhaustion, the works. For now I'm here until tomorrow. I'm now under the care if high risk ob but they are all residents and it's someone new every 2 hours. The mfm and perinatologist are giving me no guarantees. They said headaches and vision changes plus protein means preeclampsia could be getting getting worse even though liver and kidney are ok. Sort of in limbo. Mag should be finished in 5-6 hours so just keep us in thoughts and prayers.