Only if there is reason to suspect something is wrong, like spotting. You can't self-refer to our EPU, you need a GP or midwife referral. They won't refer me unless there's a problem or if I have a complete hissy fit but I don't want to get myself into a state about it (if you know what I mean). Have managed to convince my DH that its money well spent (well I hope so anyway!). xxx
I got mine as I saw a consultant re my pcos following my mc and he said that I should have a 7 week scan - I will still have a 12-14 week scan too...
So I booked it! Only 2 weeks on Sunday to wait! Then I remembered that DH is away the night before so need to check if he can get back in time for a 10am appointment! That's interesting that your consultant recommended 7 weeks hb1, I'm going to follow what you do then as you're obviously being well advised! My dating scan will be at 12-13 weeks at the local health centre, all being well. xxx
You're absolutely right Due, I'm worried stiff but trying to stay positive. I suppose there is nothing we can do about it and what will be will be to a certain extent. Your MMC was exactly the same as mine dates wise - found out at 11 weeks but sac measured 7 weeks. However, they're not sure if there was ever a heartbeat (they think the fetal pole was reabsorbed by my body as it was 4 weeks later) so to see one in a fortnight's time will be fantastic! I'm sure once that is over and all being well, I'll start stressing over the 12 week one! xxx
Im knocking but just visiting at the moment to scared to move in yet as i need to see it on my scan in the right place !
Got one booked for 28th May but I start my heparin injections next Wednesday 19th. So ill just visit from time to time till then if thats ok....
Im 4 weeks exactly today - 10dpo !
ooo all this talk of scans!!! I can have one whenever i like for viability but with my miscarriage i saw a heartbeat at 7+1 and baby died at 7+6so i was going to wait until 8 weeks (chance of miscarriage drops a bit after 8 weeks) but if my dates are only a day out i will still worry as i would be at 7+6?!?!? so my DH has said to wait until 9 weeks... but we are on holiday then so i would have to wait until 10 weeks... eeeeek! dont know what to do! xx