Glad you'll get your results today h - can't believe they said a week at first - we'll be 30 weeks by then and given the speed at which they have jumped on my GD suggests that waiting around is not good. Sure you'll be fine though and glad the drink wasn't too bad (mine was just like pure sugar dissolved in water and didn't have the fasting blood test first either).
I'm eager for tomorrow to come around quickly so I can see the diabetic MW (I think my care is being transferred to her at the hospital now instead of community care at the GP). I've been reading up a lot and it seems that there are vast differences from "mild" GD which can be controlled by diet, has little effect on the growth of the baby and whether or not to induce early - and "severe" GD which requires insulin control and results in gigantic babies, jaundice, blood sugar issues after birth, induction at 38 weeks and greater risk of c-section (if you believe what you read). I just want to start testing my blood sugars and have a growth scan to see what's happening.