PAL Winter Babies 2010/11 - ** Waiting impatiently for our remaining babies! **


my OH is going to be drafted in to do mine :haha:

Mine too, can't say he's looking forward to it! Home computer monitor won't turn on so this is turning into a proper sick day, can't even check emails. Thank god for iPods so I can check BnB!

:( triple

what is it with colds atm - seems everyone is fallin victim

im chesty n my throat hurts - fun!!! might eat some custard as a "poor me" treat
Aw ladies, i had such good intentions to do the perineal massage and it just hasn't happened. The first time i did it i thought my nails were short, oh no they weren't! They looked it to me but it was just horrendous. My nails are shorter than most mens but my technique has not improved one bit. It is soooooooooo awkward. I think i managed about 1 minute not 10 last night and was too tired and had too much to do to face it this morning.

Jo - you lucky thing! I constantly have a sweaty upper lip that Nick refers to as my "sweat 'tache"! It is just not the demure, elegant pregnant lady look i had always envisaged for myself!

Sleep is just a thing of the past.... I know when bubba comes we will be sleep deprived but at least we can sleep on our backs again! Plus, we will not have to change positions every 15 minutes cos a hip/leg/pelvis is aching or cos bubba doesn't like the position and is letting you know in no uncertain terms!

I am gonna attempt my second afternoon nap today. Last time was a complete disaster but i am just sooo pooped already and it is only 10.20 am!

I hope you poorly ladies are feeling better soon - make sure you get plenty of TLC!!

Tulip - i love the image of you getting your shoes and socks on! It made me really giggle! I am just so glad that i am able to live in flip flops, they are heaven sent.

Mich x
I am not looking forward to trying the massage atall from what I've read :nope: but thought i'd give it a shot...Will let you know how I get on :haha: Infact...I wonder if I can even reach?! DH has been roped into trimming the lady graden for the last 3 weeks so its not looking promising lol x
Hi Girls sorry for the delay - i couldnt work out how to find this thread - just letting you all know that Phillippa had her baby girl on the 12th October weighing in at 9lb 12oz. here are the threads i posted in 3rd tri for you to take a nosey at :)
Good night sleep last night plus a nap this morning - woooohoooo - I feel alive again!! and having had a week off my ankles are svelt again!!! ( the only bit of me that is!! ) - now if I could just sort out the heartburn ........

hb I'm the same with the heartburn, it was a killer yesterday. Yey to feeling alive again! Me and babyboy are fine, he's kicking away (although the Braxton Hicks are getting bloody worse!) Guna go get some comfies on and chill on the settee for the rest of the night I think :D
Glad you're feeling good h. I'm better today after a few days of feeling lousy. We were supposed to crack on with the nursery this weekend but just didn't happen. Luckily the inlaws have offered to give us a hand with the decorating in a few weeks time, love them. So not looking forward to work tomorrow but less than 9 weeks left so must stop moaning!

Am in my trackie bottoms chilling on the sofa too Kimmy, only place to be on a Sunday night!

Check out Chloe's revised weight - ouch ouch ouch! Due deserves a baby that's sleeping well after that!

I'll update Chloe's particulars tomorrow :shock:

Kimmy are your BHs starting to hurt now? I'm getting period pain and backache with mine. Some are now thinking I won't go to 40 weeks!

Hope you're all well - I had such a weepy hormonal morning, Hubby whisked me off to the seaside for crazy golf, fish n chips, adventure golf and 2p slot machines :) Munch has not stopped ALL DAY, he's moving almost too much, the little monkey. Argh, paranoia, hate it! xxx
Totally know what you mean Triple - I meant to get loads done this week but have spent the whole time not sleeping, feeling pants with IBS etc that nothing much moved on :(

Hope you have a lovely chilling time tonight Kimmy, Triple and everyone :)

:hugs: Nic, try to ignore the paranoia - Munch is doing v well :) and in a month you'll meet him!! maybe you're going to feel more paranoid again coming up to the end but you're such a strong lady :flower: you'll make it :)

Wowzer at Chloe's revised weight! Glad they are both doing well :thumbup:
Bet you can't wait for maternity leave Louise! I honestly don't know how you full time ladies do it, I only work 2 full days plus a half day Saturday and at the end of my 2nd day I am shattered! You deserve a medal!
Nic the paranoia is understandable - I never stop bloody worrying! But I'm sure moving too much isn't a problem, just a sign of a lovely strong baby boy in there :D Your day sounds lovely btw!
Wrt the BH I'm not yet finding them painful - just uncomfortable. They're also affecting my lungs in a weird way, sort of make me short of breath I suppose? Dunno, its hard to explain. Maybe Munch will make an early appearance then?? Term in 11 days though for you :shocked:

AFM...Just done my first perineal massage I don't like it...How can a thumb inflict so much pain?! (Can you all see why I'm opting for an epidural now?! :haha:)
Wow to Chloe's weight! :shock: I give her major props!

Kimmy, I am with you on the epi! Ill do the massages anyway, BUT I know for sure something is ripping in the end.

Afm, I found the poem to put in LoveBug's nursery.
~The world may never notice
If a Snowdrop doesn't bloom,
Or even pause to wonder
If the petals fall too soon.
But every life that ever forms,
Or ever comes to be,
Touches the world in some small way for all eternity.~
:cry: :cry:

I'm going paint it.
I'm not enjoying the perineal massage either and can't see me keeping it up. Oh well :shrug: If baby turns out the size of Chloe, we're all in trouble, massage or no massage :shock:

Wish, that poem is lovely :cry: xxx
W2B - lovely poem - am now in tears here :cry: thank goodness I'm not in work!!

V brave with the massage Kimmy - 6 or so weeks till I start mine...

After my triamphant sleep on Saturday night I woke up at 1am last night and have been awake ever since - pregnancy related sickness number 2 - I emailed my manager to let her know and she said we can look at options for working from home.....

hoping for some good naps today...

Oh I'm not looking forward to the peri massage now! *hastily reconsidering her "au naturale" childbirth*

Sorry you're feeling rubbish h - is it me or has this pregnancy business just suddenly got harder the minute you arrive in the 3rd tri?!


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