Past and Present TTCers~ The continuation of IVF 2012 - present!

Kathy, sending you huge hugs Sweetie <3

Thank you girls!
I am so worried that they won't find anything / the quality won't be any better. The first doctor two years ago didn't want to do the TESE, because he said that sometimes DH produces (albeit very little) and sometimes he doesn't, that the risks that they would take tissue where there isn't any sperm is too high ... I don't want him to go through this for nothing ... He is such a champ that he has said he will do it, even though getting cut down there totally freaks him out :cry:
For people with blockages, they say that often they find good sperm in the TESE ... but all the urologists are saying that biologically he is fine and there is no reason for his poor SAs :(

I have thought that there must be a blockage somewhere because (I know .. TMI) ... there doesn't seem to be that much coming out IYKWIM? With previous partners, I seem to remember seeing much more ejaculate.... so in a way I am hopeful that there is some blockage somewhere preventing it all from coming out - but the urologists all say there isn't one ...

Definitely a cultural thing - here we do get stag nights and hen's nights - but it really is only because it has come over the pond ... I think baby showers are a lovely idea - as Likkle says though, I think most the gifting here happens from work / friends just before or just after the birth and christenings.
I have ET tomorrow. I am super anxious. Never been so stressed before though I know I should be a pro by now.
Will do personals later.
Just got the call that my progesterone was 18... kinda low normal. They said they like 15 and above, but I made them call me in some vaginal progesterone to add in the mix.

Now I am really worried!!! :cry: As if my doubts weren't as bad before, now they are really bad!!!
Hey snd, I wouldn't worry about 18 - for all of my 6dp5dt blood tests, my progesterone has been at or around 20 (except in August, when it was 50!) - I think that 18 is fine and if they like 15 and above, then you are perfectly in that range :hugs: When is your beta? :dust::dust::dust:
18 is fine also I think. Were you not on progesterone before? I thought it was most clinics standard to our you on progesterone. I think mine was 25 this current pregnancy with vaginally progesterone. Clinic was fine with that.
Good Luck Honey!!!!

I never had my progesterone tested?! I guess my clinic never thought it was that important. FX for you Snd! Two more days!!

Azlissie: Ah stupid auto correct doesn't want me to write your name, lol! Corrected it to Allie dies and All issues, WTF?! Food can be tough in any case so I can't imagine how hard it must be for you. Wow June is so close! How will this compare to his last surgery? I'm guessing this will be worse? Poor little Dawson such a trooper!

Babies are good. Very active and into everything. Baby proofing stage two to begin!
Beta is Friday. My clinic wants me to come there for blood work that day since the local hospital I used for Monday's blood work drug their ass in getting my results to them. Said they'd know in 2 hours (not even long enough for me to get back home), so I told them to call my hubby and tell him the news, cause if it's bad I wouldn't want to hear it driving home!

Went on lunch break and picked up my prometrium... got back to work and went and shoved one in as quick as I could!!! :haha: I've been on the PIO shots since ER, and have even been drawing a little extra in it everyday, but must not have been enough.

God, I pray everything is good!!! IDK if I can handle another bad blow... [-o&lt;
BUBU - You guys should start a new trend over there with the showers. Its nice to see all your friends and family together before the baby/babies come.
Our urologist really went to town when he did DH's TESE. He thinks its a blockage and a production issue. He found a few sperm, but most was in tissue. You just never know until you go in I guess. Totally going to be worth the pain….better knowing than always wondering what they would have found.

Honey - Good luck!!!!

snd - I used to put a little more in the PIO too lol…..I don't think it does anything lol
That makes sense with the pio! But ouch!! I don't think id be willing to drive 3 hrs each way for a beta.. Seems a little crazy! Maybe there is a better place locally? Fx for you! Two days!!
Hmmm - but I always thought that friends and / family organised the baby shower for the new Mother? Can't really organise one for myself :lol: I was thinking of organising one for my SIL - but the timing was never right. Did a lot of shopping for baby nephew while I was in Orlando in November.
I think it is a lovely tradition to have them and would be over the moon if it were to happen. ... but, as always, counting my eggs too early - need to get pregnant first :lol:

I've been doing some hypnotherapy every day. Originally, I had looked at the website because a lady on BnB had written about a pain-free, fear-free birth using natal hypnotherapy. While looking at the website, I found that there are CDs / MP3s not only for birthing, but also for general relaxation when TTC and for IVF (also for twin pregnancies / births etc.) - so I purchased the IVF one. There are three different tracks; an introduction, a pre-embryo transfer and a post-embryo transfer - so since I started the treatment, I have been listening to the second one. No idea whether it works or not, but it is great for getting half an hour's relaxation in there (and I am really deeply relaxed) and I guess it doesn't hurt. I think I have been sleeping better ...
Time is flying, can't believe - if all goes well - that I will be triggering Saturday night...

Oh ... booked flights to come over to the US again on Easter Sunday :) Visiting folks in Orlando again, with a weekend trip to Miami planned in the middle :)
Progesterone is fine!! With my son, it was only 15 and I freaked out. Was on shots with him. Then with my last boy, it stayed at around 22 until I switched from shots to suppositories at 14 weeks. All was well... Hope beta is good! You aren't going to test first at home??
Not testing at home. Thought about buying one yesterday, but I held my ground and didn't... I guess what is really freaking me out is that I have NO symptoms!!! My boobs are sore and I've had cramping, but I know it's from the progesterone! Tomorrow will tell the tail though!!!!! Hubby said he's not gonna tell me anything til we both get home together so we can talk about results either way (he has dialysis tomorrow)... that's gonna make that 3 hr drive home worse!!! But still I'd rather him know first.
Snd: Sending you tons of :dust: :dust: Good Luck tomorrow!!!! So when will you see DH? As soon as you get home? Don't worry about the symptoms I didn't really have any either.
good luck snd! no way I would be able to wait esp with the 3 hr drive...all those drug store you will pass! really pulling for you.
Only one I had symptoms with was my daughter and a pregnancy I lost. Nothing with the boys any twinge could have been tied to the progesterone. So don't discount that just yet. Good luck!!!
BUBU - It all really depends on the person really. All the ones I have been to, pretty much all the Greek ones, the moms do it. My mom was fully involved, but this is what DH and I do for a living, so it didn't take much for me to pull it all together myself.
oooooooo florida for Easter sounds great! Totally jelly!

snd - I had NO symptoms besides a migraine the day before I tested at home. Sore boobs and cramping from PIO is the norm, so I didn't even look into that either.
Good luck!
Snd: Thinking of you today, praying to hear good news! It's not often we have people go into a beta without testing. I'm on pins and needles so I can only imagine how nervous you must be. :dust:

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