Hey ladies
Glad your pre-op went well Kimmy - how many days to go until your section? Just out of interest did they even discuss a vaginal birth given the little man is breech? One of the ladies at my NCT class is considering it... I'm not convinced.
Hope your GTT went ok wish.
I squished my bump today trying to get into my car (some a**hole blocked me in) - it really hurt. All afternoon I've felt a bit sore and achey - little one is kicking away though so he/she is obviously not fussed. Its been quiet in the office today so I've managed to book dentist, hairdresser, boiler service and carpets to be cleaned - I'm wondering if this is the nesting instinct kicking in! Want the place ship-shape for baby. Oooh and my nursery curtains arrived today, I love them - want to rush home and put them up!