Hi how is everyone not been on for a few days. I cant beleive i can now say my 20 week scan is this month. That means i reach half way this month
Anyone got anything nice planned for bank holiday?
hey ladies! nothing planned for me this weekend, though it isn't a long weekend here either. all i did yesterday night was a short walk with the dog and a load of dishes and i'm in agony now!! my back and hips are killing me and i had trouble sleeping because of it... does the sore back go away in second tri or is it constant throughout pregnancy?
No im affriad to say if anything the back stuff gets worse. How good is your posture i got told off from my midwife about mine. Swimming is also good for bad backs when pregnant
i swim twice a week, but i think i need to start doing my pre-natal yoga videos again too. also booked a massage for tuesday! yessss... she is a doula and so trained in pre-natal massage. so looking forward to it because i am so sore these days.
Motoring along! Jumping between excited and terrified! Today was actually a good "no stress" sort of day! The worst thing I worried about was whether I was going to be one of those women who never gets a proper bump... If that's the worst I'm worrying about, then the day was a success! HAHA!
i'll be cautiously joining you girls... i just found out... still feel like af is going to arrive any minute
and if she doesn't i'm getting bloods done tomorrow to confirm
i want to squeeze in a scan this week too as my bday is next sunday (and that's also mother's day here, either going to be a YAY-day or a depressive day)
OK I can't do this every day because it's really hard to do on my mobile but.....
Happy 12 weeks Laura.x.x
Happy 11 weeks Mojo and wishing you an easy journey to Cyprus (which base are you on? xx)
Big kisses to every one of us who has made it through another day with out LOs safely inside us. Believe me I am cherishing the time I have with Munch this week..... I'm at the scariest part of this pregnancy: finding out on the 10th if we have a little skull in here.
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