Afternoon girls, one hormonal woman here, baby blues today I think, Ollie is so unsettled at the moment, sleeping and eating erratically and very hard to get down and when he does go down it seems he is so uncomfortable, squirming and grunting - im still 100% sure he got Silent Reflux, the chamomille granules really help but as they are homeopathic I dont want to use them all day every day !!
And fell out with MIL so not happy there either as I treat her better than her own bloody kids !
Im so tired think I only slept an hour last night - couldnt get back off after Ollie went back to sleep and then when I did he woke up again and then Noel went to work at 6am so he was up at 5am although he was quiet I still wake up, Ollie woke at 6am and didnt go back to sleep until 10.45 - he was exhausted, he has waken for 2oz of feed since but is now in land of zzzzz.
Noels off for a couple of days now and the weekend so should catch up and be back to my cheerful self soon, thanks for listening to me moaning xx