PAL Winter Babies 2010/11 - ** Waiting impatiently for our remaining babies! **

Sorry girls didn't mean to scare you about the peri massage, it's probably just me with my very low pain threshold! When I'd done it I went into DH (who was in the bath) like a petulant child (picture the bottom lip sticking out and everything) and said "I don't like it!" Just managed to refrain myself from stamping my foot :haha:
Sorry you're feeling rubbish HB, get plenty of naps in today!
I'm just off to Fatquanatal then going to undo all my good work by going to Pizza Hut with an old friend. Oh well, I already look like a baby elephant so may aswell milk it while I can :rofl: Have a nice day ladies x
mmmm pizza hut mmmmmm nom nom :)

I know Triple, my sleeplessness has reached new levels and the heartburn is awful...

Mmm pizza hut. I have pitta breads that need eating so may do pitta pizzas for lunch when I escape the dentist. Just a little filling to book in for. Now waiting for Hubby... I may be some time! :haha:
gosh loads of babies since i was last on
here is my birth story with Chloe
quite a quick labour really. breastfeeding like a pro
i just bit my grandmas head off via msn :blush:

i told her i'd been to a farewell BBQ lunch for one of davids colleagues and she repleied "well you better not have eaten too much, you have to think about your figure even when your pregnant you know"

so i replied, " i had 1 pork chops and a small glass of lemonade, and im lighter now than i was before i got pregnant so my weight really isnt an issue!"

whoops . .
She is gorgeous Phillippa hon, and well done you for coping so well! xxx
Well done Due! You must be so proud :cloud9:
Pizza was yum! But I'm having a paranoid day...Little man is bring quiet and I hate that. Even got the doppler out this morning (can't remember the last time I used it) HR138 and he did kick the doppler several times. But I'm just not satisfied. He's awake at the moment but his movements don't feel as strong as usual. Mind you, I'm feeling a lot of them towards my bum?! So perhaps he's changed position?? Oh god I am going mental here!
Well done Due - both you and Chloe look fab! You are in inspiration to us waiting ladies on the birthing front!

Don't blame you Jo - wish I could say I'm lighter now than before but with my appetite - no chance! I've forgotten what it was like to have a figure - I feel like a tomato on legs today (maybe my red top isn't helping!)

How are you feeling h?

Love the pouting story Kimmy - I've never been one for turning on the waterworks but its just like flipping a switch these days!

I've been freaking out yesterday and today that my kicks have gone from high up to low down (worrying about breach again). That's changed now - not sure if its a third tri thing but my WHOLE bump seems to move!

Louise my bumps the same, I feel movement all over the place. Like right now I can feel something low down to the left and something high up and in the middle?! Although he was breech this time last week so perhaps I'm not a good example! Hoping he's decided to turn around and thats why his movements feel different?? I've got my midwife appt tomorrow morning so I'll see what she says (unless I get super worried in the meantime and phone triage...)
Jo I know what you mean, I've had some of the worst comments off old people! Esp DH's grandparents, why do they think they can say what the hell they want?! Well done for being lighter than before, I think I'm currently 3 stone heavier than when I started :blush:
Kimmy sounds like he's facing your back and kicking you in the guts - good lad! I'm 2 stone heavier at the mo. Next time I step on the bance board, Wii Fit is gonna put my bMI into Overweight for the first time...
im tempted to get some scales for the house . . but im frightened i'll get obsessed with my weight . . .
I'm just over a stone heavier but was already a bit on the chunky side pre-pregnancy. I have some serious work to do once this little one is born!

Just had some great news. One of my friends who has struggled for years to have a baby (told her tubes were blocked, several failed attempts at IVF, 3 MC and then miracle of miracles conceived naturally) has just had a little boy. 3 days overdue and a teeny tiny 6lbs9oz. Can't wait to meet him!

Hey Triple- not sure if low down movements necessarily mean breach - I was getting those last mw appt and when she palpated my bump his head was down. Yey!!! for your friend :happydance:

:hugs: to all the ladies with movement worries :flower:

Don't know how heavy I am so not sure where I stand compared to pre-pregnancy.

Aw, congrats to your friend triple!

I am 15lbs heavier... my doc isn't very happy.. so she put me on a no carb/no sugar diet. lol

So... woke up with my right nipple really hurting. So I took it out of my shirt to let it have some air. Well, turns out.. I'm leaking!! I couldn't believe it! This is a whole new world to me! So I will call the nurse later to ask a ton of questions.
Thanks Nic, I hope so! Also hope he's turned by tomorrow, the thought of a ECV scares the bejesus outa me :(
Aw great news Louise!! I bet you can't wait for a squeeze!
Glad I'm not the only one Butterfly :hugs:
Wish that must be so strange for you! I've not leaked once yet, I wonder if I will??

Oh, was just thinking...If anyone wants to
Just thought it would be good for keeping in touch plus updates for labour! Just message me saying who you are :flower:
I'm not really sure how commin leaking is. It was kinda scary for a min. lol AND my nipple turned purple! :shower: seemed to help tho :thumbup:

I should add, that my diet is also because of the gd. :blush: I'm kinda of a space head and assume everyone knows my thoughts. :haha:

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