Past and Present TTCers~ The continuation of IVF 2012 - present!

Bubu: 9 is great! Sorry the TESE didn't work. Sucks that DH had to go through that for nothing, lets hope the testing helps. You've put your body through so much TTC so I'm sure DH is happy to do whatever necessary. Praying this is your time! I hope you get your BFP as well as a couple frosties to keep your other one company until baby #2.

Stinas: Unfortunately sleep gets harder and harder. Hope you have a good time tonight. Hopefully you can help out.

Honey: :dust: FX for you to see two lines when you do test!

Snd: Great numbers. Thinking twins!!! When is your scan?

Likkle: Out baby out!
Hi Stinas <3

I'm good....waiting for my numbers to get back today. I had bloodwork done this morning to see where my beta is. Other than that nothing new on my end :)

That would be great is she did join....we are lucky to have each other ladies have helped me through so much and I'm so thankful for it!
Thanks Ladies <3 ... unfortunately - I know this sounds ungrateful - but I just can't get excited :( I am so used to everything going pear-shaped despite always having great fertilisation results ...
June 2012 - 14 retrieved, 12 mature, 11 fertilised
September 2012 - 11 retrieved, 10 mature, 7 fertilised
February 2013 - 23 retrieved, 18 mature, 15 fertilised
July 2013 - 12 retrieved, 10 mature, 4,5 fertilised
November 2013 - 13 retrieved, 11 mature, 9 fertilised

After so many fertilised eggs and still no baby in my arms, perhaps you can understand that even though I know we have great results, I just don't seem to be able to get hopeful and excited, even though I probably should. I just have ended up crashing too many times :( :(
Perhaps, against all expectations, I will get a nice surprise this time - but I am not hoping any more, my heart is down in my feet somehow :(

Likkle - so excited that your little one is nearly here :) :hugs:
Bubu...wish I could give you a hug <3 I understand what you mean...but I will still say my prayers and continue to have hope that all will end well and you will have your BFP <3 Keep your head up my love <3 You will have your BFP soon.
Just an least a glimmer of hope for me :) My beta came back as 10 today...I honestly was telling myself the numbers may come back between 200-300 and boy was I surprised! I actually had a smile on my face <3 so next week I should be at a negative and will schedule a saline sonogram...and from there they will let me know when I can start again :)
Yay Kathy, that's so great - and I really do admire you and your positivity!! :)
Kathy I'm glad the hcg is falling like it should and things are going as smooth as they can for such a bad situation. I always liked having something to look forward to.
Kathy - Thats great!!! I feel like mine took forever to go down! It is nice to look forward to the next cycle!

BUBU - I don't think you sound ungrateful! Its totally understandable. I would feel the same way if I were in your shoes.

Jenn - Sleeping sucks, but i love feeling those kicks!
Ok I'm going to try to get caught up here. Sorry for falling so far behind. The girls are going through some kind of crazy phase where they cry and whine ALL day long. Emma is waking up from 12 or 1 until 3 or 4 lately. Every. Single. Day. :sleep:

Congratulations snd . :wohoo: :wohoo:
bubu - good luck with your ER and Tese. You and DH are a strong couple for braving it.
Likkle - I hope you have an amazing birthing experience and the joy of holding the little bundle of cuteness in your arms.

AFM - My clinic asked me to call on the day of ET at about 9 in the morning. I called at 8:30 and was told that they dont have the results yet. I called every half hour till 11 in the morning to be told the same thing. I had almost given up my hopes on having my ET. Apparently the embryos were slow after the thaw. Then I get a call asking me to come down for ET at 11:30. I went in, only to be asked to wait another hour. The wait wen on for about 2 or hour hours. In the meanwhile I was told only one of the 3 embryos are good for transfer. I was a little upset as I was hoping for 2. But i believed that God had his best plan for me and stayed calm though the long wait was frustrating. Finally when I was prepped and went in for transfer, just a few minutes before transfer one more embryo became good and they put 2 back in !!That was really a pleasant surprise.

No more frosties now. PUPO with 2. OTD is 18th of Feb

I have just been in a daze after transfer. Trying not to think too about this cycle as I don't want to get my hopes too high. Just 2 days post transfer and I just hate the sight or smell of chicken. God knows what I am going to survive on. Chicken was always my favorite and I ate chicken at least 6 days a week if not 7.Now I can't think of anything I might want to eat. I'd take food cravings over food aversion any way. phew!! OTD is 18th of Feb. I don't know yet if I am going to test at home. Thank God for no more tests lying around at home or I would have driven myself crazy already. I am just so nervous and anxious. I know it is not the hormones , it is just my crazy brain.

Congrats on being PUPO!! Sorry about the long wait but I'm glad everything worked out.

Bubu: Good Luck!!! Everything crossed for this TESE to give you your BFP!!!

Honey: Congrats on being PUPO with twins!!!!! :happydance: Sorry you had to endure all that waiting but glad it all worked out.

Likkle: Out baby Out!!!!!

So I've been reading back through our old form looking for info for my baby books, makes me wonder about so many people. I hate that people disappeared and I'm missing them! Wantababy popped in here but no update. Great to hear from DrS and One. But wondering about so many others, Jchic, twoRdue, bluestorm, almostthere, etc.... Miss you guys!! Need updates!! Join our FB group, it's a great place to keep in contact. On a side note advice to any soon to be moms: don't procrastinate on your baby books it sucks having to go back through to find dates of movement, first kicks etc! I'm glad we had this form where I can find that info.

:dohh: I haven't even started the baby books. Life is just so busy. I do write everything down and keep an app updated with everything but when it comes to adding it to their books I've slacked. I need to do that very soon though. I feel like crap for not doing it yet.

Honey how you doing?

Snd those numbers look great! It's not something we do here in the UK!

As for me, after all the excitement at the weekend baby decided to hang on! Offically overdue and getting more and more impatient!

Fx baby comes soon!!

Hi All!
So some news from me ...
They already told me before I went in for the ER, that the TESE material was useless and they were thawing two straws we have from the one amazing SA he had two years ago *sniff* ... so I already had silent tears rolling down my face before I went in, as I felt so sorry for DH having to go through it all :(
ER went well - 15 eggies were retrieved ...
Afterwards we spoke with our doctor, he said that the TESE sperm were a) very few and what was there was all very bad looking. The only good thing about having had the TESE done i.m.o. is that his clinic is also sending in a sample for histological analysis and perhaps we will get some answers as to why we have to go through this?

Today I received the fertilisation results - 14 of my 15 eggs were mature and 9 fertilised. So now we are back in the waiting game to see how the little ones develop ... Transfer is on Saturday.

Great report!! I'm so sorry that the TESE wasn't successful. Fx the frozen samples were meant to be! :winkwink:

Thanks Ladies <3 ... unfortunately - I know this sounds ungrateful - but I just can't get excited :( I am so used to everything going pear-shaped despite always having great fertilisation results ...
June 2012 - 14 retrieved, 12 mature, 11 fertilised
September 2012 - 11 retrieved, 10 mature, 7 fertilised
February 2013 - 23 retrieved, 18 mature, 15 fertilised
July 2013 - 12 retrieved, 10 mature, 4,5 fertilised
November 2013 - 13 retrieved, 11 mature, 9 fertilised

After so many fertilised eggs and still no baby in my arms, perhaps you can understand that even though I know we have great results, I just don't seem to be able to get hopeful and excited, even though I probably should. I just have ended up crashing too many times :( :(
Perhaps, against all expectations, I will get a nice surprise this time - but I am not hoping any more, my heart is down in my feet somehow :(

Likkle - so excited that your little one is nearly here :) :hugs:


Just an least a glimmer of hope for me :) My beta came back as 10 today...I honestly was telling myself the numbers may come back between 200-300 and boy was I surprised! I actually had a smile on my face <3 so next week I should be at a negative and will schedule a saline sonogram...and from there they will let me know when I can start again :)

I'm glad your numbers are coming down like they should be. Fx that you can get started again soon!
I'm having a crazy day here. Everything and every where in my house smells like cat poo. I don't even have a cat! Why couldn't it be something else like cinnamon buns or coffee cake. Where did the cat poo come from. I have been burning candles and fragrances from the moment I woke up. I wouldn't be wrong to say it's the stench that woke me up in the first place. Today literally STINKS.

Bubu - I feel you. it is hard to have the same excitement after so many failures. I have had 35 fertilized eggs and no baby yet. It's almost hard to believe it takes so many tries. I hope this time it works for both of us. How are you after ER? How is DH recovering. I have no idea what the recovery process is like after TESE. You are always in my prayers.
It took me 56 fertilized eggs so I feel the pain also!!!

Honey you could test soon :) maybe the weird smell is a sign of bfp!!
Yep aversion to smells aka pregnancy nose!!! I had it bad in early pregnancy. Good sign Honey!!!! Time to test!!!

MrsC: Sleep issues suck! Did you do sleep training? Neither of my babies started STTN until 9 months when I finally decided to do sleep training. Best thing I ever did! Besides the odd off night they both sleep about 11-12 hours now and take 2 long naps (1.5hrs) daily. Before that I was up 4-5 times a night sometimes for an hour at a time and naps were horrible 20 mins. Bedtime is a breeze now too, they babble and play in their cribs on nights when they are wired and I just leave them. No crying and they go to sleep on their own. I used to spend sometime hours on those nights trying to settle them. No more trying to gingerly put a sleeping baby in a crib. If they do wake at night 90% of the time I don't go to them and they settle within minutes.
Jenn - sleep training sounds amazing.

I am hoping the smells are a good sign. Also late in the day I have been getting some pain on my side. A milder version of what I used to get in OHSS. I hope they are good signs for a BFP and not some random sprain nonsense.I don't intend to test early and face disappointment. Another BFN is the last thing I want to see. btw today is 6dpt of day 5 frozen blasts.
Tomorrow you should get a BFP I would think as it would be "12 dpo".. But I understand you waiting esp since some ppl dont get a positive until beta day!

i remember having side pain a lot in the early days.
I'm having a crazy day here. Everything and every where in my house smells like cat poo. I don't even have a cat! Why couldn't it be something else like cinnamon buns or coffee cake. Where did the cat poo come from. I have been burning candles and fragrances from the moment I woke up. I wouldn't be wrong to say it's the stench that woke me up in the first place. Today literally STINKS.

:haha: You made me laugh out loud at this! Hope it's a good sign!!!!! :dust:
Yeah, so I've developed a sinus infection since Sunday... was on over the counter meds and broke down and went to the dr. today and got some antibiotics.... sneezed and snotted so much I made my tummy sore last night and had a sharp pain in there... hoping I haven't pulled my little bean loose!!!! :wacko:

Also, um, don't know how to ask this... but what about :sex: after finding out your pg? Haven't thought to ask my clinic yet, but I have read some say wait til 10 weeks.... and I've already slipped up! :blush:

Any help? :haha:
Gosh don't get bd advice for me... We've only dtd once due to me having fears of bleeding or something going wrong lol. Feel bad for dh. Oh well! My clinic always said wait until after first ultrasound.
Honey - gross! That happened to me this fall! It ended up being a tiny little field mouse dead in my basement in the corner behind the door in the storage room. GROSS!!! Like WTF…it just had to find my house to die in! I felt soooo dirty, had the cleaning ladies come turn the house upside-down! lol
I agree with MO, could be a good smell sign though. Everything is heightened!

MrsC - ughhh sleep issues sound like they suck! Hopefully its a tooth coming in and she will be over it soon!

snd - Your fine to DTD! I was cut off around 20w….but some people go until they give birth.
Stinas _ I really hope I don't find something dead in my house.

Mo- I know I might get a BFP if I test today. But I try to wait another day. Also I don't want to try to figure out those barely there kind of lines.

Mo & Stinas - How was your baby showers. Can't wait to see some pics, or did I miss them.

snd - Feel better soon. When is your first scan. The little bean is snuggled in deep and a sneeze can't make him come loose.

AFM- I had trouble sleeping last night because of this pain on my sides. It is still there so I plan to take it light today. Just getting a little tempted to test already. But I only bought 2 tests and want to stick to my plan of testing on Friday or Saturday morning and then on the day of test so I know a BFP is not going to disappear when I go in for beta.

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