Mauser will they do any testing to see why this has happened again?? You and your family are in my thoughts.
Thank you for your kind words. The only testing that we have requested - at the moment- is genetic testing on little Iggy. Part of me only wants to know because I want to find out the gender. In our hearts we think he was a boy, and 12 weeks is early, but he looked like a boy. Because of our ages, (40 and 53) there's a high likelihood of genetic issues. I just had assumed if that were the case, we would have miscarried much earlier.
I don't know if we are going to pursue any additional testing. Iggy was an unexpected little surprise. We were certainly thrilled and soooo looking forward to Iggy, but we wouldn't have consciously planned on having one. Now that we have had two losses back to back, I think both of us are so traumatized that we won't even consider another one.
Part of it might be just flukes, or part of it might just be our ages. I have 3 children from my previous marriage (10, 12, 14) and he has 2 adult daughters (25 and 28). We had planned on trying back in 2008 when we got married and immediately fell pregnant. We lost our son at 24 weeks due to my water breaking at 18 weeks but the whole pregnancy was horrible. Iggy was a surprise, but it was a very healthy perfectly stable pregnancy until I started to spot, and then there just wasn't a heartbeat. Literally overnight he was gone.
With both these pregnancies, I have been on Lovenox (blood thinner) since a few years back I had blood clots in my lungs. They've tested me for everything and can't find any clotting disorder, but they think I might be extremely sensitive to the estrogen in BC pills (and pregnancies). So any time now I get pregnant, I have to do the shots. I don't know if there is a correlation to the injections and my losses, but it's just unbearable.
If we do (by some off chance) decide to try again, I don't know what more testing they can do- but we've been through so much heartbreak the way it is. We've been blessed with our children that we do have- we might just be content with that.