Hope everyone is doing well,
sorry to hear you felt a bit down, but im glad your feeling better
Hope the scan date comes throught soon nic, and hope baby is fully enganged and not breech little monkey.
Congrats on your baby blondee
Sorry ive not been on too much ive been feeling quite down and not felt like coming on. And to make it all better my left brest has still been hurting when ive been feeding and the feeding advisor at the brestfeeding support group i go to thinks ive got thrush, which has made me feel even more down
Sorry your still a bit down Phillippa, it seems to have hit both you and Jo Have they given you something for the thrush? You're doing so well with Chloe you know xxxx
Just had a call from hospital, sounds like antenatal is full because I'm being scanned in Triage tomorrow 'about ten-ish, bring a book'. Glad they're not hanging about, I could go into labour any second Must write a list of things to ask/say. 1. Where is the cord? 2. He's breech? No I'm not having an ECV. 3. Right, when is my Section?
Hopefully you wont need a section either hun hopefully he will be the right way around.
No she isnt allowed to perscripe stuff shes told me to get and appointment with the doctor about it all.
Ive written more in my jornal, but gonna mention to the doc how i am feeling too as its made me feel even worse and i feel like the worse mum even because of this, and even the feeding person said its only a tiny thing thats easily sorted but i feel awful
wish - he might change his mind once lovebug's here - you're def best having a face to face conversation once he's back.
Well done on blood sugars Lou. Try not to worry too much about the birth - you don't know what might happen - it your blood sugars are as good as they have been they might let you go naturally and the main thing is a healthy baby whatever happens
Good luck at the scan Nic - fxd he's still head down
Hi girls, well the appt with consultant went well. I explained why I didn't want the ECV and she explained the pros and cons of C section (which I knew anyway) I told her I was sure of my decision and she booked me in for C section. Baby's launch date is 23rd november! They tried to get me in 5 days earlier but it was fully booked. I am so relieved. Had to have a couple of hours at the hospital though as BP was 179/103 and I had 1+ protein in my urine. It came down though so they sent me home. Now I'm home its stinging when I pee so just off down to doctors to take in another sample (this mornings had blood in it aswell) Will catch up on everyones news when I get back x
Yay Kimmy!!! that's great! Sorry your wee stings . Hope the doc can help! xx
So I have a random question for everyone. Does anyone notice their baby goes silent when you shower? My little man just goes to sleep or something when I shower, like every time! Wondering if it was just me
wish, maybe DH will feel differently once little one is 1 and a half? I hope you get to sort it out when you're face to face again.
Lou glad the NCT class went well. And try not to feel bad about what the teacher said, yours is special circumstances - it's not like you'd ever be induced just to fit in with your social schedule or something silly like that. You're right, the main thing is a safe delivery of a healthy baby And well done you on the sugars and the weight loss
Sorry you're feeling down Philippa, it seems like such a common thing
Glad you've got a scan time through Nic (even though it's a bit vague ) Good luck for it x
Well mine said on Thursday "That's fine", so I asked what it was and when she told me I said "Errrr that's very high for me...." which made her flick back to the previous page
Well said H!! 'Guidelines' are treated as gospel, it's all too easy to put people in danger that way. Andrea had to almost beg DAU to see me on Friday because I didn't meet the threshold.
Haha h, I tend to agree! NICE seem to have stopped healthcare professionals from thinking for themselves. Last week the obstetrician told me it was not up to me to decide if my BP was high, patronizing cow - I wanted to say it's not up to NICE that's for sure!
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