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Pansy & Mrsbroodypant.....and Lottie :-)

Oh no, I'm so sorry about your nanna. What a difficult time for you all. Telling your mum afterwards sound like a really good idea, give her omething else to think about & something to look forward to. Will this be her first grandchild? It will be my parents 1st, although DH's mum's 4th.

Glad to hear your hubby's looking after you well. I know what you mean about worrying each time you cough - I actually said to DH "I can't cough this baby out can I?"!

Can you believe it will a week since the BFP tomorrow? It seems like a lot longer than a week to me & yet also like a day ago.

Hope you get a good nights sleep & feel better tomorrow. xxx
Thank u!
This will be my mums 4th grandchild and my husbands parents 3rd. So we have had lots of practice with our gorgeous nieces and nephews!
Yes i cant believe its been a week tomorrow. Doesnt feel like ive known that long. Yet the 12 week scan seems so far away.
I hope we get rid of our colds soon. Ive been eating oranges lol to get some vic c.
Ive been trying to eat well and get 5 fruit & veg a day. Trouble is they dont have many calories in and as im slim i feel i need to make sure i eat enough so my body can cope. I read u are supposed to eat 2300 cals when pregnant and i only ate 1800 today! I have an app that counts them for me. I got it whilst ttc because i was worried i was underweight to conceive. Xxx
How are you feeling today? Any better? Our immune systems are meant to be lower at the moment aren't they, which is why the colds hang about so much.

We've been trying to eat loads of fruit and veg too. My GP said my iron was 46 or 43 when she'd like it to be over 50 when I had the CD21 test, so I'm trying to eat more iron rich foods. She said the supplements they prescribe have nasty side effects, so I'm trying to avoid them. Trouble is I don't eat red meat & I'm not a huge fan of eggs. We had omelette last night with spinach salad & I've been eating dried apricots (again, not a huge fan), so hopefully that will help. Are you taking supplements? I've been taking Pregnacare for 3 months. I bought the one with omega 3 this time as my pregnancy book said that was a good thing. It hasn't been delivered yet - I just hope it doesn't have the fishy after taste of other omega 3 pills I've taken! I haven't really felt like eating sweet things since before I found out. I just feel like fruit, so that helps. Don't know how long it will last tho!

You need to talk some sense in to me. As you know, DH has banned me from wasting money on tests, but today I feel a huge urge to take one. We have only done 3, 2 last Fri & one on Sat. I just want to see if line is darker & to check I am actually still pregnant, which is totally insane as AF is 10days late & nothing has changed since I got the BFP. I would buy the asda tests so that's £3.50 plus petrol to get there (15min each way) & I can't think of any other excuse to go to the supermarket, so it would be a total waste of a journey. It wouldn't show me anything I do not know & if the line wasn't darker, it would just panic me, so I so shouldn't do it should I? But I really want to! Have you done any more tests? I wasn't a POAS addict before, my AF was always so regular she arrived before I got a chance.

I'm off to walk to the doctors to try to distract myself! We booked a SA test last week, so they will have delivered the sample pot to the surgery. I need to collect it or tell them to send it back (I think it will be less embarrassing to just collect it). We live in a small village & I wouldn't want to explain to the receptionist in front of everyone why we don't need SA at mo!

Hope you have a good day. I'll be thinking of your family. xxx
I took 2 tests last friday (one line & one digital) and i took another line test on monday before i rang for my doctors appointment and the line was darker but i was scared in case it wasnt. Ive got a digital left and will do that soon as id like to see if it says 3+.
I only took more tests because i have them in the house. I wouldnt go and buy more. Its up to u though lol.
I wasnt a poas addict either.
Im going to the supermarket to buy more fruit and healthy things. Im only taking folic acid. I did buy pregnacare but they are big and i cant swallow them. Do u think i should get another type of tablet? X
I tested!!! Naughty Catherine!! One of my prescription items wasn't in stock at the drs, so I had to go to town to get that, so I decided that was fate telling me to test lol!! The line is still there - hurrah! It is only a little darker, but then this wasn't FMU, & it is definitely a strong line, so I'm happy.

I also looked at the baby clothes while I was there, but you will be relieved to know I wasn't tempted to buy any!! My cousins wife is pregnant, due in Aug, so if I get caught looking at clothes I can say I'm looking for her.

My GP told me to keep taking the Pregnacare when I rang on Mon, but that's probably cos of my iron level. Are you known to be lacking in anything? I think folic acid is the most important thing. I have only tried Pregnacare so I don't know how big other makes are, but I imagine they'll all be quite big. Your midwife will be able to advise wont she? I wouldn't worry about it till then if I were you.

Which fruit is tempting you at the moment? I love mango so buy a pack of that each time I'm at the supermarket. I am also really liking bananas at the moment, which I read yesterday are good for B6, so that's a bonus!

I keep meaning to ask, what do you think got you your BFP this month? Did you do anything different? Was it the clomid? For us I think it was that we were less stressed. My office was closed for 3 weeks over Christmas & while DH had to work loads at Christmas, he had had a few shorter weeks since New Year. We went away for his birthday in early Jan & just completely chilled. I think that helped. I was also not stressing as I knew I was being tested so I knew I would get some answers about why it wasn't happening at last.

Hope you bought lots of nice things at the supermarket! xxx
Congratulations on another bfp!!
I think it was the fact i had HSG done to clear out my tube and the clomid that got me my bfp. Over the months id tried many things like legs in the air or climax afterwards but simply u just need to get the sperm to the egg and i dont think i was ovulating properly before.
I love oranges and bananas and grapes. I need to find some new fruits that i dont normally buy.
Im not buying any baby things yet either but cant wait until the day i can. Very exciting!!
Yes i will ask the midwife about what vits to take. Im prob lacking in everything lol. A chewable multi vit would be ideal.
I havent had sex yet since bfp, have u? Sorry for such a personal question. I really want to but scared i might bleed and ruin things
I haven't either, I'm too scared! I asked the dr when I rang on Mon & she said it would be fine as long as there has been no bleeding. But then I keep reading about people bleeding & it freaks me out! I really want to too, keep dreaming about it (must be the hormones!). I said to DH at the beginning of the week let's wait till the weekend & give baby more time to settle in, but now the weekend is here, I'm still not convinced. I'm just as scared of orgasaming as actually having full sex.

It's a totally natural thing, surely it's fine? Surely if we couldn't do it nature would have found some way of preventing us? And loads of people who aren't trying & dont track AF must keep doing it before they find out they are pregnant & they are fine. Eeek! I'm really glad you asked, it so good to hear someone else is feeling the same!

I saw on another post you're not going to announce on FB. I totally agree with you on that, I just wouldn't do that. If people don't know me well enough for me to tell them in person, they don't need to know! xxx
I feel exactly the same way about fb. And i found it hard when ttc to see everyones fb announcements so dont want to hurt anyone who may be having trouble ttc.
I really want to have sex to lol and my husband certainly does! I dont want him to think ive got what i want now so he is no longer needed! I might try soon and just go gentle and slow. But if i bleed then i will totally regret it! I might jist wait to ask the midwife.....if hubby can wait that long!! I keep dreaming about it too.

Have u showed your hubby your test from today yet? X
DH just rolled his eyes when he found out I'd tested again! He was pleased it was still positive, but obviously not surprised!

Have you given any thought to names? We spent some time last night going through boys names, which was fun. He was reading from a section of mumsnet where they ask for advice on names (I can't believe how into mumsnet he is!). He then found website that generates names for you & we were laughing at what they came up with. I made a note of a few names we liked, but I expect it will change. In 2008, before we were even engaged, we chose a girls name & that's still my favourite. There is a boys name that we both suggested when asked by family members, me when I was 3, DH when he was 24, so we're considering that for a boy, although I'm not as keen on it now as I was when I was 3!! I just really hope my cousin doesn't steal our names in August! (We haven't told anyone what they are)

How long have you been with your DH? How did you meet? We met through Internet dating in 2005. My health problems meant I was pretty much housebound & he works shifts so could meet people easily. We emailed for a few weeks & then met up for a meal & the rest is history!! I find it weird to think that's how we met now, but it was obviously just the way fate wanted to get us together! I only had a 3 day free membership to the site!

It's a miserable looking day today here, how is it there? Not ideal seaside weather, but I'm hoping we'll still go. DH is still asleep. I woke up early feeling sick so thought I'd better get up & eat. This is only 2nd morning I've felt like this. Do you have much nausea?

Hope you are feeling better & have a nice day. xxx

We both like the name Chloe for a girl but dont have a clue about a boys name. I just dont seem to like many and the ones i do like have already been used by friends & family.

I met my hubby in 2005 as well. He is the manager of currys/pc world but back then just worked on the shop floor and i was in there buying a camera. I thought he was gorgeous and nice so when i left i gave him my number! Never done anything like that before but im glad i did! He text me a few days later when id totally forgot about it and we went out for drinks. Turned out he lived in the village next to mine and we had lots in common.

I hope u have a good day at the seaside and enjoy looking round the shops. Its quite bright here today. Im going to work now til 3pm!
Luckily i dont have any ms yet. Im keeping my cold more under control too with hot lemon drinks!
Im a sweet pea!!!!

And i took my other digital test just now and its still bfp....thank goodness :)


Yey for sweet pea! (What's a sweet pea? I thought it was a flower??!)

Congrats on your 3+. That means your HCG levels are raising as they should doesn't it, or else it wouldn't say the right week? How exciting! I read all the posts from US women where they get blood checks to reassure themselves the levels are doubling like they should & feel very envious that they can do that. But then it would probably just worry me!

I love the story of how you met your hubby. So brave of you to give him your number, but obviously meant to be! How funny that we met our husbands in same year, got married in the same year, moved house in same year & are now going through first pregnancy at the same time! When did you get engaged? It was 2008 for us. I wanted a long engagement (20months) as I'd been waiting so long to be a fiancée, I didn't want to rush it!

It was lovely to go to the seaside yesterday, it had its usually calming effect on us. We only stayed for a couple of hours as it was raining at times & I wasn't feeling well. The smell of fish & chips & fried food was turning my stomach, which was odd! The weirdest thing was that we called into Waitrose on the way home & I normally love looking at the patisserie counter, but all the lovely cakes turned my stomach as well. I don't think my baby has a sweet tooth at the moment!!

What are you up to today? We have invited my parents over for tea. We were looking forward to being able to talk openly about the pregnancy, but we found out last night my brother is home from uni for the weekend, so now we have to hide anything pregnancy related! It will be lovely to see him, I just hope we don't let anything slip! How are you finding keeping the secret? When we visited MIL last week, at first I found it hard to think of anything to say, as the only news I could think of was I'm pregnant!

Hope you have a good day! xxx
I think i sweet pea is just a little pea...im not sure actuallyha ha! Yes looks like my hcg levels must be rising. I expect the midwife would prob check them as well.
Strange how we have so many similar milestones! But i got engaged in 2009! Close tho lol.
Im glad u had a lovely time yesterday. Shame about the rain and food smelling funny. I had fish and chips yesterday!
Today we are going to visit my nanna in hospital - no change in her condition at present. Then we will do a bit of DIY at my mums/nannas house as we are ripping out her kitchen from 1961!!! My mum sold her house and moved in to look after my nannaa few years ago. I wont be doing much work now im preggers tho! But i need to look busy lol.

Just before xmas when we were still ttc, our best friends told us they were expecting and due in june. We were happy for them but we were ttc whilst they got engaged then married and we had expected to get pregnant before them. I told my mum they were expecting but didnt dare tell the inlaws as i felt i was letting them down and they would think it should be us! But now we have our own special secret, we told the inlaws about our friends last night. I didnt want them to see her in the village or somewhere and see her 20 week bump!!! We pretended we had just known a week and were vague about her due date. They didnt say anything about us but i know when we tell them in a few weeks they will be over the moon!! And im pleased they now know about our friends as i was worried about that.
I nearly told my mum by mistake because she wanted me to take something for my cough and i nearly said but is it safe when pregnant! But i just went into the kitchen and pretended to take it lol. Other than that its quite easy to keep the secret as everyone is focused on nanna.
What are u doing today?? X
Hello! How are you today? How did the DIY go? Did you avoid doing anything without making your mum suspicious? How was your nanna?

I know what you mean about feeling like you've let in laws down by not being pregnant. We haven't told my MIL about my cousins wife being due in Aug (diff side of family, but she'd still like to know). I have been sort of avoiding talking about babies, which must seem odd to anyone who knows me, but it was too hard while TTC. My sister in law had been putting loads of pressure on us since we got married, which i found really hurtful, but couldnt say.

My cousins wife told us she was pregnant when she was 7 weeks on Boxing Day - I had to go out of the room for a few minutes to pull myself together. I was happy for them, but also sad for us. Now I can't wait to tell them our news! It seems so long to the 12 week scan!!

Is your hubby going with you to the midwife appt? Mine would like to, but I didn't know if it was normal to. I wonder when my midwife will make contact...

I'm so sleepy today. I don't know if its progesterone or something else. Had to drive my brother to the station & could barely keep my eyes open. It's snowing here now, hope it doesn't settle. Do you have any? xxx
No snow here yet. I hope it doesnt start.
My nanna died this morning :-( so thats really sad. We are all ok though as were expecting it. I really want to tell my mum now about being pregnant but will prob wait until after the funeral i think.
Yes my hubby is coming to the midwife with me. I think its best he comes as they want to know family history on both sides.
I cant believe im going to see a midwife!! Sounds crazy lol.
Strange how we both avoided telling our inlaws about other peoples pregnancies.
Also, like your cousins wife, my brother and his wife announced their pregnancy round my house when i had cooked a big sunday lunch for all the family. I gave them a hug but had to leave the room. It was very hard as they had only got engaged in oct 2011 then married in dec 2011 and got pregnant in jan 2012. I hoped i would be pregnant by the time their baby was born but i didnt. Now their baby will be one when mine is born.

It works out alright being the last family member and friend to get pregnant as im expecting to get lots of hand me downs lol and my baby will be the youngest and the youngest is usually the cutest!!!
Oh dear, I'm sorry to hear about your Nanna. I hope you're all still ok. I'm glad you have your midwife appointment to look forward to. My husband will be hopeless at giving a family history. He is usually never ill himself & hasn't taken much notice of what other people have! I'll have to subtely find a way to ask his mum!
None of my friends from school have had children yet, although I do have other friends who have. My best friend doesn't want kids & doesn't seem to understand people who do. I think it will be tricky telling her. I've been sort of dropping hints about TTC for a while to try to get her used to the idea. She lives on the other side of the country, so it's not like it will affect when I see her really, I just hope she'll still talk to me on the phone!
I'm feeling the worst nausea yet today. I was awake for ages in the night feeling sick & I have had to really force myself to eat my breakfast. I've been lying on sofa for an hour, trying to get courage to get up. Luckily I woke up early, so I am not late for work yet!
Hope you're feeling ok. xxx
Aww poor u with ms. I havent got any yet. Infact i hardly feel pregnant and starting to worry that i might not be. I get bloated on an evening and sore boobs and tired but thats it! I dont know if u watch corronation street? I love it! But i remember that julie got positive tests and wasnt pregnant. After ttc for so long im finding it hard to believe.

Im sure your friend who doesnt want children will be very happy for u. Everyone will be!!!

I hope your ms has stopped so u can go to work without it xxx
They sound like good symptoms to me, I'd happily swap! I'm not extra tired at the moment, my boobs are tender, but I've been nauseous most of the day. My DH is working the late shift this week, so I had to force myself to eat tea with no one to distract me. I have felt a lot better once eating though, so a good meal was obviously what I needed.

I don't watch Corrie, the only soaps I watch are Neighbours & Home & Away. There are lads of threads on the first trimester board about people not having any symptoms, so I'm sure it's completely normal. It's still very early.

Are you excited about tomorrow? I can't wait to hear how you get on & what happens at the first appointment. Do you go to your locals drs or the hospital? We have to go to the little hospital (can't remember what they call them, cottage hospitals? Not a proper one with operations, just a little one) apparently, as the midwife has stopped coming out to us.

How's your mum doing? I hope she's coping ok.

Do you watch Call the Midwife or One Born Every Minute? I've never watched OBEM as I think it would scare me. I watched the last series of CTM but haven't watched this one as I don't think it would help! I'm taking it one day at a time, I'm not thinking about that part until I have to.

What are your thoughts on finding out what sex the baby is? I've always thought I wouldn't want to & thought it was a shame to spoil the surprise, but now I really want to. We probably still won't though.... At the weekend DH admitted he had a slight preference for one sex & although I wouldn't admit it, I have the same, although obviously we'll both be delighted with any baby.

Our neighbour as a very friendly chicken. This morning I left my car door open for a second & when I came back, I found the chicken in my car!!! She was exploring the drivers footwell! It is complete madness living here! Luckily she hot out of her own accord & didn't get scared & make a mess!


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