PAL Winter 2010/2011 Mummies Group

:haha: about the in-law rant jornal i would def stack that.
yes i just replied to it, and hun you did what was best for him if he could sleep lying down so dont feel bad, you did the most sensible thing.
Hope he feels better soon jo :kiss:

Dillon miracle alert - woke at 1.45! Amazing! Went downhill after that but it's a start LOL
aww glaf he went a good stint to start with tulip can only get better :D well done D
hey yall :wave:
i am so happy :) cam got weighed and he is 10lbs 4 :) the rusks are working lol
had a pants day today, all my 'friends' have cancelled on me for my hen night :( its next weekend!! everything was booked and now has to be cancelled. there was 16 girls going and now there is 4 of us. really pissed tbh coz i have been there for every single one of them. grrr lol

sorry some1 said about bubs not able to sleep lying flat, we got told to put a cushion under cams matress in his basket to keep him slightly raised. it helps loads with the coughing and flem etc

how is every1? xxx
Glad the rusks are helping. Xxx hugs bout uselesd friends bailing.

Spent all night sat upright holding him as he just couldn't sleep layin flat in his cot. Will try raisng one end tonight
Glad the rusk is helping cameron, sorrya bout your friends cancilling on you at the last min hun :hugs:
I get to come over now lol. I put this post up on the winter thread but since I was the last to deliver nobody is there lol

Thought I would do my birth story and put up a few pics if anyone wants to read through

I was due for induction on the 8th but that morning they came round and told me that SCBU had three admissions overnight and were now shut. Any new babies were being shipped out to other hospitals so they weren't prepared to start induction incase she needed a cot.

Obviously after hyping myself up this was really disappointing especially not knowing if it could be another week or only a day.

The next morning they said it was still closed but it was possible they would reopen after lunch. I had myself convinced that it wouldnt happen so was really excited when I was told over lunch they were going ahead.

I got told I was clearly being shown favouratism since my consultant came to do the induction personally and put her private mobile on my notes for any queries.

On examination I was given a bishop score of 5/10 which is pretty favourable - surprising at 35 weeks. They gave me the first prostin gel at 1pm which only gave me a few niggles.

At 7:30 they came to do the second one and did a sweep at the same time and said that with this second gel they should be able to break my waters in the morning as long as a consultant did it as it would probably be tricky.

I started getting contractions pretty quickly after that every 5 minutes but breathable through. They then increased to every two minutes but far more painful so they gave me pethadine to help me sleep. It was semi effective and I got some sleep as they wore off later on. The midwife said they were just prostin pains though as they weren't showing on the monitor.

At 8:30 they came to check me to see if I needed another gel but said I was 2cm so they could break my waters and I was transferred to labour ward.

Because it was going to be a tricky one to do they decided to put an epidural up before breaking them but we had to wait until 11:30 to get it because they were busy in theatre.

The epidural is supposed to take 20 minutes. I explained to them that I have always had problems with it and have to have it resited several times so they said they would make sure that it was in right for sure.

In the end they went in four times before the consultant anaesthetist took over. Apparantly I have a strange back with spaces that look good but actually are not effective for an epidural. The actual epidural space was so deep that the needle wouldn't have reached any further so if it was 1mm further I wouldn't be able to have one. Anyway enough rambling - it took 1.5 hrs rather than 20 minutes but was finally in and at 1pm they broke my waters - was still 2cm as nothing was happening all contractions had stopped.

At 2pm they did shift change and I requested to have the midwife who delivered Matthew as I'd heard she was on shift - I was so thrilled that I got her as she is perfect.

Nothing happened after waters were broken so at 3pm they put the drip up and said it'd take a couple of hours to start working because being prem they had to start it low.

At 4:40 the contractions started every 3-4 minutes. At 6 I asked when they were plannning on checking me and she said four hours after the contractoins had started so at 8:40pm. I said based on how quickly Maff was delivered that might be too late and she agreed that I was probably right so we agreed to 7pm.

At 7pm she checked me and said I was 3-4 cm but the cervix was far back behind the babies head so she pulled it forward a bit. At 7:45 I said to her that I had a terrible pressure and remembering how fast she had delivered Maff she checked me. She could feel the babies head only a few cm's in and went to get the paediatrician and the sister (you need them there for early deliveries). A few tiny pushes later she was delivered at 8:01pm and came out screaming. The paediatrician said it was the most "Controlled delivery" she had ever seen and how impressed she was but would bow out now since baby clearly didn't need her lol.

We then had a natural third stage to deliver the placenta. It was all really lovely and my official labour (up to the delivery of the placenta) was 1hr 18 minutes.

It was amazing and I feel really sad that I will never get to deliver another baby again. Sophia Isabella weighed in at 5lb 4.5oz which is exactly the same as Jessica (they said 5lb 5.5oz but then realised they converted it wrong). She is the spitting image of Jessica (even having a hernia on her belly the same as Jess).

After only a few days in hospital we are home with her now. They are fretting slightly as she had already lost 8% on day 3 and gone down to 4lb 14oz so we'll see what her weight is like when the midwife visits for day 5 weigh in tomorrow.

I can't believe after everything that has happened in the last year with both of the miscarriages and such a difficult pregnancy that she is finally here and so totally perfect.

Here we are 5 minutes after delivery.

Precious girl

Hi girls glad to see everyone ok. wantabean, call themselves friends how awful cancelling on you, I can understand one or two but 12 ! Hope you get a good hen do anyway x

Vickie - glad you had an amazing experience with labour and love the pics so cute x

Jo ohope Maddox is better soon and Nik as I said I am right there with you girl on the sleeping front, how I have done this twice before I dont know !

AFM well Ollie seems slightly more settled, he seems to be the perfect child going from 7.30 pm till 11.30/12 having a couple of ounces then straight back to sleep then up again at 2.30/5.30 etc but he is taking ages to settle.

He is now on Aptamil with Dr Brown bottles, Colief, Colocynthis and Chammomille granules. They all seem to be settling him well and I have committed the cardinal sin and have taken to putting him next to me in bed to settle, but it works and I sleep and so does he and Noel.

So we shall see how the next few days on the homeopathic stuff works - it is so far !!
glad to heaqr evetything is ok vickie and lovely pics x

Aww glad he is getting better fluffy hope he starts to get better to settle also hun.

We took chloe swimming again, which she loved at always, she also tried baby musiel for the 1st time today (with my milk) she had banana with my breast milk yesterday evening even though she has already had her solids at lunch and she slept even better so now doing 2 small meals a day at lunch and dinner. And tonight i have decided im going to make her some mash potato but with my milk, as i was makign mash tonight anyway, i will take some out of ours before adding the stuff to mine.
Kirstie :thumbup: well done on the weight gain!! :hugs: sorry about your hen do - to be honest I'd personally prefer a smaller group - you can still have a laugh - I can imagine how it must make you feel tho :hugs:

Vickie - amazing birth story - especially for an induction - congrats!!

Fluffy - glad Ollie is settling so well :)

Phillipa - glad you had a lovely swim session and the feeding is going so well :)

AFM - emotional day - Ollie had a bad night last night after having a couple of fab days and nights - so after a 10 - 12 sleep he was up till 2am, then awake again at 3.40 then since then he was up every hour - OH took him at 6 so I could get some sleep ( we were meant to be going to my mum & dad's today and I was going to drive with OH in back with Ollie as my first drive out ). Up again at 8.30 to feed him ( he hadn't settled for OH in that time!! ) and he's been fussing ever since - using me as a dummy - me getting fustrated that he won't settle - coupled with hormones I've been a little weepy...

Plus - got all packed in to my car and had to jump start it ( haven't driven it since xmas!! ) then it won't go - seems that the hand brake has seized up - so that'll need fixing next week - trip to my parents cancelled - we're both shattered and that was the last straw!

Been driven to ordering a takeaway - bleurgh!!!!

:hugs: h sorry you had a bad night after it all going so well, its horrible when that happens, maybe he is having a growth spurt hun, chloe always wants to be on my boob all the time when she is having a growth spurt, they do have one when they are getting around to a month old so it could be that.
Sorry you couldn't go to your parents, and hope the car doesnt cost to much to get fixed. and dont worry about the take away nice to treat yourself to a take away espeically at a time like that x
H - we have just had a nightmare with our car to such a degree we have just spent over a thousand pound on it to be told it needs another 2k and its only worth 1800 quid max ! So much so we have bought a new car on finance because we cant risk or afford anything going wrong again so we are now financed to the eyeballs but have a new car to show !

Ollie had a better night slept from 9 till 2 last night but then was up at 3.30, 5.30 and 7.30, Noel did the 7.30 feed and left me in bed till 9.30 which was nice.

Ollie is back on the comfort milk but likes the Aptamil with Colief added and combined with Dr Browns bottles seems to be so much more settled just wish i could get him to have more feed during the night he seems to take 2oz and then is so sound asleep you cant get anymore down him and for the sake of a decent nights sleep you dont wanna wake him so its a double edged sword !
Morning Ladies, how was our nights?

Maddox slep 6:30 - 3, 3:30- 6 :D i think hes getting better :D as the prev 3 nights he was up every 1.5 / 2hrs,
hes still really chesty and snotty, but is much brighter in himself
why is amoxicillin bright yellow tho ?? i think that theres 4/5 sleepsuits ruined by bright yellow stains
:hi: girls, how are we all? So glad M is getting better Jo! x
im doing ok - maddox was in bed asleep by 7pm - so fingers crossed,

got a sore throat brewin tho :(
Glad little man is getting better Jo! Ooohh no! I hope you aren't comming down with anything!

A fast update on me, Liam and I are very slowly starting to get the hang of things! I'm a busy and very tired new mommy! I sure can't WAIT for DH to come home so I can take a nap! :haha: Breastfeeding has be really, really, REALLY hard. But we are working with it! Today was the first day we haven't needed the nipple shields to latch on! :dance: (knock on wood) Now it just hurts! lol

Sorry I don't have more time to get on BNB and read through the threads.. I'm sure a day will come when I can do that!

Love and hugs to everyone and all the babies! xx
:hugs: hun, BF does get better :) by 3/4 weeks we had it sussed

i was sposed to go to dentist today but cancelled it, my throat hurts too much to hold my mouth open and have someone prodding around in there - rescheduled for friday
Aww hope you feel better soon Jo, and im glad maddox is getting better.
Aww yes breastfeeding def gets better wish, if it keeps hurting thought you might just want to check you havent, got thrush i got that with chloe and it made it hurt badly, but easily solved my some cream from docs.

Me and Chloe meet up with my bump buddy from here wriggley yesterday and her little boy zacoiya, we werent ment to just meat today but she invaded my town yesterday, today we are meeting and spending the who day shopping :D
Also chloe is 19weeks old today :shock:

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