Happy due date Nic, it really won't be long now (don't hate me for saying that dreaded phrase!). I witnessed the hosptial refusing a sweep to a lady at 40+1 this morning - she left with a leaflet on induction and was not happy!
Bummer about the pain Kimmy (no pun intended) - I guess you've tried pillows in every formation known to man?
Have been to the Day Assessment Unit this morning to check BP on the new medication. As much as I hate it because its making me feel sick and was doing screwy things to my blood sugar until I stopped taking it with my meal (seems fine now), it does seem to work. BP was 127/75 - never been that low in a clinical setting so they were pretty happy with me. As I was there for an hour they hooked me up to the trace to see how the little one is doing and took bloods for good measure! They now want to see me every other week that I'm not going to the diabetic clinic so will be at the hospital every week until little one arrives - going to get expensive in parking charges! I am feeling very well looked after though so no complaints. Baby was a bit sleepy to start with and as I can't have a sugary drink like they would give most women, I just had to keep wiggling my bum to get the little one moving - soon perked up!