Thanks Lou - I've just been imagining the worst and didn't want to stress my OH out ( he stresses easily at the mo!! )
Crikey 4 weeks!!!! think of that in days - I think it's even eeeekier!! - and the christmas week will just fly by with so much going on!!
hi girls hope all are well.
Well ive spent months having scans because they feared baby may be small, so i have a scan today and bubbs weighs approx 5lb 8oz at 32 weeks !! Now they fear he may be too big - i cant win !!
Triple looks like we are in same boat, junior has long legs and a huge belly, im above 90th centile too !
Yay for maternity leave fluffy! I have really thought about bringing mine forward (esp as the liklihood is I'll be induced early). Have been working at home again today though (can't shift this tummy bug and proximity to the loo is a must!) and think what I'll probably do is request a few more home working days over the next few weeks.
Great news about the pram and cot. We are waiting for the cot to be delivered to the store and for my colleague to give us the pram she promised us (getting nervous she's changed her mind now!).
Just out of interest on your scan fluffy - did they give you the individual measurements? I was chatting to some ladies on the other boards and they explained how weight estimates can be way off...
PS LollyW has had Olivia ( Livi ) I think yesterday
Yay for strong movements h! Its the ones where you can feel the limbs that make me (and hubby) squirm! Yesterday was super-active for my little one, I wonder what today will bring.
Had some sad news this morning. One of my friends who was due around the same time as me with twins had them earlier in the week at 34 weeks. They both weighed about 4.5lbs. Sadly one of the them didn't make it.
Hubby has turned into a prison warden and I'm the prisoner. He won't let me out of the house to go to work because our lane is icy - major cabin fever!
PS - having a slight wobble - haven't had one for a while and it's probably more to do with being the anniversary of my mc but .... Ollie is still moving as often but it had been strong rolling / sweeping movements previously but the last few days it's been more little wriggles - he's stayed in the same place - so now I'm stressing that he's stuck or wrapped up in his cord - so does reduced movement just mean lack of any movement or smaller movements too?
Did any of the winter mummies have this at 35 weeks? ( well 35 weeks tomorrow )
That's true - I wonder if its the insulin...
Ah thanks hun, that's true! I shall hold that thought when I'm bedbound, rigged up to drips, being constantly monitored and trying to resist an epidural!