Bump! Any news ladies? Genders? Good appointments? I miss you all! I haven't had much happening. Just one checkup and nothing important happened. He's big and healthy. My next appointment is the yucky glucose test.
BlueButterfly, some think the drink tastes bad, I don't mind it too much. I say yucky, because it means no eating, no drinking from midnight until the test and I hate having my blood drawn oh I love the 3d/4d scans. They are so amazing.
MissMaternal, congrats on the girl! So exciting!
Lilrojo, don't you love feeling the movement? Its my favorite part of being pregnant! Congrats!
My update is I've had my 22 week scan & baby doing great , dh & I have decided not to find out what we're having so staying team yellow until the birth.
Baby has been kicking me loads but stops the second dh places his hand on my belly which is both annoying & rather helpful, especially at 4:00am when I'm being kept awake by little feet.
Im good had mw appointment last week and all good - measuring spot on - had another scan on saturday and martha was fast asleep then woke for a bit yawned a lot then went back to sleep! Couldnt get a 4d pic tho as her feet were in front of her face will gtry again in a few weeks! Shes getting into a nice routine of waking and sleeping now and boy do her kicks pack some punch - on the scan even while she was sleeping she was wriggling away but i couldnt feel the small movements - dh has felt her kick a few times and he's been on cloud 9!
weve moved house - yey the unpacking is slow going tho and we need to get the loft done before we can clear marthas room of boxes and think about buying baby stuff
Hey Ladies, we are having a little girl too! They are still watching her pretty close as she is very small, but seems to be just small by design for now. They can't rule anything out for sure but they don't seem concerned about her at this point.
I had my glucose test today. Nothing special. He has a nice, strong heartbeat and kicks like a pro soccer player lol. Next appointment is in 4 weeks, then they go down to every 2 weeks! I'm getting close!
So for some reason when i click on the last page it takes me to BnB homepage.. hmm hope your all well..
Had my 16 week appt yesterday.. not sure if i updated here or not since i cant see... and my memory went to crap.. lol hb was around 148.. baby was kicking at the doppler must not like it.. scan is on oct 12..
I had my glucose test today. Nothing special. He has a nice, strong heartbeat and kicks like a pro soccer player lol. Next appointment is in 4 weeks, then they go down to every 2 weeks! I'm getting close!
Hey Nichole- My apt went well I love my new ob, he is a high risk ob and he also lost his son so he totally understands my anxiety over the last scan details.
We didn't find out a ton of info, they can't really rule anything out unless I get an amnio which I don't want to do. They said she is still measuring small for her dates but that she did grow appropriately from her last scan so thats good. He is thinking she is just a tiny baby. The bowels looked better than the first ultrasound too so we are just trying to stay positive. Oh ya and if I didnt already say this its a GIRL!!
18+3 here now, feeling regular kicks and wriggles but still can't quite shake to thought that something's going to go wrong. I'm even waiting until after my 20 week scan on 30th Sep before we tell our boys, just in case.
Diverdi- I know what you mean. I'm 26+6 and I still feel like something bad is going to happen...even though my dr assures me the baby's great. I think it's just a combination of past experiences creeping in and making me doubt everything. Good luck, I'm sure you're gonna be just fine!
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