parents who dont vaccinate your babies??

I had the MMR as an adult as well because my mum couldn't remember if I had it as a kid :dohh: so ended up getting three doses (though at least that means I'm more likely to still be immune, always a good thing)
There was a mumps epidemic while I was at uni and everyone was given the MMR injection. I think I must have had it twice now, so luckily that means rubella immunity for both pregnancies.
Also I might be totally off the mark here, but aren't most allergic reactions 'treatable' when anaphylactic with quick administration of adrelin? Again not an area in totally familiar but wouldn't that be a course of action as tinytabby mentioned re hospital an alternative should that be a sole concern?
Also I might be totally off the mark here, but aren't most allergic reactions 'treatable' when anaphylactic with quick administration of adrelin? Again not an area in totally familiar but wouldn't that be a course of action as tinytabby mentioned re hospital an alternative should that be a sole concern?

Yeah pretty sure they are.
There are different types of allergic reactions to vaccination (and anything else really), one is anaphylaxis which is what you describe. However from my understanding the majority of allergic reactions to vaccines are not of this type. Even the vaccine leaflets describe a number of typical allergic reactions aside from anaphylaxis. Extreme swelling of the injection site can be another sign of allergic reaction, as can certain types of rashes. There are also delayed allergic reactions which are less acute and more subtle but can last for months. This is what affected my little boys. As far as I know being treated with an Epi pen would not help in these cases it would only help with anaphylaxis and there could still be an ongoing allergic reaction or further sensitisation to that substance going on inside the body.

There is also the possibility that allergic reactions could be implicated in certain disorders that affect that person later in life, the negative health implications of which could outweigh the potential benefits of giving that vaccine that causes such a reaction. For example Crohn's disease or severe asthma. So it's not as clear cut as it first appears and in most cases the manufacturers recommend just not giving that particular vaccine if an allergy to one of the ingredients is known to exist, surely they know their own product best? It astounds me sometimes that when it comes to medicines if they state a certain individual should not receive this medicine due to an allergy to it then this is respected but with vaccines people believe it should be given anyway and any severe reaction treated with an Epi pen. It just seems strange to me. Xx
I know that my surgery will not vaccinate without a dr 'in'. I would also assume that by the time mmr time comes you would know whether there was an serious reaction to egg/dairy etc. in kiddies.

The 2,3 and 4 month vaccines in the UK contain a bovine serum albumin which is a cows' milk protein mimic and the NHS advises it be avoided by those with CMPI/A however at 8 weeks not many parents know their child is allergic yet particularly if they are Breastfed xx
Sooooo this is obviously a little late to be joining the thread but id like to share my story :)

My family on my fathers side has had terrible side effects to MMR, and flu vaccines. I have one cousin who went into cardiac arrest from her MMR shot when she was a baby. Luckily she was revived and is fine. she never had any other vaccines as a child and her younger brother was never vaccinated because of this. my cousins children have also not been vaccinated because of the fear of what happened to her as a child. my aunt (the mother of the two) had a serious reaction to a vaccine as a infant and was hospitalized and had a severe reaction to the flu shot years ago and was hospitalized for a time. My grandfather fell unconscious almost immediately after receiving His flu shot approximately 6 years ago. My grandmother fainted and needed to be hospitalized one hour after receiving her flu shot around 9 years ago. None of my relatives listed above have never vaccinated since. I realize my grandparents do not really mean anything to this thread because they are not children and their age probably played a part.

I am skeptical because we are raised to think vaccines are made to help us, so I am stuck between knowing something hurting my family and doing what society expects from you.
I think when the time comes it is going to be a vary big decision and a hard fight to figure out if I will vaccinate or not. I will continue my research and hopefully everything will work out.

It doesn't help that my older sister is a ANTI VACCINE! lady, and I feel that she is one of those people who forces her opinions on you. I am a victim of that. She is also the kind of person who will judge you if you do not agree with her. Unfortunately, but maybe that helped make me a un biased person. Either way I will continue my research!
I followed the vaccination schedule with ds1 and with the mmr he was very poorly,high temp,hallucinations,rash,high pitched screaming etc.It terrified me and I refused it for dd and ds2.Last year there was a big push on catching up missed vaccines so I decided maybe it wasnt as bad as I remembered and do I got dd and ds2 their mmr1.7 days later they developed a measles like rash all over,ridiculously high fever,headache,hallucinations,my 6yr old daughter wet the bed every night having never done it,they lost weight due to not eating and just generally very unwell and unhappy.I havent taken them for the second dose as of yet,even though they are ok now.
It really is hard to make an unbiased decision when you have close family that is vaccine damaged. My niece had VERY severe reactions to her vaccines and still has issues to this day because of them. She is 8 in November and had the reaction to her 1 year vaccines.

I realize that she is the minority, but it's hard to feel like a minority when you are the minority. :'(
That was like my OB...I hemmoraged and got a spinal headache and shingles. He said that happens to 1% of delivering moms. He said, but when you are the 1% it is 100%. have to realise, for the MOST part, they are safe, they do save lives, and people suffered....more than those who have a reaction, suffered, and died and became disabled, before vaccinations.
I think that you can sometimes get away with not vaccinating now because so many children ARE vaccinated that it stops outbreaks and vulnerable children aren't really exposed to illnesses like they used to be.

I'm very pro vaccine, life is full of risks, even walking down the road could potentially be dangerous, I just try to avoid frightening myself too much by overloading myself with every scenario possible. I research the vaccine and then the illness and for me, that's enough, I haven't read anything yet that's made me think that vaccines are an awful idea and some of the research is so biased I take it with a pinch of salt. It's such a hard choice though - you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't!
I can undetstand if you dont vaccinate because of someone close to you that has had a devasting side effect. Thankfully my children have ne er had a reation, so i feel safe having them vaccinated:)
We vaccinated, many of my friends, never vaccinated... Would I get mad at them if my daughter got ill with something? No. If I didn't vaccinate would I still get mad that my daughter got something? No.

Vaccinations will NEVER be a 100%, they will never be a perfect way of protecting your child. the problem with today (Whooping cough being a huge one) is that people who are vaccinated are getting sick still. Why? because as we grow, as our immune systems grow, as our world around us change. Viruses change, they become no longer effective to vaccinations that they were effective with. Or the effectiveness of the vaccination wear off... SO ultimately the virus comes back.. This is something that will always happen.

Regardless of you choice to vaccinate, that is just that your choice. Your child may still get any virus you vaccinate against. Does this mean non vaccinated kids are more at risk. No, not really. Does this mean non vaccinated kids are passing illnesses around, no...

We all can pass illnesses, we can all get illness, we can all die from theses things regardless of being vaccinated. Will vaccination give you a little more protection, maybe. Maybe not.. who really knows..

Do what you feel is right and that's the best choice for your family. Anyone who looks down on someone for their choice is a bully and should just shut up.

As for vaccinations, my sister and I were fully vaccinated. She went to school to be an EMS (Emergency Medical Supporter with ambulance services). She needed to have blood work done to show what vaccinations she had received as a kid, and what ones she needed to be protected with. The blood tests showed she was not vaccinated for nothing. Thought at the time, she was fully vaccinated, and up to date with paper work documenting this. Why? did this happen? because she has a rare immune system, that apparently makes vaccines less effective or her body doesn't take them at all. Its rare apparently but does happen, and may happen more than we think. BUT we don't know, because how many people get tested to see what they are protected for when they think they are fully vaccinated?

Because of this, she has to be tested every 4 years, and re vaccinated for anything that may have "vanished" from her system. If she doesn't, she isn't allowed to do her job.

With that experience, my sister still chooses to vaccinate her kids too, however, she has little faith in how "vaccinations' work.
As for vaccinations, my sister and I were fully vaccinated. She went to school to be an EMS (Emergency Medical Supporter with ambulance services). She needed to have blood work done to show what vaccinations she had received as a kid, and what ones she needed to be protected with. The blood tests showed she was not vaccinated for nothing. Thought at the time, she was fully vaccinated, and up to date with paper work documenting this. Why? did this happen? because she has a rare immune system, that apparently makes vaccines less effective or her body doesn't take them at all. Its rare apparently but does happen, and may happen more than we think. BUT we don't know, because how many people get tested to see what they are protected for when they think they are fully vaccinated?

Because of this, she has to be tested every 4 years, and re vaccinated for anything that may have "vanished" from her system. If she doesn't, she isn't allowed to do her job.

With that experience, my sister still chooses to vaccinate her kids too, however, she has little faith in how "vaccinations' work.

I was not vaccinated for anything but Tetanus (Td, not DTaP). On my pregnancy paperwork, I tested as having Rubella immunity. To my knowledge, I've never had it, and haven't had the shot either.
As for vaccinations, my sister and I were fully vaccinated. She went to school to be an EMS (Emergency Medical Supporter with ambulance services). She needed to have blood work done to show what vaccinations she had received as a kid, and what ones she needed to be protected with. The blood tests showed she was not vaccinated for nothing. Thought at the time, she was fully vaccinated, and up to date with paper work documenting this. Why? did this happen? because she has a rare immune system, that apparently makes vaccines less effective or her body doesn't take them at all. Its rare apparently but does happen, and may happen more than we think. BUT we don't know, because how many people get tested to see what they are protected for when they think they are fully vaccinated?

Because of this, she has to be tested every 4 years, and re vaccinated for anything that may have "vanished" from her system. If she doesn't, she isn't allowed to do her job.

With that experience, my sister still chooses to vaccinate her kids too, however, she has little faith in how "vaccinations' work.

I was not vaccinated for anything but Tetanus (Td, not DTaP). On my pregnancy paperwork, I tested as having Rubella immunity. To my knowledge, I've never had it, and haven't had the shot either.

Its possible you could have had a very small form of it, two or three bumps.. but its strange what our bodies can do!
As for vaccinations, my sister and I were fully vaccinated. She went to school to be an EMS (Emergency Medical Supporter with ambulance services). She needed to have blood work done to show what vaccinations she had received as a kid, and what ones she needed to be protected with. The blood tests showed she was not vaccinated for nothing. Thought at the time, she was fully vaccinated, and up to date with paper work documenting this. Why? did this happen? because she has a rare immune system, that apparently makes vaccines less effective or her body doesn't take them at all. Its rare apparently but does happen, and may happen more than we think. BUT we don't know, because how many people get tested to see what they are protected for when they think they are fully vaccinated?

Because of this, she has to be tested every 4 years, and re vaccinated for anything that may have "vanished" from her system. If she doesn't, she isn't allowed to do her job.

With that experience, my sister still chooses to vaccinate her kids too, however, she has little faith in how "vaccinations' work.

I was not vaccinated for anything but Tetanus (Td, not DTaP). On my pregnancy paperwork, I tested as having Rubella immunity. To my knowledge, I've never had it, and haven't had the shot either.

Its possible you could have had a very small form of it, two or three bumps.. but its strange what our bodies can do!

Yeah, remember one time I was around 5 or 6 I had a random rash that was there for one evening, I swore I must have been allergic to cauliflower (tried it for the first time that night) and didn't eat it for never know! LOL. I was not sick often as a child and got mild forms of most things I got, so you never know...

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