Good morning ladies back from my scan, and everything is perfect, I'm measuring 6.5 so my EDD is now the 15th feb, so a day out! Baby is great and heart beat was seen I cried! My next scan will be at 12 weeks xxxx
Those are fantastic scans DiamondDust - I'm desperate to have a scan. No idea if I'll get an early one or not, but fingers crossed I will.
I say I'm desperate for a scan but at the same time, I'm dreading having a scan incase it's not good news! My head is all over the place just now
Congrats, Diamond! That's absolutely great news.
I was so thrilled to have our early scan. Our next isn't until midway through week 9, and I'm dying to get back in there. I am so worried about MMC, even though probably I have no reason to be. Our 1 loss was SO SO early (4+1), it was obviously chemical, and this little bub certainly doesn't have the same problem, whatever it was.
I am feeling so sick lately, and the boobs are still pretty sore (and HUGE), but I also know that some women still feel symptoms with MMC, so that isn't really that reassuring. I know I'm being silly, but can't help it.
You're right, Diamond. I'm super grateful for my FS, who is very attentive, and keeps an eye on EVERYTHING. I think we'll have the scan at 9, and then again at 12, before he returns me back to my regular OB/GYN.
You are nOt alone lulu, did u mc at a latish stage ( 10 weeks) like me? I'm concerned about seeing hb st early scan but nOthing later on..
You are nOt alone lulu, did u mc at a latish stage ( 10 weeks) like me? I'm concerned about seeing hb st early scan but nOthing later on..
Has anyone been suffering dizzy spells, I appear to be having a fair amount and I didn't get that last time and wondering if it's just me..