yesterday afternoon i was a teary mess - maddox got so agitated and frustrated wanting a feed and no matter how we tried we couldnt get the latch right, so i got out the breast pump and expressed a feed for daddy to give him, while i had a bit of a cry n a cuppa, then had 2 nice easy feeds in the evening and i expressed some just before going to bed for his 2am feed - the hardest one i find, so he guzzled nearly 2oz and then still wanted more! but as he wasn no longer ravenous it wasnt too bad
have introduced a dummy for nighttime too, as he seems to need comfort feeds and cuddles and im too exhausted, he slept with dummy from 3am til 6:30! felt amazing, i woke before he did, he had a feed, and i cuddles up with him across my chest to wind him and dozed off n on til 9!!!
he had a feed at 10, and fell asleep on the soft squihy cushion we use as a prop and is still sleeping, its 11:30, he needs a bum change and his vest changing but it can wait, for now i'm gazing at my lil man and lovn it
david made me breakfast this morning

fried eggs and toast and a pint of milk - scrummy,
going to larnaca tomoro with the little man, want to buy him some blue bits, and i want some clothes, as it seems i have nothing that fits, thats right for the climate anyhow!!