Katy.... tender boobs, night time wees and tiredness are all tried and tested symptoms you nutter!

*If* you're going to get sickness, it often doesn't kick in until six weeks or so (thought admittedly, some do get it before their BFP).
I don't get classic MS, some sicky burps and coughs that make me retch is pretty much it. Try not to worry sweetie, you're faaaar more likely to have had m/c signs than an MMC xxx
Due#1, it must be a very scary time for you.... but you know that the statistics are on your side. You know that the chance of no growth is tiny weeny now you've passed the biggest danger. I know it's easy to worry, but there'll be worry in your heart for this little one for the next 25 years. While there's no reason to panic please try to enjoy the calm

Look forward to seeing bubs on the scan again and get excited to feel movements! You have reached a very special stage of your pregnancy my love - it's all going to be just fine xxx
Hannah - thinking of you darling, hope it is going OK with the doctor
Hey Meg, hope you're ok! *waves*
Love to everyone xxxx