PAL Winter 2010/2011 Mummies Group

:hug: to maddox jo hope he feels better soon
:hugs: heather hope your feeling a bit better soon and ollie lets you have some sleep
hope going back to work goes ok kimmy and no she dont do anything by halves
Oh dear we have got some sad babies and sad mummies. Poor Maddox, hope he gets well soon. Heather are you going to see GP about the reflux? Try n get ratinidine instead of gaviscon. Hope you feel better soon, it's hard when u can't comfort them.

Kimmy back to work already?! Hope it goes well.

I'm sitting here v uncomfy with D asleep upright in my lap - he's not napped much today so I'm reluctant to move and will instead play Words With Friends lol
Thanks Nic, only going back one day a week to begin with. I've had no maternity pay or anything whilst I've been off (my own fault for switching jobs at the wrong time)so we're struggling only having Lee's crappy teacher wage :( x
aww sorry you have to go back to work so soon do you not get pay of goverment if you done enough before hand?
hope going back goes ok x
No, didn't get any pay from government - I only did bar work before getting pregnant (after leaving my career path as a veterinary nurse) and that was only part time hours. We've managed OK but we'd love a bigger house so we could have more bambinos :) so gotta get back earning! I will miss Archie but I'm looking forward to going back, I really love my "job" :) x
aww least your going back to a job you love x
I used to love my bar job too, great fun. I was 23 and all the customers were worried and kept asking if I was old enough to work there :haha:
Sounds so much like me Nic, I used to feel bad asking customers for ID when I barely looked 18! I'm an apprentice cake decorator and chocolatier now and that could never be classed as a job-too much fun!
My OH would love your job Kimmy!!!

AFM - still tired, Ollie had tummy time and really lifted his head up - at one point he had his head up and one leg in the air. He already holds his head really well but this was from flat face down!! I think he's going to be in 3-6 months clothes in a month's time - he is already at the limit length wise of his 0-3 months - he is ultra long!!!

Hi girls

Ollie bit more settled today have changes all his bottles to dr browns now much better feed and we have gone to Aptamil first not comfort with the odd hungry carton for evening on advice by midwife so we shall se how it goes x
aww glad he a bit more settled fluffy

found out today my stitches are slighty too tight they arte hoping if i do exersisers ect they given me i can sort it out without an op. also cuz chloe was so big my body is subcontiosly temsing up when i try to DTD its something i cant control and is apparetny as chloe was so big exersices should also help this. however he didnt care about the bleeding ive got appoinment in 3months about both things again. bit annoyed he aint concered about bleeding as had to have blood tests at docs to check iron level week back get results tomorrow if they are low i believe its due to all the bleeding.
Glad you've worked out a solution fluffy.

Crikey Philippa, I haven't heard of stitches being too tight before - hope the exercises help. Doesn't sound like the doctor was very sympathetic about the bleeding.

We had the HV yesterday and Florence is 11lbs 5oz! Still following that 75th centile. So pleased after the struggle with BFing at the start. She topped off a great day with a textbook night. 10.30 to 3.30 - quick feed - 4.00 to 7.00, all in the cot! I know I shouldn't but hopes are high she repeats it tonight!

I am still waiting for her first smile, little smirks so far but I want a big grin!

Evening all. D's just fallen asleep. Guaranteed to be up before midnight :(
Aww sorry tulip is gonna be up before midnight :hugs:

No he wants very sympathetic at all so not too good.

Glad she is such a good weight and glad she had a really good night. Hope you get a few more similar one. and hope you get a smile soon
:hi: girls, bloody hell first chance I've had to catch up today! Work went well, except for burning the first batch of cupcakes :haha: luckily its a fault with the oven and not operator error! Archie's been a little star for his Grandma, missed him loads though! Had tea with the parents then went to Zumba (sweating like a good un) n just sat down, phew!

Phillippa I hope the exercises help and hope your iron count is normal.
Well done Florence on the sleeping! Give us a smile little lady :D
Nic just going to check in on your journal now...

Loves all round xxx
glad beign at work wasnt too bad kimmy and glad archie was a good boy also.
glad u had a good first day back kimmy xxx

i had maddox in bed with me from 3am - i sat up with him in the crook f my arm (bad mummy alert?) but he couldnt breathe laying flat with his damn cough n blocked nose, so im tired n groggy and hes still/back asleep
sorry you didny get a very good night jo, im sure we have all slept with our babies at one point even if just a kip on the sofa i know i have with chloe. Hope he gets better soon x
he just ouldnt sleep laying flat :nope: hating my lil man beong poorly

in-la saga still rolling on - have updated my journal - think i might set up a In-Law rant journal ....

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