Midwife called with my GTT results. Blood sugar was 8.8 so looks like Gestational Diabetes. I feel like a failure and have had a good cry . I immediately consulted Dr Google and got myself in a state about it - baby is going to be too big, jaundice and obese when its older etc etc - not to mention me getting type 2 diabetes when I'm older...
Hospital is going to call me tomorrow and will have to go in for more tests, a diet plan (really want to avoid insulin shots), see the endocrinologist and I will be transferred to consultant-led care. Looks like normal procedure around here is to induce at 38 weeks too - NEW YEAR'S EVE! That bit sort of makes me smile because I always used to think that would be quite a cool day to be born - but then I feel like a failure again and robbed of the chance to go into labour naturally.
Sorry for being such a moaner ladies, I know there are a lot of other much worse things that can happen during pregnancy, I'm just so disappointed .
triple. You know I looked at Dr. Google too, but you can't believe everything on there. Maybe they can monitor the baby and see if they can let you go on your own? I'm not familiar with UK proticals.... You are def NOT a failure!!
But on a happier note, a New Year's baby! How exciting!
Thanks hun, I'm a wreck this evening. One minute I'm reassured, the next my head is spinning with all the extra things I now have to think about. Hopefully the hospital appointment will be soon because I really need to hear the truth from the professionals rather than drive myself loopy reading about it on the internet. Even the GD thread on the Gestational Complications forum had me freaking out. Whoever thought pregnancy could be so hard . xxx
Oh sweetie I'm sorry you're so worried. GD isn't necessarily the end of the world, just a little extra hurdle. Hopefully a little diet adjustment will be all that's needed. Please step away from Dr Google and wait to hear what is relevant about YOUR specific condition.
Definately - it is controllable to avoid the impact on your LO - look at a low GI diet to release energy slowly and avoid insulin spikes - it's also easy to follow and something that you can continue as part of your ongoing lifestyle post pregnancy to help avoid diabetes in future.
I will probably be joining you as I have PCOS - makes me a prime candidate for GD.
I know the worst case scenarios are scary but controlled properly your outlook can be improved dramatically. Def speak to your consultant as to what the best case scenario could be in relation to your birth as well as all the potential risks - is there a chance for you to go naturally?
Thanks Nic and h . I'm confused about the diet thing already from what I've read on the net, will be good to get some clear advice from the consultant (midwife told me I would need to take the whole day off work to see everyone I need to!). I will check out low GI though, that will keep me going until they give me an appointment. So far MW only told me to cut sugar out of my tea and don't eat white bread - do that anyway so want to be more proactive while I'm waiting. As my blood sugar was 8.8 (should be under 7.8 but not massively high) I'm hoping its within the diet-controllable range.
I was told that my hospital "usually" induce GD ladies at 38 weeks but from what I've read you can push that if you are able to control by diet rather than insulin. I would desparately love to get to 39 weeks, 2 weeks early scares me. We'll see what they say after the growth scan, which will be regular now (one good thing I suppose).
She did say that as not everyone is screened I should just consider myself lucky it was picked up and can be managed. I mentioned that both me and my 2 sisters were 9lbs+ at birth and she said it was possible my Mum had undiagnosed GD, making me more likely to get it too.
I'm being such an emotional-moo this evening that when I remembered I'm going to France this weekend for my best friend's 30th I burst into tears when I realised no creme brulee for me!
So sorry you're upset Louise You are NOT a failure so please don't beat yourself up. And I agree with the others, please step away from Dr. Google, he is not your friend xx
I am a bit upset at the moment. I am taking a sociology class to help pass time and go toward my degree. Well, there is chapter in the book on reproduction and ART. The book paints a HORRIBLE picture of IVF. And even calls IVF babies simply "test tube babies." It has the procedures for IUI, IVF, ICSI and egg donation so wrong. The reader gets the picture that one should just adopt. OH and it says that same sex couples shouldn't be able to use ART because of legal reasons.
I am just so upset at the country's massive stupidity. I just don't even know what to say here. My son was concieved with just as much love as anyother child. If not more in some cases (drunk one night stands and such). I am so sorry if I have offened anyone. But this just hurts my heart. I would give my life in a heart beat for my baby, how can they say these things.
Wow... might be the hormones, but I just can't stop crying over this. It's so unfair. They called it "genetic engineering a child."
Oh sweetie Of course it will upset you, it's disrespectful to your little man and to the love that you and your DH share. Sadly, some people that have not struggled still seem to think they know it all. I hope that some are able to see through it xxxx
wish. I can understand how upsetting that must me. Tulip is right, no one who had any experience of wanting a child could possibly think anything other than that your baby was conceived with love and was meant to be as much, if not more, than any other child. Try to ignore such ignorance hunni, you, your hubby and lovebug are the winners in this. xxx
Wish Dont feel bad about it, its not your fault some people are too ignorat to think of those who cant concieve children easily on their own, and despertly want a baby
triple. def stay off google Dr. I dont beleive GD will lead to baby being any of those things as long as your sensible and manage it. Also if you manage it normally i dont see why they wouldnt let you carry a bit longer. Maybe ask if they would let you go upto your DD before induction or something
wish, I can see why reading that would upset you. But it's a big load of shit and we all know it! Whoever wrote that book needs their head looking at, fools! As you said, your little man is going to be sooo loved whatever and thats all that matters xx
Thanks ladies. I am feeling a lot more positive today (despite my colleague telling me my obviously daibetic tendancies probably caused my miscarriage - thanks a lot!). I've been looking at the recommendations for GD diets and I am more than happy to comply. I have always been a 3 meals a day girl and try to avoid snacks - now I see that snacks are a good thing to keep blood sugars constant! I'm off to Tesco at lunchtime to stock up on the basics - may as well start as I mean to go on until I get an appointment with dietician (still waiting for a call from the hospital - ring phone ring!). I am going to try everything I can to control my blood sugar and avoid induction before 39 weeks. My DH has been lovely and is planning to introduce a light exercise regime (raising the heartrate appears to help break down sugars more effectively) - 30 min brisk walk in the dark tonight - cozy!
when was that book written wish? - some times the age of a publication will say a lot
been to "parenting classes" this morning and met my Health visitor productive morning - the way to lay out my living room is still giving me some issues - so i think i may play around with some furniture this afternoon . . .
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