Also I'm getting a double chin!! What the hell! My face just looks so round! I feel fat and ugly most of the time but my little man is so worth it Nic you've done really well on the weight gain!
i weigh less than i did when i got preg - but the weight is catching up again
was 10st4 @ bfp, 9st at 16w, now i'm 9st8 @ 29w,
had a panic stations moment this eveing while out with friends - got up from the table to go to ladies and realised the back of my skirt was all wet - got in a flap, then when i get to ladies my rational mind kicked in - my underwear wasnt wet and the damp patch was halfway down the skirt - so the conclusion is - i have sweaty arse n legs - leather seating in cyprus - !
Oh Jo! How stressful was that?? And all along it was just sweat! hehehehe! I am a complete sweaty mess now that i am back. I think i have to acclimatise (spell?) myself all over again. I literally have a think layer of sweat all over me - a nice vision for you ladies! You are doing soooo well on the weight front, i am totally jealous!!
I met a lovely american friend for (decaf) coffee earlier and told her i was upset at gaining 21lb and she laughed her head off - she gained 60lb with her first and 50lb with her second!! She is a total gym bunny too, so i know she did not spend 9 months eating cake! i guess we are all different...
Eating when you are bored is a killer - i get that too. I also try to be good with low fat yoghurts and have now even taken to buying the ones that are fake bad stuff (i.e. fat free choc mousse style yoghurt!). I sit there eating them like they are gold dust Have been good and made a huge fat free veg soup/stew that me and DH are demolishing for lunch every day. I suppose i just need to be sensible...
You can start packing it whenever but they say try to have everything ready for about 36weeks. Even though some things e.g toothbrush ect you can put in until you actually go into labour. befor i actually packed my bag (hoping i wont need it as want a Homebirth) i got a few diffrent bits each week when i was shoppin e.g mat pads ect.
I was awake at stupid o'clock this morning so excited about my HB visit
I didnt sleep well last night either, i was having BH all night, and they were keeping me awake and i tossed and turned all night
I just had my homebirth visit, all very positive i can have my homebirth anyday from and including the 15th sept. Got a scan booked in for the 21st september as they do like to do a scan if they can to check babys size ect. In my area they dont ring the equipment round until your actually in labour. Im really excited about it all now Its scary to think that in as little as 12 days i will be allowed Chloe at home which means i will be full term Least i wasnt kept waiting too long. The midwife was really positive about it all. And only spoke aout the negatives becuase she had to other than that she made the whole thing really positive. A big change to say only 2 months back she was completly against it.
Also she said baby is 2/5 yay def going in the right direction
Ive just noticed ive gone off veg again. its strange as i was liek this at the start of my pregnancy, and morning sickness feelign also been back for the last few days
i just want to sleep - today had to clean out 3 of my cuboards and re-wash everything in them as ants had decided they wanted to move in - some crumbs left behind when cleaning and poof the ant population of cyprus move in.
im soo shattered now! i should be pegging laundry out - but my back aches n me feet are like puddins so i think sofa and easties might be a better plan
Aww bless ya, i hope you have sorted out the ants now and they get the message. yes im starting to get really tired and fed up.
I did loads of cleaning this morning as im starting to nest. And now i wanna rearange all the cupboards but atm im refraning as other wise OH would never find aything in the kitchen. nowing me i will end up being able to refrain no longer tomrrow or something
i keep trying to nest - i knwo that sounds really odd - i keep starting a job then find myself sweating like an idiot or panting cos i get so hot, that i take a break which turns into a nap - or a cold bath - which turns into a nap - and nothing much gets done!!!
hubby has the weekend off tho - so i think im going to utulize him! i cant wait for summer to be over here - i think i'mm gonna send the rest of Cyprus summer to england for a few weeks!
Yes that would be nice the weatehr here is nice at the moment but its menna turn horible next week i would like some of the nice weather please. its just night time i have a problem with when its hot.
Yes recently on many days ive been having a nap, so i went for becuase iw as tired and some i tried to stay away and then feel asleep
Well it will be confirmed in about a week or so but with my undercover ultrasound, it looks like I'm on team PINK! So I'm breaking the even score! HAHAHA
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