Sorry about the silly consultant Jo, what a tit!
Louise, lovin the logic on the treat there! That is exactly what I would've done
AFM I've had a lovely day with DH (he's off for half term) and we've decided to make the most of "us" time before a neat bottomed certain someone makes an appearance!
Been out for lunch and generally just pottered around. Also, the sex drought is officially over
He initiated things this morning out of the blue (or perhaps not so much out of the blue seeing as last night I had a mini melt down, crying about how I don't feel like a person anymore just a vessel blah blah blah. Am I not a perfect candidate for post natal depression?? How worrying
) Anyway, confidence levels suitably boosted by early morning frolics, alls good
Also got some good news from my auntie, she is 43 and has been trying for her 2nd baby for a few years. Finally fell pregnant and had a bleed around 6 weeks
Went for a scan last week and they couldn't see anything - diagnosed as either MC or another ectopic (she had one a few years ago and lost one of her tubes) So had to go back today for a scan and there was 7 and a half week old bean complete with heartbeat! Naughty little thing had been hiding last week! So happy for them.