PAL Winter 2010/2011 Mummies Group

AHH Ha!!

"Although infants are not lactose intolerant by nature, a high volume of lactose can overwhelm a baby's digestive system. When there is not enough lactase to break down all the lactose, the excess lactose causes gassiness and discomfort, and frequently green, watery or foamy stools. Over time, large amounts of undigested lactose can irritate the lining of the intestines so that even a little bit passing through can cause irritation. Occasionally, this can result in small amounts of bleeding into stools that can be misdiagnosed as a food allergy. Some pediatricians will mistakenly diagnose lactose intolerance if there is undigested sugar in the baby's stool."
Happy Mother's Day Mummies! :flower:

I am such a lucky girl, Archie bought me a card, a silver locket with photos of himself in it, Lorraine Pascale's book and flowers. He also made me breakfast in bed, not bad for a 4 month old :haha:

We're off out for Mother's Day lunch today, so looking forward to it. My OH has really outdone himself (I'm in shock!)

I hope you've all been spoilt too, you all deserve it :cloud9:

Ps. How lucky are we that we get to join in with Mother's Day now thanks to our lovely little babies?
Happy Mothers Day girls! I got a lovely card from Dillon and we went out for dinner last night. We don't really go in for valentines, mothers day etc) xxx
Happy mothers day everyone.
I'm one lucky mummy, i got an adult expander bangle (like the kids ones but bigger) with mummy on, a locket with mummy on, a game for the wii i wanted for ages, and chocolates and flowers and a card off both her and my DH. I also got breakfast in bed, and we are going out for a meal with my mum, dh's mum, and both my sisters and there kids and my sisters oh's mum, 17 of us in all :haha: i hope they are prepared for us
Hi ladies! Awefully quiet in here! We must be a group of busy Mommas or something :haha:

Well, It's finally happened! My father has picked a nickname for Liam and stuck with it. He is known as the 'little Colonel.' :rofl: I love it. My husband calls him Liam Beum. You have to say it out loud for it to make sense. And since DHs nickname for me is Kimbo, he has recently taken to calling Liam Limbo. :haha:

Hope all of you are having a wonderful week! Full of sleep, new activities and yellow poo!
Awww loving the nicknames!

I have an amazing unpredictable baby who woke once on Sunday night and has been a nightmare tonight! He is hilarious tho xx
We're doing ok on the sleep front, bed at 7.30 and wakes up anywhere between 5 and 6, just in time for the 4 month sleep regression :haha:.

She now lifts her head during tummy time and can hold things but I'm not sure she is aware whats in her hands x
Yes you all have the sleep regrassion to look forward too i found that really hard with chloe as she'd been going through all night before that so was a big shock to system but it doesnt last too long.
And yyes i think we are all really busy mummies.
i agree i love all the nicknames, we call chloe, Chloe boey :haha:
on another note chloe is 6months old today :cry: :cry: :cry:

Nic, isn't it funny how they can just switch back and forth having a good night like that? LOL

YAY for lifting head at tummy time SEA! Liam is working on it.. not there just yet.

AW! 6 months already for Chloe? wow, time does fly!

yes it does its gone way to quick to think 1/2 a year has gone so in this amount of time since birth again she will be a year old :(
Yes Kim it's a shame as I do like predictability!

Happy belated 6 months Chloë xxx
hey ladies,

im kindA Back,

maddox dosnt STTN and it seems suh a long way off, he can now roll onto his tummmy :)
I hope he starts to STTN soon Jo, im sure he will, and yay for rolling from back to tummy :D
Chloe's 3rd tooth has cut through so she now has 3 teeth, just felt it as i was rubbing on her teething gel and looked and def there
Yay for rolling onto his tummy Jo!! He will STTN before you know it! Liam is a LONG way off from it. But I know he will do it when he is ready. Still have 5 wake ups a night. But down from 7! Woot!

Woot for thrid tooth for Chloe!! I hope she isn't in too much pain from teething xx
No she was only in pain yesterday and the day before that its gone now. Or she isnt showing any signs of pain wish

And aww wish 5 wakes up is alot but yes your right it will go down :hugs:

The weather has been so nice today, we took chloe for a picnic in the park
:yawn: maddox was in bed for 19:20, up at 21:20, 22:50, 1:15, 2:48, 3:30, 3:45 i gave in , put him in my bed and he slept til 6:19

hes got a cold:(

its just gone 8am and hes cuddled in, chewing my boob like a dummy n droppin off to sleep,
aww bless ya jo, i really hope things get better for you soon.

Chloe's now got a 4th tooth, her 1st top one. I really wish everythign would stop having so fast and early
hi girls - mummytochloe has been in touch with me and would like me to update you all,

unfortunately shes in hospital and has been since 2am this morning with right side abdominal pain, that morphine isnt helping with,

shes on the list to be given and ultrasound scan anytime after 9am - but hasnt been given a set time, so cross your fingers its early for her so they can get to the bottom of this,

the hospital have put her in a side room so she can have privacy with chloe still dependant on her for feeds and allowed her dh to stay with her as well,

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