PAL Winter Babies 2010/11 - ** Waiting impatiently for our remaining babies! **

Thanks, Kristie! I don't know exactly how hard I'll be trying this cycle. I'm more concerned with testing than trying... but I'm not exactly waiting either. Something stronger than NTNP, but less strong than "OMG! I have to catch it!" LOL
aww Megg, just relax and let mother nature do whats right. She will bless you soon xxx
I wish I could count on Mother Nature, Katie! But, unfortunately, she's failing me. I think Mother Nature is part of the issue. I need Dr. Miracle to fix what she screwed up for me! LOL But, I'm working on it! I'll be very, very calm once all these tests hopefully pinpoint what's going wrong so that I can fix it! Don't worry about me! I have a new will and drive to get this figured out! I finally feel like someone is helping! I'll be back here in no time flat... and with a HEALTHY bean! I just might need the title extended to Feb or Mar! LOL
:hugs: Megg, you are an incredible lady and I can't wait to see you back here.

So ladies, a quick question. Last time around with my MMC I had constant but light spotting from before my BFP until diagnosis at 11 weeks. Deep down I knew something was wrong but stupidly believed my midwife who said it would be fine as long as there was no cramping or clots. Anyway, this time around I am so pleased to say I haven't had a drop of spotting (apart from pink CM at 10dpo which I assume was IB). I'm very excited about this because its telling me that things might be ok this time! Starting to feel a bit nauseous, am ravenous all the time and have the pulling cramps I think are normal at this stage (4+5). Just one question, yesterday I had LOADS of CM. It was like EWCM, mostly clear but some a little cloudy. There's not so much today but I was just wondering if anyone else had it at this stage - Dr. Google informs me its probably the mucous plug forming...

triple B i had the loads of ewcm - its scary but normal

meg :hugs:

tulip and kirsty lovely beans :)

i have a scan on monday will b 13+1 .... fingers crossed, that nudger is still ok x x
Third miscarriage confirmed this morning so I must leave you all. The very besy of luck though.
Hi All

Sorry to bother you but ......

I got my BFP on monday on a digi - have my mw appt set for 21/05 and 7 week scan 27/05. today I am just going 5 weeks ( last period 10/04 )

Since yesterday evening I have had a low dull backache in my lower back - could this be sinister? - my bbs are still sore tho???

I know really that no one can know but am starting to panic :(

Hey hb1 - glad to see you're all organised with your MW and early scan. Your EDD will be one day before mine! I've called the docs and waiting for midwife to call me back with appointment and going to book a private scan for 8 weeks - scary times huh?

I think at this stage aches and pains are pretty usual - I have the pulling tummy cramps and the odd twinge in my back. If it becomes painful though I would mention it to your doctor. I did have backache before my MMC but it was severe and very painful - not at all like what you're describing. From what I understand although the beans are teeny tiny at this stage, the uterus is already beginning to expand so little niggles aren't unusual. Try not to panic hunni, keep an eye on it and remember that being relaxed is the best thing for your baby :hugs:. xxx
~Thanks TripleB - I was really trying to stay brave - have had expected type cramps at front but I always associate the dull back ache with the start of AF - equally tho - I visited my Sister yesterday with her 7 mth old and could have pulled it picking him up - i just wish I knew for sure!!!! I think I'll be worrying from here on in!!!!
Sorry - just read up - Lamburai - very sorry for you loss hx
Yep constant yo-yo between joy and panic! I hope you don't mind me asking but what were the circumstances of your loss last time? Mine was MMC but there were signs from the beginning things weren't right. I'm telling myself in the absence of these all will be fine this time but I know that's not necessarily the case. To see a heartbeat at an early scan would really reassure me as there was just an empty sac at 11 weeks last time, measuring 7 weeks. What's the milestone you want to get past (apart from having a baby in your arms of course!) xxx
Sorry to hear about your loss Lamburai :hugs:

I though something was wrong with my baby today. Had stabbing pain everytime i moved last night. So did my doppler this morning and 1st time i tried for 10 min and could find nothing. Normally i find it in 30 secs sogot really worried. did doppler again 20mins later after a shower and it was a clear as day to heart the heartbeat was no mistaking it. Naugthy baby scaring me like that.
5days til my 20week scan :yipee:
Very naughty baby due! Maybe it knew that it had been naughty last night giving you that pain and was hiding this morning! Glad you're found him/her now - sounds like you've got a little bugger in there! xxx
Yes normmally its really comfy right near my hip. I have to press hard to get it normally but always get it there clear and i was pressing with both hands in every position and nothing. Prob scared i was going to tell it off lol.
Yes i can see me having a very naugthy baby. It already doesnt like veg as makes me hate them since i been preg, and not even born yet, i can see me having fun getting baby yo eat its veg.
hey TripleB

Last time I had my mw appt at 7 weeks Dec 8th - before I went I re-did a digi test which 3 weeks earlier had said 1-2 weeks and still said 1-2 weeks - the mw sent me straight to epu and the hcg blood tests conf the mc over the next 6 days - during which time I mc - it was the crappest birthday ever :( I don't know at what point the baby passed away so until I see my scan is all ok I will be a worry bug i think!!! I have been saying over and over that it is more likely ok than not but I do have a 50% chance of mc :( due to pcos...
Have you got a scan booked TripleB?
So like me, there is a lot riding on that early scan! I'm literally hovering over the booking page of the babybond website right now! I was going to wait until Monday (want to do a CD digi over the weekend in the hope I see 3+) but the Saturday I was looking at is booking up fast. There is an appointment on the previous Sunday when I'll be exactly 7 weeks. You've got yours for 7 weeks haven't you? Presumably you would be able to see a heartbeat then? Oh
Hi laides
just butting in a but sorry. i wasnt going to have an early scan as would have meant i wasnt allowed a datiing scan at 12weeks. but i had bleeding at 5 and 6weeks so go an early scan ay 6 weeks, and baby had clear heartbeat when i had internal scan. But i have knwo of people not finding heartbeats until 8 weeks.
I hope everything goes well with both scan.
triple B i think 7 weeks would be good time for a scan
Thanks Due, that's really helpful. I think I might go for that Sunday appointment at 7 weeks. Makes me feel happier that its only another 3 weeks to wait! xxx

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