Hi ladies
As some of you may know, I had some spotting over Easter. I was booked in for an emergency scan today to check on baby.
Scan showed one healthy baby measuring 33mm and 2 days ahead of my dates. This puts me as due 22 November 2011 which makes me 10w 1d today. The sonographer couldn't see anything in-utero re spotting so they're putting it down as one of those things. I felt so relieved that I burst into tears on the table! The sonographer was lovely. She held my hand and was really sweet.
Baby is very much a wriggle-bottom. It just wouldn't keep still and, thankfully, is very, very active. We got to see little arms and feet, lots of heart-beating action and the umbilical cord.
Here are the pics:
Untitled by pip7890, on Flickr
Scan 110427 by pip7890, on Flickr
Untitled by pip7890, on Flickr
Apologies for the quality. They're a photograph of the original scan photo taken with my iphone.
Thanks for your support ladies.
Pip x