Back from the hospital and big news - I'M BEING INDUCED 2 WEEKS ON THURSDAY (30th Dec)! Growth has slowed down a little bit (phew) and estimated weight today was 6lbs 15oz - so should be around 8lbs at birth. Tummy is still on the chubby side (97th centile) and my amniotic fluid level is a little high (a "normal" symptom of GD) so in the words of the obstetrician "let's let this baby out early!" We were a bit shocked to start with but now WE ARE SO EXCITED! There's every chance I could be seeing in the New Year with a glass of champers in one hand and a baby in the other!
Head is spinning a little e.g. this is our last weekend (other than Christmas weekend) without the baby, I need to wash the baby clothes etc!
Everything else was good at the hospital - urine clear, BP 126/74 and baby happy as larry on the trace. And the best bit - because I'm only on a low dose of insulin I don't need a sliding scale (glucose drip) in labour so if the pessary and breaking my waters does the trick I can have the active labour I really want - BRING IT ON!
Sorry ladies - a bit excitable tonight!
SEA - glad your GTT went ok. They don't seem to be in a hurry do they?!
h - hope being back at work is ok. 4 days left for me (and only 2 weeks maternity leave - messed that up a bit!)
Felt crap at work today so came home early - think I am getting a cold gargling with corodyl every couple of hours and drinking OJ and will double up my asthma treatment and vitamins - fxd it helps!!
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