PAL Winter Babies 2010/11 - ** Waiting impatiently for our remaining babies! **

That's rubbish h - get yourself tucked up warm and take it easy. I'm sure your lovely hubby will look after you :hugs:.

Thanks for all the messages ladies - you're all lovely. I am so excited its ridiculous! Sent my DH an email at work in massive font just saying "I'M GOING TO BE A MUMMY IN TWO WEEKS ON THURSDAY/FRIDAY/SATURDAY!" :rofl:

Another day almost down, 3 to go - and for the first time in about 3 years I have clear space at the bottom of my inbox!

sorry ladies, I promise I will catch-up in a few days. I have just been super busy and so overwhelmed. I have my final exam TODAY and I haven't even finished reading the chapters! :cry: I have about 18 hours of driving this week alone! Ughhh... well, at least I only have 6 hours left of it. Back and forth to San Antonio for doc apts. But soon I will be able to just stay there during the weekdays once this class is over. SIGH

Thanks for letting me rant :hugs: and love to all! 2 weeks triple?! Thats GREAT! :dance:
Good luck for your exam Wish. Hope the driving and appts go well

Good luck with your exam wish.
Hope you feel better soon H
fantastic news lou x
Good luck with your exam wish, sounds tough right now :hugs:.

Hope you're feeling better h.

Thanks for the get well wishes - Well I'm def off work tomorrow - I feel like $h!t warmed up - nothing full blown yet but my best chance of throwing this off without medication is not going to work tomorrow - really hope this comes to nothing - I currently have sore ears and throat, headache and all over acheyness - feel v weak :( and that also means will def not be helping in the sort out at the mo - even moving feels like too much - humph and booooo to poorly-ness - I had done so well getting this far without falling ill - I am normally crap as I'm asthmatic and usually pick up every cold going - and they normally end in a chest infection. Hope this doesn't affect Ollie!!

Will be interesting to see if the predictions are correct, they've been wildly out for some ladies on the GD threads - lots of tiddlers rather than chunkies!

Can't believe we're nearly there h, can remember getting our BFPs!


It's totally scary. I remember the day you tested and how good you were about not testing early. I can't believe you only have a couple of weeks left.

Heres my spotty little oik. We're getting the doc to have a look at them tomorow x

Still gorgeous even covered in milk spots though

So so precious Nic :hugs:!

Back from the hospital and big news - I'M BEING INDUCED 2 WEEKS ON THURSDAY (30th Dec)! Growth has slowed down a little bit (phew) and estimated weight today was 6lbs 15oz - so should be around 8lbs at birth. Tummy is still on the chubby side (97th centile) and my amniotic fluid level is a little high (a "normal" symptom of GD) so in the words of the obstetrician "let's let this baby out early!" We were a bit shocked to start with but now WE ARE SO EXCITED! There's every chance I could be seeing in the New Year with a glass of champers in one hand and a baby in the other!

Head is spinning a little e.g. this is our last weekend (other than Christmas weekend) without the baby, I need to wash the baby clothes etc!

Everything else was good at the hospital - urine clear, BP 126/74 and baby happy as larry on the trace. And the best bit - because I'm only on a low dose of insulin I don't need a sliding scale (glucose drip) in labour so if the pessary and breaking my waters does the trick I can have the active labour I really want - BRING IT ON!

Sorry ladies - a bit excitable tonight!

SEA - glad your GTT went ok. They don't seem to be in a hurry do they?!

h - hope being back at work is ok. 4 days left for me (and only 2 weeks maternity leave - messed that up a bit!)


WOW that's so close now. Great that you don't need a sliding scale. Most of the girls I have seen while I have been in have got into labour with the gel and having waters broken so hope that is the case for you too.

Wouldn't it be weird if I ended up being in hospital at the same time as you were being induced?

So once again am rubbish at updating.

I was admitted on Thursday night with the bleeding that I have had before. on Friday night I started getting tummy pains and thought it was IBS to start with. It became obvious it wasn't though so Iwas up all night on Saturday with contractions every 10 minutes.

The consultant (not mine but a lovely one on call) came to see me on Saturday morning and said obviously they wouldn't let me home as they couldn't risk me delivering at home. I had my steroids on Friday so they should have done some good for her lungs if she does come.

Because of the bleeding if anything happens they won't stop it because it could be dangerous. They gave me pethadine though as I had been up all night and also because it's a muscle relaxant so hopefully stops the contractions.

It did work but once it wore off the contractions came back and Saturday night they were every 5 minutes . The midwife over night wasn't nice and wouldnt' call the dr and wouldn't give me any more pethadine as apparently it wasn't written up.

The consultant saw me again in the morning and wrote up more pethadine for whenever the contractions started.

I had some more Sunday and yesterday but they have died back to every 20-30 minutes and are pretty mild now so hopefully it won't be anything to worry about.

I had my scan this morning and baby looks good. She is 2lb 7oz now so a fairly decent size for 27+4.

They are thinking it might be a bit before 35 weeks now but we'll have to see. I have another scan and see the consultant in two weeks.
Flipping heck V she is certainly keeping you on your toes. Hold tight please! xxx
Gosh Vickie :hugs: Hope she stays in there a little longer - tell her about the snow and how cold it is out here - she might be less keen. But seriously that sounds so scary - you are very brave - and grrrrrrr to that MW!!!! can't believe she wouldn't call a dr!! Good weight too - QueenieMurphy ( Lucy ) had her little Thalia at 29+5 and she is thriving - fxd she'll be home for New Year :)

Take care

Crikey Vickie, your little girl sounds like she's got quite a character already - you're going to have your hands full with that one! Glad they are looking after you (apart from the overnight midwife - there's always one!) Hope the contractions don't come back with a vengance (at least for a little while yet) and that she stays inside in the warm - glad she is measuring a good size. Take care of yourself hun :hugs:.

Sounds like its very possible we could bump into each other when I'm in to be induced. Hoping that the gel and waters breaking will do the trick too. The obstetrician says sometimes if you have a lot of water that's enough to get it started (fingers crossed).

How are you feeling today h?

Pants *sniff sniff, sneeze sneeze* went to the drs - just as I want to avoid the old chest infection - have antibiotics INCASE it turns in to one but all I can do is rest up, plenty of fluids blah blah. Bought some difflam spray at the chemist - that is doing the trick on the throat - so although I feel pants at least I can swallow without the pain!!

Just going to snuggle up this afternoon - Ollie's been active so at least he's feeling ok - well I hope so anyway.

Hi girls, just a flying visit to say I've just seen on facebook that Butterfly delivered her beautiful baby girl yesterday via C section (hope she doesn't mind me updating!)
I'm sure he's fine h - your body is taking the hit for his! Enjoy your snuggling up.

I've made a decision this morning - I'm going for the epidural if I need the syntocin drip!

Hi girls

Sorry your unwell H hope you feel better soon xxx

Just a quick question ive had lots of pulling round my belly button like hes climbing a rope from the inside its quite painful at times, has anyone else experienced this before I start worrying !!
Go Butterfly!!!! :happydance:

Not sure if I've felt that - some of his movements do feel strange now - make me wonder what on earth he's doing. Maybe ring your MW just for reassurance :hugs:

Don't blame you Lou for going down that route - if you're on a drip and not able to move around anyway...

Fluffy, MoggyMay had little J sticking his foot in her belly button when he was inside. Felt like he was pushing it sideways! Could it be that? x
Crikey Vickie, your little girl sounds like she's got quite a character already - you're going to have your hands full with that one! Glad they are looking after you (apart from the overnight midwife - there's always one!) Hope the contractions don't come back with a vengance (at least for a little while yet) and that she stays inside in the warm - glad she is measuring a good size. Take care of yourself hun :hugs:.

Sounds like its very possible we could bump into each other when I'm in to be induced. Hoping that the gel and waters breaking will do the trick too. The obstetrician says sometimes if you have a lot of water that's enough to get it started (fingers crossed).

How are you feeling today h?


She definitely is - my little pickle lol. The last three have been the same though and they all turned out well so everyone is hopeful. They also said every day counts at this tage.

I think the chances are we could bump into each other so I shall be listening out for your name if I am in around that day lol. That said I always go into A bay so if they put you in B I woudln't see you.

Did you see the picture of my Maff in day assessment?
He seems to have settled down today and later yesterday but there is an awful lot of bumping around the middle.

I also feel (and sorry for TMI) bubbling down below like im leaking but im not !!

DOnt know whether to hang on till Monday when im at scan and antenatal or call her ?
Call her if you're worried fluffy - for your own piece of mind of nothing else. I know what you mean about movements around the middle. Mine seem to be lower of late (used to be right up by my ribs) - I just assume its baby getting lower ready for the great escape (it was still head-down at my scan on Monday so don't think its turned).

Vickie - I missed the photo - where do I look?


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